Yesterday, Server Down?
The host of the website was down yesterday for some reason. I was trying to open the website so many times, but it won't open. The question is:
How can you know if the website server is down or you might be having problems with your internet connection or computer?
The Answer is simple:
Open windows 'Run' --> Type there 'cmd'. It will open a small black window [Don't panic nothing went wrong there], type in there the following:
ping [it is typing the word 'ping', then hit the space bar, enter the website url and it can be entered directly like above or with, finally hit 'Enter' button in your keyboard]
Depending on the message that you will get there you will come to know:
1- If it gives you a Replay & Time, that means the server is up and can handle clients requests.
2- If it gives you Destination Host is Unreachable or Timed Out, that means that the server is down or you might enter the URL of the website wrong.
Hope that this post was in a help for the website members.
Best Regards
There's always a but, huh?
Works for me in most cases. But, hey, you're an expert!
Well, ..
If you check another website and it works, how can you still know where is the problem???? If a website works and another does not, it can be for a lot of reasons. Such as the web browser that you are using does not support java script, your firewall is blocking something, malwares and viruses sometimes would not let you open anything because of the search bars that yo got there.
I'm not sure about your technique, but sorry it does not help in most cases. :)
with regards
I have an easier way.
Try surfing to another website!