Yeeayyy!!!!!!! It's Thursday.........

By mjamille28 •
Yeeeaaaaaaay!!!! Finally, the last working day of the week!!! My favorite day, aside from Friday and Saturday of course, and i'm sure the same goes for most for us here... So start planning a fantastic weekend y'all!!!!
Thanx Pajju wish u the same too
Happy ramzan too
have a nice weekend Laters !!!
Dispute over with KSA??
lously r u still there
reply me
But it looks as though you've already done most of the just need to dispose of the body but with out pigs here the next best thing is feed it to the fishes....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Darude.. onion rings?
hows everyone???
am ready to drink till i die... lol
Whos ready too? not you mr paula, two beers birthday boy Hahahaha. propably you will felt sleep after the second beer this weekend too...
Wheres that smelly puppy??? wolfie red bull and what???
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
Going to Sofitel tonight for gadgets. Anyone wanna join me for a beer in the Old Manor?
Baldrick - Qatar's answer to Google ;o)
From the moment u saw me and ur aim is to find ur hands on my Ass.. Babzy.. i'm not gonna say dream on.. cz dreams might come true.. im just gonna say watch out if u want to keep ur hands ;)
As for the Serious Admiration!! Why not!! :D hehehehe are u jealous?!
Nice thread someone's going to make minced meat outa KSA... interesting..
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
u understand exactly what is going on in my head!!!! good.. u can have him.. do whatever u can do..!!! intolerable pain dont forget~!!!
thx Jessshan for the support!!!!!
Did I just read... "YOUR DEAR LOULSY" ... Wooo...Loulsy sweetheart, got some serious admiration there...eyyy girl... :P
DaRude...yeah yeah we shall see...remember for you we dont need anything...a freaking needle is enough to put holes in you my friend...or rather a Kitchen knife is enough to stuff right up to the place where the Sun doesnt Shine and your hand doesnt reach... :P
Loulsy...aaah on the side of Darude eyyy girl...dont forget...saiya...your azz shall be mine SMACK!!! And feed to the much starved people...say about a 100 can do for a 100 days...with your azz... :P Now You sure are going to kill me... I know...
Baka...hey lllo heyllo buddy hows you doing brother...long time...where art thou been...azzboy...?
I am sorry Mr. KSA...I should obey my dear lously..Shall we go to Butcher??
why i dont just use a seesaw machine on him and tear him apart first and then throw him into the grinder machine
darude use a mobile plant for him :)
thats why i said cut him into tiny pieces first.. double the pain!!!!! let him feel it into his bones.. stright into his heart!! :P:P
It seems like the butcher will be in pieces...I dont want to take risk
damn where am i going to find a grinder machine of that size why dont i just better use a poclain on him
the mean wolfie, the ripper back in action..
chopping, cutting...:)
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Do me a Favor and leave Khanan here.. take KSA Bhaiya with u.. let the butcher chop him up first and then feed him into the grinder piece by piece..
bye bye bhaiya.. will miss u definitely!!!
Why all the buddys are fighting for Khanan...
dont you try to act smart i am going to take you myself to the butcher shop and wont use the chopping method on you but will use the grinding method on you
Thats alright Saiya are not anyone nor everyone, infact you are not a "ONE" at all... LOL! :P You sure are going to kill me arent you girl...!!!
Khanan...heyllo darling haal chaal...well I know this week you have been cursed...and by the looks...let me self-proclaim that next week I shall be wanted to cursed...LOL!
I'm gonna hire a translator!!!!
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
dARLING darling Bhaiya.. I am not anyone nor everyone!!!
and I am sure the same can and will be said for Mjamille
Paaajeee kee haal hai??weell yah the curse "BZ" has bugged me and well kinda overloaded. and yeah abhi tu jawan hoon:)
you see this wolfie choping choping...making me useless.:) DaRuling the ripper...:)
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
DaRudeling...Heheheheheheheh Chop Chop Chop Chop....that was funny...
Khanan...hmmm what is this I see, zara bahut busy hain aap...spreading YOUR "WARMTH" and "LOVE- Filled" Greetings to everyone in the absence of Me and Darude...Hmmmm...Beta lagta hain kuch jawaani kaa bhoot chad gaya hain... :P
were u assigned the Ripper by any chance
so morbid you are Da...........
to the butcher shop on the wood and chop chop chop chop chop chop
wat exactly you mean by USELESS..:? kata sariya.....
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
I wasnt asking his hand in marriage.. he is for her all the way thru.. i was just wishing him a good day!!!!
lol Da... the wife can have him for herself...
Khanan wife does mind sharing she will even make khanan USELESS.
it was for lovely Loulsy...
but also a very warmer hi and hello to you the sweet mjamille28...:)
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
ur right.. but i dont mind sharing.. i'll have the warm greetings and u get the beautiful :P
oh its ok, didn't see that one... anyway, you'll never know till you ask right?
Im sorry to burst ur bubble but My Handsome Khanan was returning my warm greeting and hugs!! :)
khanan...... who you referring to? i hope its me, lol....
and very warm hi to you too, beautiful girl!
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
lucky uuuuuu I'm here till 5 :'( LOL
Khanan!!! Hello handsome!
yipeeeeeeeee its weeken.
and its indeed very bz...
alot of plans and lets see wat i can fulfill..
happy weekend to all!
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Then it's home time.....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
happy weekend too labda.........
HEllo Hello people, back after a down time...!!!
So whts happening in here folks...
Hows people gng on Thursday Noon!!! Almost!!!
As long as u give me the comibnation key or the spare key.. I dont mind ;-)
Its NEARLY noon.. LOL.. i can still say good morning :P:P
i feel like putting a lock on the Group now.
hehehe U missed us from Last friday?! y'day was Little sis's birthday and i promised her a party.. so we'll c..
.i cant wait for the witching hour later, hihihihi
WEEKEND !!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH !!! Have a great time everybody.
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
its nearly Noooooooooooooooooooon gal. make sure i do see you guys tonight
ui was thinking i want the time to pass fast.. then i was wondering do u think if i actually put the clock hands at 5 it will be really 5?! I can leave? LOOOOOL
I wish
LOLLLLL janeyjaney...maybe we'll get to see him in action tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow-tomorrow-tomorrow, tomorrow...ROFL
Have a great weekend to you too mjamille and all!!
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
lol Drac,.. i will find a sunscreen for you with SPF 1000 har har har har har.............................
Drac.. I have yet to see you again dancing with swords!
Morning People! Lucky u guys! I have to work tomorrow!!! I hate thursdays.. its like so near yet sooo faaaar
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
noooo...too dangerous for my evil skin
just chattin' in my coffin
2 moons last night...weird for a vampire :)
happy wekend for all
morning Drac... you out today, or in your coffin???
morning Drac... you out today, or in your coffin???
good morning mjamille tra la la
happy day ksarat
'rning Sir Paul
saabbah alkheer,maarlem Rizks
Morningz Jamailla n dear Friendz out there ....
Hav a Great Weekend ONLY after U Finish ur work today ..( Especially KSA )...LoL
lol, morning ksa.... it's definitely a good day today, to finish everything at work, so that Friday will be all fun, fun, fun.....
be open.
Lets go, Beer !
Good morning fellas,
Wake up wake up now...its a Thursday you can sleep and laze your azz around tomorrow not today...
Lets get on and finish with work asap!!!
O Well...Thursday indeed...!!!
Great...!!! And I dont feel like doing anything today!!!