Xiang Xiang has Died
I'm actually pretty sad about this.
Xiang Xiang, the first panda artificially-bred and raised in captivity has died less than a year after being released into the wild.
Xiang Xiang being released into the wild, April 2006
I can understand why people are so upset. When I worked in China, every other day the news carried an "And finally..." stories about the pandas. They are so cute.
But I think it was necessary to see if the captive bred pandas can start to survive.
The panda breeding programme in China is quite successful. But what's the point in breeding so many pandas if they're all going to end up living in captivity?
They have to figure out a way to release them into the wild. And I'm sure there will be other pandas who will die after being released in the future.
But the scientists will learn from the experiences and at some point they will figure out how to successfully release captive bred pandas so they can survive in the wild.
Scientists using all their god given brains against the Law of Nature:
They have artificially bred and raised after some time leaving it in to the open and say now its your turn you try to survive your self or u die.
Some elders you to tell,"Kids fed with Milk it self is not surviving now a days, then kids fed with poison will they serve."
I mean natural bread is not survivng these days.
Scientists should not go against the Almighty the Creator
Very very Sad...
Since i saw Panda in Hongkong, it captivated my heart...
very true. think I am confusing this furry lovely with Chi Chi from London Zoo?
They said they prepared it but how can you teach it what its mother didn't. Like novita said, it shouldn't have been released.
so sad, I felt like I loved that panda if it was the same one I remember from being on the news regularly over the years. do you think they prepared it in any way for going to the wild?
I totally agree with both of you, apparently they "trained" it. You can't mess with nature.
It is sad that the panda was put out to fend for itself after being bred in captivity
In my opinion, unfair for releasing the panda after being captived for so long. She wont be able to look food for herself.
I wonder how many of them left in the world now.