X-Men may be closer than you think

Small damages to sequences in the human genome are causing evolutionary changes in our DNA, according to a group of Japanese geneticists.
Their recent findings prove that a common form of DNA damage caused by oxidation (called 8-oxoG) is a primary cause of mutagenesis, damage to DNA during the genome replication process that causes mutations in the resulting DNA molecules.
Succinctly, the human race is genetically mutating, and we now may know how and why--at least in part. What is your stand on this?
deborah, One pack of Viagra for me Plz ! :(
privattteee, what is this? You are posting that pic as a spam in every thread.
evolution is only a theory. no one can prove it. But creation is a valid argument.
it takes million of years to notice an evolution... how bout the evidences they found in caves?
i don't believe in evolution. there's no evidence for it.
Charles Darwin is wrong.
Brit, physical evolution may have stopped, genetically it would continue....
It has with some people :O(
evolution does not stop,
Mutation and X-Men , who can morph into another being are two different things..
evolution is still going on....
there is another movie in the making Flor
I don't understand! Lol! Will there be x-man movie again?