Would you try it?

For any parents-to-be, the baby's kick inside the womb are exciting moments. But many a dad would probably admit to feeling a little left out at times.
Now, a U.S. team has come up with a novel way for both parents to experience their unborn child's movements in the womb.
They have developed a pair of belts that allow fathers-to-be to feel their unborn baby kick.
The belt has been developed by the nappy manufacturer Huggies, in conjunction with the creative agency Ogilvy & Mather Argentina.
The belts can be worn by expectant parents allowing the father to feel the baby’s movements as they happen.
After four months of development, the nappy brand has released a video showing the belts in action.
The footage shows a pregnant woman fitting the white, bump-shaped belt around her waist.
Her partner is then seen to put a similar device around his waist - and the two are connected.
The belts, one of which is designed for the woman (pictured) and the other for the man, can be worn by expectant parents allowing the father to feel the baby's movements as they happen
It then shows the man’s tearful reaction as he feels the baby move as though it is inside him.
One father said: ‘I feel her moves. I feel her kicks.’
Another said: ‘He’s moving a lot.’
It's still not clear whether the belts will come into production in the near future, however.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2340309/Fathers-feel-unbo...
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nothing else to do ? ...then why not try tat belt ? :)
LOLS Stealth good for those jobless guys checking the bellys
nothing else to do?
I don't think its quite the same thing Rizks. ;)
LLR these kind of touching acts may lead to another baby Issues LOLS
namby Pamby, wishy washy, pc brigade supporting gimmick!
No, I would not try it ..
YES there is side effects, after 9 months the husband will be pregnant....:)
Any side effects?
Cant we wait for 9months until the baby comes out and kicks us where he/she wants ? :)
My husband keeps trying that, but every time he touches my belly she stops kicking. My son did the same thing.