Would you like to live a different life ?

Well , what's stopping you? What type of life would you like to lead ?
John and Pauline Jerzyszek have been living the life of Red Indians for the last few years.
Mr Jerzyszek added: ‘We were both Christians. It’s not like we’re pretending to be native Americans, we have just found our direction with this. The first time I heard their drums I was moved to tears.’
There are also pictures of animals which hold a special place in the belief system they follow: the wolf, for example is ‘the teacher’, the bear ‘the healer’.
The couple’s chosen path means they like to help those less fortunate than themselves. They have spent time living with Lakota Indians in America and travel to pow-wows (it means a gathering of like-minded people, they explain) all over Europe.
I want to visit a pow-wow! I will buy a Tomahawk from there.
hmm....all I am missing is about a billion euros....lol
Fair enough - they are not harming anybody; good for them :-)
Nothings wrong with it as long as they don't mind looking like pretentious hippies.
Come on now.. They are living a life that makes them happy. What's wrong with that ?
I'm happy with the life I choose..I just need more freedom..:)
ROFLMAO. What a crock of poo. Man I can't stand hippies.