Would you find this offensive ?

I was intrigued by this. A California company has launched an ad campaign that features billboards showing a U.S. soldier embracing a woman masked in a burka.
The campaign, launched by the sleep-aid company Snore Stop, includes the Twitter hashtag '#betogether.'
Campaign: Snore Stop says its campaign is designed to depict non-traditional couples
Company spokesperson Melody Devemark says the campaign is designed to prompt conversation about stereotypes.
'We wanted to find locations that would grab people's attention. Snore Stop is a product for couples and we want to show couples that you normally don't see in advertising,' Devemark told CBS Los Angeles.
Read more: dailymail.co.uk
“If they pass by some vain speech or play, they pass by it with dignity.” (Qur’an, 25:72)
“And when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with ‘Salamaa’ (peaceful words of gentleness).” (Qur’an, 25:63)
salx85 - who were you in your previous QL guise ?
this is a very good attempt to help broaden the narrow minds of mean earthlings... i support this campaign and pray the soldier grows a beard..... HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH .... that would go well with the burkha ...
Thelonius: Are you saying soldiers are stupid ?
Or soldiers should not be shown in uniform in such pictures
I see a couple like this in a picture and think isn't diversity wonderful.
1- A fundamental Muslim that sees niqab as a mandatory religious requirement doesnot put makeup and display herself in public.
Only those who deal with niqab as a tradition are the ones who put extensive makeup.
2- If you see a soldier in a picture this should indicate power - if you see a scientist this should indicate knowledge - if you see an engineer this should indicate inteligence........etc. If you are not getting the message so I'm wondering who's is sick.
i would find it offensive if both were nude...but both are dressed in a proper way so i do not find it offensive
My Cuban Shot Putter had Blue / Green eyes :O)
Yup. She could be anything under that niqab. And there's absolutely nothing offensive about the ad, unless you're against inclusion in a multi-cultural society.
No, but her eyes look blueish or green, which I generally associate with white skin coloring. Though it is possible with other races. Needless to say, the niqab makes it awfully hard to tell what race she is, so I'm not sure why hislam assumed she was Arab.
soooo OFFENSIVE !!!
hislam:So you’re basically saying it’s an Arab quality to keep women in passive and subordinate roles?
hislam:So you’re basically saying it’s an Arab quality to keep women in passive and subordinate roles?
Actually it turns out the couple in the ad are a real couple as well: http://fox5sandiego.com/2013/10/30/head-turning-billboard-coming-to-san-diego/#ixzz2jQ3VQ7eG
Hislam, why do you assume she's Arab? She's wearing niqab. You can't really tell the color or her skin, her hair and her eyes could easily be those of a white woman.
hislam: It is conceivable that he is Muslim also.
does this ad also means promoting sex violence in the middleeast!! doesnt seem quite easy about this ad..
OK, being more to the point, I do find it offensive. For us, Arab, it's gender based. I'm not sure if it is the same for Americans; but I'm wondering why they chose to represent the American by a male soldier (indicating power and strength) and the Arab / Muslim by a a very tenderous female. Nevevrtomention, the religious background and traditions being against this mix as well as displaying it publicly.
I find it Offensive... I really dnt like this... I am very pocessive about my religion...
hislam: I find your logic confusing. There are millions of mixed race couples in the USA.
What if it's the other way round? Would an American find it offensive if the billboard displays a male Arab in a white abaya and dishdash embrassing a blonde girl with USA flag on her(>>>>)?
Offensive? Not at all!
It’s love! It’s beautiful (:
“Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love.”
P.S. the dude does not look like the type that would be admitted into the army if u get y drift lol.
I read an more in depth article on this, and the company said that the couple in the picture are based off a real life couple, and a Muslim group in the US said that this was fantastic because it's showing that Muslims are now accepted and part of the mainstream in America.
Not offensive....but I fail to see hwo that's gonna make me buy into their product!!???
Honestly it's dumb!!!!
It's like putting up a photo of a mexican parade then saying, Meyer-Hatchet attorneys of law hehehehehe
Are they - Snore Stop - registered at Qatar Exchange ?
I wish to invest a few thousands in their shares ..... Sun, 03.11.2013, 15.32 hrs
A true couple won't snore , they won't be able to do it while awake. Sun, 03.11.2013, 15.28 hrs .
Zafirah: shame on you :)
not offensive at all.
and the guy is good looking...
The fastest spreading religion in US is islam, and mostly women. so they are getting ready to see the wives in a new attire. :)
Not offensive at all but attention grabbing and intriguing yes. Seeing that pic many a questions can spring to one's mind: Is he Muslim? Is she American? How did they meet? Does he snore too? Etc..
Rizks: It's expensive. Better to keep doing what you do now.. Just cover your head with the lungi to drown out the noise.
thanks nad, got it !
Can it be used by non-married guyz too ?
Rizks most of the times only couples sleep together and suffer if other is snoring, now u get it???
only couples snore or wat ?
Rizks: The picture is of a couple. The product is aimed at couples.
I would have liked to have a picture like that with my Cuban Shotputter :O)
Why would anyone find a picture of two people at peace with one another "offensive"?
Are their hearts just consumed by hate and anger?
I wud say, the guy is very beautiful he he..
It's not offensive, but it is catchy. It will depend on how people will see it. If you place this banner in a middle of a war, then it denotes something to promote peace. But if you place this one in nightclubs or bars or something, then it will symbolize something as prostitution or abusive to women. So really it depends on how people will see it or where people will use it.
About the Q, nooo I dont find it offensive, its quiet captivating as I see it.
They are promoting controversy to promote their product.. Simple..
Question: Do you find it offensive
The guy luks like a girl, so I thot they were promoting same sex marriages or something.
and how does tat pic STOP snoring ? :(
they need to find sum other way or advert to sell their product
offensive then
Baburao: It is an advertising gimmick aimed at getting attention for their product.
billboards showing a U.S. soldier embracing a woman masked in a burka.
what is the purpose ?