Would like everyones opinion on the Pearl!

I would like everyones opinion on the Pearl????
It looks fantastic! But the prices are extortionate. And I am curious as to how prices can hold up when looking at supply and demand. As they plan on building 40,000 units on the pearl alone. And even more in damacs development for the Piazza.
Obviously Qatar has the great factor of being the only country in the world which has ships to transport its natural gas. And therefore has a great future and economic stablity. Plus companies pay for expats to rent out the facilities.
But judging from the job offer given to my husband.. Are enough people earning the kind of money that could afford to live in Pearl prices???
So far the prices are roughly about 2 bed £375,000 or 2,555,000 QR - a villa for 12 million QR! with private beach front.
And who do you guys think plan on living on the pearl????
lol the greatest of stock markets bubble..
Is that what your comparing the pearl to ngourlay!
MashAllah.. mmmm a good point!
south sea bubble
I just don't know how to respond PM! May Allah have mercy upon you and me InshAllah alahumma ameen.
mm well maybe I should clarify myself a bit! As this is the correct manner of a muslim. And remember another manner is not letting people know your afflictions as this is between the person and Allah SWT.
Actually the reason for the purchase is to make life easier for my mother in law who has raised my husband to be the loving and caring person he is and deserves all our love and support! And if she happens to love a clean and brand new house then we will do everything in our power to provide it for her. Even if we must live simply as a result!
I just don't think it is wise to throw my money away as this would also prove to be unIslamic! As Allah does not like those who beg. And we should try to leave our children in a good financial condition when we pass away.
My mother is not a muslim. She's a workaholic who I saw very little of growing up and now. Bragging about what she does for a living would be pointless to me! While I am happy for her.. I don't always relish the fact that the children and I rarely see her! Or the disappointment that she has a daughter who has chosen a completely different path than her own.
My husband is a very knowledgable man. Who has done great things for the muslim community. The Prophet PBUH said the best of men are the best to their families. And my husband is the best of men. I don't deserve him and everyday I wonder when this treasure will be taken away from me. He works hard during the day, helps me out around the house, guards his chastity, plays and teaches his children, and gives me islamic lessons every evening. As well as participating in the community and being steadfast in his beliefs. And true to form he takes his responsibilities very seriously!
I'm sorry if all these things seem impossible to you PM. I'm grateful for my experiences and blessings. And even my afflictions are positive for me. MashAllah La Quwatta Illah billah.
either for money laundring or financing terrorism
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
if not an investment and not for living, then why asking the question?
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Who said it was an investment?
Why to worry about investments since life is a passing enjoyment?
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I don't plan to live there! I plan on living somewhere far more simple and near to the scholars. There are alot of knowledgable Scholars in Qatar who can teach us the deen and Classical spoken Arabic and grammar. InshAllah Alahumma ameen.
Why dedicate my life to the duniya when I know it is just a passing enjoyment??
Am afraid she has to know who would be her neighbors before making a decision. What if some of them were "Kuffar" or those in the same floor drink alcohol?
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
not that it makes a huge difference (although it may to some, but 2.5 million QR is 345,000 GBP NOT 375,000
The Pearl project is simply a an upper class project which is supposed to be a landmark location which will probably fill out as the population of Qatar increases in both expats living and tourists. I agree that some of the prices are quite high, (although much lower than the premium Dubai properties), however if something cheaper is needed, the pearl simply isn't the project you should be looking at, UNLESS it's for an investment.
(link removed - mod)
1.5 Million estimated rental return 20,000 a month
21st Floor corner plot Zig Zag
Fingers crossed and all that
Discounts depend on who you know I am afraid, the fact that the discount has been offered and I know its a fact makes me think others could get a similar discount.
I got 5% just for mentioning my employer, negotiate, or WAIT and see, there are tonnes more blocks coming on, credit is tight around the world offers can be made maybe accepted.
The World is about to enter a hefty slowdown, they will not shift all those flats, beat them down, NEVER pay asking price, keep in touch with them and they might come back to you.
I would say this though, at the VERY beginning Qataris were buying 10 flats at a time, waiting a year then selling 5 flats for double the amount they brought theirs for, paying for the other 5 flats. Diamond Girl on here is an example of that.
Keep it 5 years and sell, and sell before Loisil is finished, then supply will far exceed supply unless this country has turned its self around and really become the Switzerland of the middle East. We shall see
Wow! 40% discount?? You'd have locked in profit right away! I didn't know it's possible to bargain like that on properties here (other things yes). Who did your friends deal with (or yourself for that matter)? Care to share?
fantastuc and nothing else.
Im the one and only
hey novi..no i am coming back to Q tomm.been in Dubai...YOu go the mug..thanx babe....we will catch up soon....
oi ....nadt where r u going ? what i am gonna do with your mug from DaRuDe?
glad u can laugh, i was furious..lol..will pm you later...sadly leaving tomm...
lol nadt.. I'm laughing now! You'll have to pm me about your trip to Dubai! And tell me the places where you visited!
thats right PH..they even stained it..a whole bottle of dettol was needed..bloody idiots....
Pearl facilities will be available for workers also ;)
Pearl is for a special class.
We should be happy if there is no road / toll tax for non pearl residents to visit and go around.
You can borrow mine at any time :)
No need to take the Road. Take the speed boat to doha.
of the pearl. 50,000 people or more. I would not live there if you paid me. Think of the traffic jams.
lol nadt..
At least they could have flushed the toilet!
PH..she doesnt ask for much ...does she...lol...never used b4 toilet , forget it. We moved into our F/F apartment..new building, we were the first ones to live here and the bloody builders used the toilet...........could clearly see it....yuckk....
Aviduser that would be perfect if we could get a 40% discount.. Is it just wishful thinking?
Hubby is terrible at negotiating too!!
How many bedrooms is the flat you purchased?
mm you mean flip it stealth.. I can't see it happening like that with these prices!
This would just be a purchase for my mother in law so she doesn't have any hassle every six months. And she has a sort of standard of living that requires a new build never been used before toilet . I know I know.....
Two of my friends have brought on the Pearl but at much more reasonable prices, prices that I think were fair.
Now I think they are over priced BUT I do know that people have secured upto 40% discounts so Its possible to get something closer to a bargain.
So my tip don't pay anything close to the asking price, long term I think and hope its a good bet, I own on the Zig zag my faith is in the Country getting better. (So far to be honest it hasn't with regards to Laws workers rights etc) but fingers crossed, although to be fair it is better place to Live than when I arrived. If that makes sense.
Good luck
I think its affordable in a business sense. book it now and sell it after a few months you can get a tidy profit.
I agree with qatexpat...Doha isnt a really stimulating place to be in....I'm in Dubai now(first time here) and i would suggest people buy here, this place is great and even if its expensive its worth it....As an expat who would really buy or live in Qatar, unless you had to...
hmm mis cat.. that is one of the things I thought about as well. Who would really want to buy there???? Whereas in Dubai it is an up and coming place with loads of major businesses setting up shop. And even then I still think some prices will go down in the next year or so!
I would think foreign private funds would buy these residences, then either sell high or rent high. Their vision would be similar as what you have pointed out. As long as the govt restricts foreign home ownership here, supply would be restricted.
The prices here are not really unimaginable. These funds also purchase many classy villas and houses in my homecountry, esp the Peak. They are talking abouts HKD0.3 billion (QR0.15 billion) for a house, and no private beach front. How many HK people could buy even just a toilet in these houses?
I know of ex-pats who have brought there and claim they could sell now and make a HUGE profit.
here in doha when for the same money ou can find a nice little island to purchase and unless Qatar is willing to look at some of its laws and stances on certain issues (pork and alcohol being some of them) then no one outside arabia would be interested.
by my calculations a 2 bed property would be about 17,000 QR for an 8% rental return. And that doesn't include association fees either!
Even the high ranking, high grossing expatriates may not choose the Pearl. Why should someone pay so much of money to own something on the coast of Doha when there are other, more attractive destinations available to invest in ? You can spend all the money you want but can't change Qatar's desert climate - the sand storms, the humidity, the plain searing heat for most of the year, the list goes on...For me, a place with a temperate climate is definitely more attractive AND its not as if the Pearl is cheap or something !
mm raider that could just be wealthy expats, investors and Qataris inflating the prices.
Just like America the crunch time will come when they are released or buyers realize they are too expensive to demand the proposed 8-10% return on rental income.
princess habibah i dont know how many these high rank officials but since they put on that price, there must be a market.
i go to the pearl site most of the time and the transformation they need to work on to make it the pearl...is unbelievable...to start with the land has been reclaimed...thats why it is too pricey...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
I would guess that the majority are being bought by companies and a few rich Qatari's, with a view to renting them long term or short holiday let. The rents are so high here, they could get their money back plus more quite quickly.
------------------------------------------------------------ "Every adult of sound mind, should be able to choose to do whatever they want, as long as they cause no harm to others".
But if the demand wasn't there, they would be overpriced, not selling and drop like lead....but that's not happening...so clearly, SOMEONE is buying...I just don't know who lol.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
If one has to spend that exhorbitant prices for two bed- beach front, he/she would be more than satisfied in investing the same in his/her own country that would give the privilige one deserves and piece of mind... of course
mmm still doesn't answer my question.. I mean how many people are "high ranking officials" or professionals who are willing to splurge to live there??
Any professionals on here who would rather save money then spend it on luxury accommodation(spell checker)??
Cuz these are london prices!!!!! (almost) lol
i think the pearl is for high ranking officials in middle east and for the millionaires/billionaires of the world....
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
"Make a difference or make way"
Tried to get one there but I ran a bit late. They said it sold off in like 60 minutes. Oh well......Maybe buy one when the oyster comes along.....
Only for classy high born people like you Princess. Not for the unwashed masses like my friend Charan.
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown