World's meanest parents?

Felt so sorry for the kid - especially when he burst into tears..
A mother tricked her son into thinking she bought him an Xbox .
The clip shows the boy looking up with excitement as a green box labelled Xbox 360 peeks through the wrapping paper - only to discover it's filled with clothes instead of the gaming system.
Laughter erupts in the room as his brother eggs him on from behind the camera, seeing the boy is upset.
'Jonathan you need winter clothes, what did you think it was?' he asks, adding, 'Jonathan we can't afford an Xbox 360... so look at the camera and cry.'
Daily Mail
I am a mother of four and believe me - my four have to work for what they get as presents - I am not a pushover.
Mine do get clothes as presents as they like the Jack Willis (?) stuff etc.
Mine get one main present at Christmas and after that it is what they need - not what they want.
In this case - this was not a rich spoilt kid (like ours/mine) this was a child that had asked for something and the family could not afford it.
It is sad they could not afford it - but to humiliate this child because they could afford it - was unforgivable.
Cabbage I also do not approve of what that family did! It was really uncalled for. I said....if they would have just given the clothes to the child in a clothes wrapping, that surely would have brought a smile on the kids face!
I see the point you are making. I don’t agree in this case though.
This child had at one point asked for an X Box and he may have been a pain in the butt asking for one - however, you do not humiliate children.
There are so many kinder ways to let a child down.
The family did not only - find an X box, they filled it with clothes - they set him up and then filmed him being disappointed and then uploaded it to YouTube.
Nice family? I think not.
A gift is a gift!
The same clothes could have made the child smile if it were packed like clothes!
Kids do not forget and this was cruel.
Take it easy guys..children forget things fast. If he gets the same item after a few days, he will overcome this dissapointment soon. Agreed, this shouldnt be done to a child, but nothing serious.
Correct........ unfortunately!
perhaps no harm was intended, but harm was done to the child :o(
Poor lil kid.....It is truly upsetting to an adult,thus even more of a dramatic moment of a child! I'm sure they didn't think about it throughly...just an impulsive behavior and no harm was intended!
yeah, really mean parents.... can't understand how they get pleasure from seeing the tears, hurt and disappointment from their own child's eye.
awwww........ sad
Oh please, serenity now!
Cabbage me think he is getting old and quite forgetful. I think we should ask Mother Christmas of Mrs Clause next time. They say women always remember important date.I only had to forget her birthday once never again did I forget important dates after that..:)
Maybe - that will account for the year before - when I asked for something that would blow my mind away and I got a 12 bore shotgun :-(He is a prankster lol
Cabbage Lovee,Saw the picture indeed, Maybe Father Christmas is going through a recession?
I just can't fathom some of the cruelties said and done in the name of humour. God knows I love a good laugh myself but to find pleasure in another's,that too a child's pain? Sadists!
Did you see the picture then? I did an edit as all I saw was text lol
I once asked for hair straighteners and I got an iron:-(
Cabbge..lolWell Father Christams is not keeping up with times is he :)
Things people do to get more hits on youtube
Well they can always blame it on Father Christmas..:)But honestly that is one big nasty thing to do to your own kids..
Well they are truly rotten, mean parents :-(
They didn't :O(
You do hope they had an X Box hidden elsewhere for the poor thing :-(A lot mean if they did not.
How can they do this to a kid???? idiots playing wiht a lil boys emotions...
'Pop one out' - ha ha, Nomerci - hilarious.
must be one for fame :(
True aresholes...and they probably pop one out every year...poor little kid.
Poor kid. Looks of disappointment on his face kills me. And they put this on the 'You tube' as prank.