World's 5 top dangerous places for women

AFGHANISTAN has been rated the worst country in the world to be a woman because of out-of-control violence, poor healthcare and extreme poverty.
The Democratic Republic of Congo comes a close second because of the number of rapes there - more than 1000 every day.
Pakistan, India and Somalia came next in the survey, which measured threats to women ranging from domestic violence and discrimination to genital mutilation and sex trafficking.
The survey has limited value. They are probably looking for more funding and one of getting more cash is by disparaging Asian and African culture and sensitivities.
I think it is more dangerous for a woman in parts of New York or Europe than elsewhere.
Its a survey of the so called experts' perception so don't expect it to match the facts already available. In India the situation has been really bad in the capital Delhi for a while with a number of cases of violence against women being reported recently. I think those recent incidents were still fresh in the minds of the experts. Wake up call for Delhi government though I don't really expect anything to change.
Nothing worse than children given birth to children
Who said having sex and babies at 12 is morally OK?
it is ok to have s e x at 12 and have babies. it is morally wrong to marry @ 18.
What I say is humanitarian agencies need to work towards an end to coerced marriages in general..regardless of the age. That I agree!
One more time: no one here is worried about the successful cases. All here are worried about those cases that bring sufferance to women.
Shall we tell the humanitarian agencies to stop messing up with this issue, because there are some "happy end” cases?
I think you will say no, just like most of us!
Was there any doubt that I passed through the age of 17 and many many more years unmarried....:)
Would I want my daughter married at 16? No! But I'm not going to misjudge all those who do marry,by choice at that age. My own sister was 17 years old when she decided to marry the man she loved,despite my parents' objections. She was already a career woman and pretty much independent and far far away from being perceived as a child. Its really up to each individual.
Once again I agree that its wrong to force any woman into marriage. But don't assume its only those under 18 who are being forced into marriage today.Nay...due to poverty and the lack of freedom and education many women are being forced into abusive and loveless marriages even though they are in their twenties.
Its about the upbringing,maturity, and how fit one is for marriage and/or sexual relationships that can make any marriage work!
Again I say I agree with your POW too...just that I cannot say "marrying before 18 years of age is wrong at all times and for everyone"
Happy, thats unfair, the otherday you said at 12 you desperately wanted to marry (...and so many things which i can't put here) that beautiful girl, your neighbor :)
you still turned out to be OK ;)
I remember when I was 17 years & just passed out of my school, unknown to so many facets of life entering a new exciting life that lay ahead, when I marched into adolescence ready to experience the new excitement, challenges, dreams, fun that was in store for me to explore... guess, that all is suddenly stopped because I got married. Just the thought of it gives me shivers down the much of life I would have lost, that freedom to fly high, those desires to reach the moon, do all that crazy stuff... that precious part of life which every youngster craves to live and which stays with him/her all their life would have been lost.
I agree with all the posters who find 16/17 yrs. too young a age to get married.
agree with fatimah, nic & TK in sum degree ...... :p .. manipulated report...
which was leaking out only the Muslim countries issues...aaahhh.
which was leaking out only the Muslims countries issues...aaahhh.
FathimaH ,
One thing is what each culture considers a child or not, the other is what science says.
And I repeat again, no one is worried about the "successful" cases, all are worried about the cases that caused sufferance!
Would you allow your child to marry at 16?
The best is always to contribute for improvement and I believe that any debate will contribute for the improvement of those who participated, as for sure any exchange of point of views become learning experiences, thus just for that simple reason - improvement!
I agree with you both to a degree. But in that case forcing a woman to get married against her will is a crime regardless of whether she is 16 or 60!
Again its each ones perspective. Not everyone/every culture views a 16/17 year old to be a child. Ultimately its the level of maturity that counts in any marriage. A person can be physically and mentally unfit to be married at even 30+.
so if no one is against discussing it, only for the sake of exchanging point of views, lets then proceed with the debate, regardless the action we may or may not take to help alleviate the problem.
FatimaH, many a times our traditions, rituals & socio-religious customs are so forceful & mind-masking that anything abysmal is perceived as 'normal' which may not be the case actually if the same is comprehended in full freedom.
Fact is, child marriage is a bad thing in general, there may be many success stories out of it but they’re just exceptional cases.
Good thing is, a sea change in people’s attitude against child marriage.
As I said, what you saw does not represent all the sad cases.
no one is worried about the successful exceptions of children getting married (at 18, both boys and girls are not yet fully developed), the concerns are for the cases that cause sufferance in those girls who perhaps didn’t know what they were doing or were forced into a miserable life!
Don’t you agree that it’s valid being concerned about those poor girls? Or should we just not care because there are some cases we happen to know that were successful.
You see, our experience and our views of the world may not be sufficient to capture the Whole, all the good we know but also all the very sad and unfortunate cases that we might not know! That is why there are these international humanitarian organizations monitoring and doing their best to contribute to social improvement in the identified critical areas!
If one believes in something called chain of thoughts, which at times works fantastically ...what we discuss here and if get convinced with others perspective can atleast make a change in the immediate environment we live in, say back home as that is the point of focus.
Cos like I said I've seen women marry below 18 by choice and then going onto fulfilling there ambitions. Why do you feel a woman cannot handle marriage at say 16 or 17, provided she married a man of her choice and is in a loving marriage where her partner encourages her in continuing her education,etc? Do you also then feel a woman should not be in a sexual relationship at say 16? Given the way the world is today and how fast youngsters are maturing?
QL is a public forum that hoists debates with no other purpose than exchanging of view points.
Why should this discussion be different from that?
No one is here replacing the decision makers or action in the terrain... it’s just a casual informal exchange of ideas!
Bingo! That's what everyone should ardently work towards. How can we each do our part in making the world a safer place..period. Rather than pointing out the faults in others better to improve your own selves first...and this goes to everyone of us! Its all too easy to see the mistakes in others than admit our own and work towards eliminating them *tsk tsk*
Sadly, I have to agree. The fact that we are discussing it at all makes us a statistically anomaly :-(
Unfortunately the success cases of the women you know who were married before 18 do not represent the majority.
No one here is pointing fingers at any country.
The discussion is around women in less favored life conditions.
Marrying below 18 is cutting the individual's development short. No one is fully developed at that age!
I don’t think that anyone with an education would be happy to see their child marrying at that age!
frenchieman, I think there are responsible people who are taking care of these issues in their respective contries. 10 QLers discussion, i'm afraid, won't matter much to 'em
I think rather than trying to point out other countries are just as terrible, we should be discussion how to improve the plight of women.
Is there any place on earth where a woman is always safe? Each region, each country will present there own statistics that may very well be exaggerated and skewed.
The truth is in some places crimes are reported and in some not which should not give anyone the illusion that one place is safer than another.
The specific study in the OP targets various fields like human trafficking, lack of education etc.
I don't understand this though "44.5% of girls are married before they are 18" Now as long as they are not forced into marriage and subjected to domestic violence, and were matured enough mentally and physically to handle marriage, what's wrong in being married before you are 18? I know women who are both academically and career wise successful, who got married before they were 18 and it never stopped them from achieving their goals. It just so happened they were married !
LP, True upto some extent :(
Let's face it, in some countries rape is just not considered a crime! It is considered as legal punishment. And that is medieval mentality.
good morning tinker.
I'm not defending any side, just highlighted skewed world of such reports/surveys
I would take it positively for India and may be an eye opener for the people who matter or otherwise to work on issues to make my country a better place to live.
LP, May be, quite possible or may be just perception!
i know a journalist who ‘cooks’ the story and thanks google uncle repeatedly
Painther--these are based on REPORTED crimes, so they will be skewed. Congo, Sudan, and Zimbabwe are hardly giving honest reports. It also depends on how they count. How is it that Iraq does not have one of the highest murder rates or the Congo have the highest incidence of rape (1,000 per day)? Moreover, definitions of crime vary. What is considered rape in the US is not necessarily considered rape in Pakistan, as so many of our QL discussion have made painfully clear.
painther, I guess these are "reported" cases.
LP, none of the data sampling done by me :)
i guess you dint see some routine names becase it's 'per capita' and these forefront countries still lack on it. :P
No rapes in Pakistan? You make me laugh. Funny statistics you have.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Places on Earth :
1. Iraq
2. Colombia
3. Sudan
4. Somalia
5. Afghanistan
6. Antarctica
7. Burundi
8. South Africa
9. Brazil
10. Russia
Read more :
10 Most Dangerous Cities in the World in 2010 !!!
1. Baghdad, Iraq
2. Detroit, USA
3. Karachi, Pakistan
4. Chechnya, Russia
5. Mogadishu, Somalia
6. Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
7. Caracas, Venezuela
8. New Orleans, USA
9. Cape Town, South Africa
10. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Read more :
Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country :
# 1 Turkey: 184.053 per 1 million people
# 2 Belarus: 100.35 per 1 million people
# 3 Lithuania: 81.84 per 1 million people
# 4 Albania: 80.637 per 1 million people
# 5 Estonia: 79.043 per 1 million people
# 6 Ukraine: 47.841 per 1 million people
# 7 Turkmenistan: 45.335 per 1 million people
# 8 Latvia: 44.17 per 1 million people
# 9 Croatia: 42.59 per 1 million people
# 10 Romania: 39.226 per 1 million people
Read more :
Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country:
# 1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people
# 2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people
# 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people
# 4 Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people
# 5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people
# 6 Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people
# 7 Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people
# 8 Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people
# 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people
# 10 Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people
# 11 Papua New Guinea: 0.233544 per 1,000 people
# 12 New Zealand: 0.213383 per 1,000 people
# 13 United Kingdom: 0.142172 per 1,000 people
# 14 Spain: 0.140403 per 1,000 people
# 15 France: 0.139442 per 1,000 people
# 16 Korea, South: 0.12621 per 1,000 people
# 17 Mexico: 0.122981 per 1,000 people
# 18 Norway: 0.120836 per 1,000 people
# 19 Costa Rica: 0.118277 per 1,000 people
# 20 Venezuela: 0.115507 per 1,000 people
Read more :
Skewed world of Top 5, top 10 & top 20!!!!!
here’re some more Data :
Total crimes (per capita) (most recent) by country
# 1 Dominica: 113.822 per 1,000 people
# 2 New Zealand: 105.881 per 1,000 people
# 3 Finland: 101.526 per 1,000 people
# 4 Denmark: 92.8277 per 1,000 people
# 5 Chile: 88.226 per 1,000 people
# 6 United Kingdom: 85.5517 per 1,000 people
# 7 Montserrat: 80.3982 per 1,000 people
# 8 United States: 80.0645 per 1,000 people
# 9 Netherlands: 79.5779 per 1,000 people
# 10 South Africa: 77.1862 per 1,000 people
# 11 Germany: 75.9996 per 1,000 people
# 12 Canada: 75.4921 per 1,000 people
# 13 Norway: 71.8639 per 1,000 people
# 14 France: 62.1843 per 1,000 people
# 15 Seychelles: 52.9265 per 1,000 people
# 16 Hungary: 44.9763 per 1,000 people
# 17 Estonia: 43.3601 per 1,000 people
# 18 Czech Republic: 38.2257 per 1,000 people
# 19 Italy: 37.9633 per 1,000 people
# 20 Switzerland: 36.1864 per 1,000 people
Read more ;
s_isale--and the Nazis, Soviets, British, French, Chinese, Japanese, Sudanese, Americans, Romans, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, Jews, Turks, Spanish, etc. etc. etc. at one time or another in their history. My guess is that the cavemen did it as a matter of routine . . .
The results are irrelevant as they don't look at countries 'at peace' and countries 'at war'. At war obviously everything is allowed and the country is not only not safe for women but neither for children nor men.
FM, wasnt that the choice of weapon for the Serbs as well
No big surprises--a result of a cultural disregard for women and commodities rather than humans.
I imagine if the study was redone now, Libya would score quiet high now that rape is part of the methods of warfare there.
of the 213 experts, how many were from the so called countries that are top of the list?
No surprises, except for India that I wasn’t expecting that the situation was so precarious for women in less privileged situations.
Surprising and shocking. I would have put DR Congo at No 1.
The poll asked 213 experts in the field from the five continents to rank countries on their overall perception of danger as well as by six key categories of risk, health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, harmful practices rooted in culture, tradition and/or religion, lack of access to economic resources and human trafficking.
Definitely a wake up call for the governments who need to do more to not only educate people in these areas but also enact and enforce laws to help and protect the women.
its all relative Rizks. In Europe, females never get kidnapped, they are safest there. Did you ever hear about smuggling of females from Europe to UK? Nah, those are just figments of imagination ;)
Strange, no European countries in the list ?