working for the second company

I’ve got a question here.
Ok, we all know that in order to work for the second company as your part-time job, you need the permission from your primary Company.
The question is : do you need a permission from your primary company for the volunteer work ?’s not that easy.... Let us see. WHY do you think our primary Company wants to have exclusive rights to grant us (or refuse) permission for the extra part-time job? What do they want to control?
I don’t think they care if you make extra money. I can see two reasons why they want to be aware of it:
1.They want to make sure that you don’t work for their competitors on your spare time;
2.They want you to have enough time for your rest and recreation and to be fresh and active at your primary work instead of giving away your energy, your time and your concentration to another company.
(May be there are other reasons, but that’s what I can see right now).
Now. Let’s say you work as a volunteer. Ok you don’t make extra money, which your primary company doesn’t care of anyway. But you still might be working for the competitors, and you definitely split your focusing and your energy between two companies.
Now, again, is it legal to work for the second company as a volunteer without informing your primary company about this matter?
I'm not sure how the medical insurance work in your company, but usually most companies provide medical reimbursement to their employees.
You sited an example: sewing at home for the company of your friend? let's say, God forbid, you got injured and is unable to report for work, more or less you will take a sick leave from your work or you need to seek medical treatment from the hospital/doctors. And you are entitled for medical insurance from your company/sponsor.
Then, who you think is responsible to pay for your sick leave? Which company you'll reimburse for your medical expenses? From your friend's company or from your sponsored company? Definitely from your sponsored company right?
Though the injuries was due to some work with your friend's company.
That's mostly the case:)
:) was a bad example... let's say, sewing at home for the COMPANY of my friend... then what?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
ok KH.. but again, how about our hobbies? where is the edge between your hobby and "volunteer job"? not even job must be done at the office or at the company... how about if i do it at home? like for example sewing for my friend with no charge? is it a volunteer job or hobby?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
We should not mix between the law and its implementation (practice).
Volunteer groups and charitable fund raising should get authorities approval. If the authorities are keeping their eyes closed about such activities does not mean that one can simply decided to start a volunteer group of raise funds for any purpose.
Also doing any type of work not related to your sponsor or yourself needs approval. MOL/MOI inspectors simply visit work places and check those working there and their visas. They consider and expect everyone working for an entity to be sponsored by the entity or he/she will be immediately arrested and deported.
Somebody gave the example of Asian games. All the volunteers were given clearance prior to joining the games.
The only thing I can say is:
"Be Strong." :-)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
So now let's make it clear... all these volunteer jobs that are organized by QL are illegal?? Since i am sure no one ever asked his/her sponsor for the permission to participate in such actions... now, collecting donations and deliver them to labours is illegal? (what if you get injured while driving to the industrial area?)... on Ramadan some volunteers r staying at the traffic lights and giving away food packages during the Iftar hour...all these actions are illegal??
I really want to understand...
KH, and what if the person gets injured while taking care of his own pet? or cleaning his own backyard? is company responsible for it? or maybe not to have pets and not to plant on your backyard?
so.. how about your HOBBIES? you cannot do it either? i love designing and sewing.. what if i get injured while sewing?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
...I can't ask for an extra work to gain extra income.
I'm freakin' tired everyday. If I wanna volunteer it will be something out of the blue and different. That's why there's QLVG. :-)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
any work done for any firm or entity should be done after getting the consent of your sponsor. Even volunteer work.
your sponsor is responsible for your health and safety. let aside that you have to work for him and that you should have enough rest to be able to work properly. Now let me give an example. Some firms have their staff insured (medical/life/workmen compensation/etc). So. If the volunteer get an injury while cleaning the beaches or caring for the pets. in such a case, who will be responsible? if the volunteer takes care of her/his treatment, then who will compensate the sponsor in case the volunteer is unfit for duty and get a medical report for a long period?
QS Hi, I dont think there should be a problem. I remember that a number of my colleagues helped out during the Doha 2006 games, they were allowed to take time off and company did noy have any objection. So I think it should be ok..
Currently at the Airport on my way back to Doha..see you guys soon..
Not having to help a second company.
You sure you still want the link?
But the similar 'generalization' of 'helping' in Qatar sounds quite the same.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
didn't get you heero, WHO will say "it's not a part of the procedure"? part of WHICH procedure?
send me a link to your thread
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I posted one situation like that a week or so ago...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
bleu, it's not illegal to work for other company, it's illegal to work without permission from your primary job.
... so how about these people who work for the pets shelter for free? and they DO work for that illegal?
or group on QL who clean beaches.. also illegal??
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Hhhmm.. Like what kind of thing will you volunteer for? Let's say you're the boss QS, will you allow your employees to work as a volunteer for the second company? Where's your loyalty then? I know I won't allow them.
If something unwanted happen to you while working with another company, your primary company and/or sponsor will still be held responsible for you by the Authority.
Although it is illegal, but it is very risky too, as u may lose ur original work and find ur self out of Qatar.
It's not legal to work for anybody else, even for volunteering, people would claim they're just volunteering for free when they're caught working for someone else.