Women, advertisement and Arab TV

Maryam, a Qatari blogger, has some rather interesting things to say! I'd thought I'd share on QL her most recent blog entry, which I really liked, and hopefully you will as well!
"I believe that one of the ways to know about a culture or a historical period in time is to look at commercial advertisement because it reflects the culture it advertises to. For instant, I have noticed that there are too many car commercials in France while in United Kingdom, there are more insurance commercials more than anything else. The customer’s background, judgment and psychology are important elements to construct ads; they are away of communication and persuasion.
When I watch Arabic Television all I see is very disappointing ads. Most of them are about home products where they portray a typical house wife who has nothing better to do than to compete with her neighbors in making her house cleaner. The other half is about the entertaining industry. Of course there are other ads about other things like cars; but this is not the point. What bothers me is the way the woman is portrayed in those ads.
The perfect house wife whose interest in life does not exceed a cleaning product or the latest brand of rice. There is nothing wrong with being the perfect house wife, and caring for your family’s well being. But it is demeaning the way they show women; as if they are not capable of doing anything more than cleaning and cooking! Not to mention the stupid language they use; as if they are speaking to a five year old. We need more variety; a different prospective.
I thought that this does not reflect the reality of women; at least in Qatar; I am sure they have more going on for them in their lives than cooking and cleaning. When I shared my thought with my dad he said “those are not just for Qatar, the whole Arab world watch them. You have millions of women who are not educated and all they know is cooking and cleaning. So it does reflect other’s reality, not necessarily Qatari women”. How sad, I thought. It is true that many people in the Arab world believe that women’s role does not go beyond the kitchen and bed room. Whose fault is that? It is the society’s fault? But the society comprise of men and women. So is it women fault because they accepted it?
Then I thought, what would happen if they put men instead of women in those ads? Would it help change how women are perceived? If people think there is nothing wrong with showing a woman cleaning a toilet or slaving all day to cook a meal; then why not put a man instead?
I would like to see women doing more sophisticated roles in ads, because just like how ads are inspired from culture; they can also influence it. So, if we keep sending different images of women other than the “cleaner, cooker, maid” type, people might actually accept it and unconsciously change their minds about what a woman truly is and capable of.
And what is up with “pads” ads! How embarrassing it is to watch one of those ads when you are sitting with your teenage brothers or father or uncle. We have no option but to buy these products, so why advertise for them so much! I remember once we were watching TV, and one of those ads came up. My little cousin asked “what is this?”. And didn’t stop asking until he got an answer from another child “its pampers for adults!”.
What a contradiction! We say we are a conservative community; and raise our children to know better than to ask questions about the other sex; how a taboo a woman’s body is. And then we have these ads playing between every show.
And why most of the ads are about consuming? Why don’t we have more educational ads. Am not saying there isn’t any; am saying there isn’t enough. Media is a powerful tool, so lets use it for something productive. I want to see ads that develop better awareness of health; recycling; education …etc.
I am talking about the Arab world, So don’t tell me “why accuse Arabs while west use women as sex objects in their ads” thats another subject !@#$%^&*()"
Maryam's blog http://mimizwords.wordpress.com/
Happy Happy, women are shot & beat up in DRAMAS, no Comedies. In the West we don't find hitting women to be funny.
Stealth - Anyone else who is good at hijacking... we recruit . . .
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Do only terrorists hijack?
Happy - about the last line...
Cant deny it... true.. cent percent...
And if you noticed.... now you are responsible for a Hijack of this forum.. :)
See the terrorists are born with the art.. :)
Core competency....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
So, do you see why I should be in these posts. Not to mention the other ones against local and Arab women. Only a few pro-women posts, I also participate in these for commending and boosting.
Men have nothing else in life to whine about, but women!
Happy - Ya suddenly.. everyone has issues with females wearing skimpy cloths in office...
Wearing bikinis on a Beach...
Advertisement hoarding....
Teaching Hindi Malayalam...
And thts why I prefer jus hijacking forums rather participate actively...
No blood shedding debates goin on these dayzz :(
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I'm all over QL then? but I only write in posts that pick my attention and interest, I nearly ignore 60% of the posts, I believe.
QL is on "Women" lash out wave now, so I have to take a stand, in all of them, if I could...lol
stevethetyke - Wht you call a Hijack... by CBD and Happy... is the soul reason why this forum is still shown on 1st page of recent page...
Ask a terrorist what Hijack is ..... Its our art of core competency....
If you are discussing about a boat trip or movie or how bad your day was in office here.. is a Hijack..
Anything to do with..... Discrimination.. exploitation... biasing... all is the forum essence...
So back to Topic - Ya CBD is weird.... :)
This is not wht is written here.. but tht is wht Happy wants to write in every post.... lol
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
It's not over until the plumpy lady/man sing. Note the change in the expression to fit my ideology..:)
take it easy tiger :)
Tired ??? so soon ???
Gave up before the Terrorists could attack ?? sissys...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
i am in low battery mode..
TC n see you soon in another hijack lol
I read them online at my convenience. At home, we still get the hardcopy daily for my parents.
it is another medium where technology has no certain outcome..
it hard to predict people's behaviour towards life & tech changes..which will certainly impact newspapers for better or worse..
i am excited though...
I'm against hijacking too, we're not interrupting responses, as you may have noticed, CBD and I are almost the only ones interestingly running the course of discussion, so more or less it's our thread, and the author didn't seem to mind.
Sorry for the inconvenience anyway.
I meant there will be no hardcopy anymore, unlike now we have both available for our choice. I watched a program refuting papers will ever go soft only, because many still tend to carry the hardcopy wherever they go , even in elevators on the way up to work.
Steve..i got your point thanks.
looooooooool...you reminded me of old cartoons and god father type movies..
to your note...most newspapers are now soft..in full!
i was surprised..
however, i heard once that it is in newspaper's interest to publish online..this way, ads get viewed by more customers..making adving in your newspaper more widespread..
if you think about it, it is true..because newspaper get more income from ads compared to return from paper selling price!
Seriously, ads have a lot to do with those theories in discussion. we're not that far off.
CBD..It means for you two to go somewhere private and stop monopolizing and hijacking the thread. Thank you.
Even newspapers will go soft, I don't know how undercover detectives will do any work without looking through the hole in the (hardcopy) newspaper for surveillance, if you know what I mean, the poor guys will sit home..:)
don't worry..hard copies are worth it..more reliable and portable..
what does 'get a room' mean?
CBD & HH.............Get a room!
There are many books online..in fact, i believe in few years we won't have to leave home but for fun..
online business is very profitable once you know what you do ;) go for it!
what would it make you? (just to see if i understood)
I didn't know it ever existed online!!
you must be specialised in this field or a recommendation from a friend to buy this one in particular!
ignore my logic or probably absense of it lol
just curious
I found a free copy on:
If you keep thinking I am a specialist in many of the topics we discuss, you know what would that make out of me?
Online Order, if you like.
I see..
no never heard of the book! thanks for the info!
how on earth did you get hold of this book? lol
Page# 7 in Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy book by Joseph Schumpeter..:))
أفصحي يازرقاء اليمامة!
Exactly, well said, we're surely on the same wave length and same page too..:)
First let me say that Ads are the bain of my life. Thank God for the mute button but you see Ads from a different angle when they are muted, For instance, Recently I lived in Saudi,Now I don't know if Showtime`s Ads are regional or not but all the family Ads over there always shows the family unit with little boys! where are all the little girls? The only girl kids you see are on the dubbed western Ads! And I don't even want to get started on Ads in the US!!!!!!!!!!!Jesus, they come at you thick and fast. Best way is to download all TV off the web, You get to see all the latest series 6-12 months before this region and the kind pirates even filter out the Ads for you.....Win-Win
Peace and Love
Wow...this thread turn from being a discussion about portrayal of women's role in society by ads to a discussion about socialism and capitalism. Time to start a new thread guys!
I agree totally...However, which one is better?! I can almost hear the answer!
Please note that by condemning Capitalism I am not promoting any other economic system.
I am just against capitalism which is an exploiter to people and behind almost every problem around the globe.
it does not matter who has more as long as everyone has at least the minimum to live normally, happily. I believe it can be achieved and this is what makes me think about it.
Extreme capitalism is bad, extreme marxism is bad too.
Capitalism today is not what it really is. It has changed and improved alot but it is still bad.
Umar ibn Abdulaziz is an example we should follow where excess money paid to fund marriages as no poor people could be found to take the extra money!
Remember no Oil and Gas then!
Curious, even within Socialism, there is no guarantee for "even" distribution of wealth, a "fair and just" definitely yes, but not "even". There'll always be someone who owns more or less than others, it only guarantees no one dies of hunger and maintains our social responsibility towards each other.
I'm not with confiscation of private property and possessions. I'm with levying tax and welfare programs for the absolute needy. Without competition (with yourself and others), no productivity or reason to lead a better life.
Ash, Not Marx, Umar ibn Abdulaziz.
CBD - Imperialism ???
You mean other countries are responsible for making your kids act and compromise on their innocense ????
Capitalism.. understandable - Corporate giants abusing for monitory gains...
But imperialism ???
Happy - Socialist ??? You mean the Marxist ??
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I would say..capitalism is a direct cause..imperialism is indirect cause..
don't be blind..
The whole economic system is proven ineffective which can be clearly noticed by the uneven distribution of wealth!!
Financial Stress on parents of kids who act ???
Happy NO... they all are from wel to do family...
Whose parents can afford - Dance classes.. acting class etc etc.... They are upper middle class kids...
The ones on reality show are from all economical sects of society - I agree...
CBD - Its not capitalism - definitely not imperialism...
Its jus Bloody HUMAN GREED...
and Typical Human HYPOCRISY :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Curious, I am a Socialist, thank God.
Ash, parents using their kids as money machine don't know they're abusing their innocence and childhood? If they have to, for financial distress, I won't blame them as much. Who am I to judge in this case.
Happy - I agree cent per cent.. but wht the Govts are doin in helping the kids out...
They n their parents don even know they are abused... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Capitalism! Imperialism!
Good thought, but I have no one to blame for this.
now you see..now you don't...
it is really sad how things happen...
many bad things could be avoided and ended..it is possible..but we are not doing a good job...in terms of coordination...
some people have a lot of money and die without using alot of it..while some others do things because they need the money even if they had to compromise...
no even distribution..
I know this is far from topic but is worth mentioning in my opinion..
Fame also comes with price. Some of them won't grow as normal as other kids at their same age, they become very self conscious too. This is the reason why many celebrities hide their kids away from cameras and public eye, beside for security and safety reasons.
Happy - And thts wht I wanna say...
And if you see...
Acting is more tiring and dangerous for mental setup of the kid.....
As a Labor.. if people claim tht their basic education is affected...
Counter attack with night classes for kids....
If leaning is important.. focus on tht.. not on not letting them work....
And all the Kid actors...
Take a drop often to cope up when Schedule of shoots n exams clash....
Anyways.. mamma does the home work on Sets... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Ironically most of what you said is true, but regulations should apply to all.
Happy Happy - That is the very problem....
If rich people or well to do peoples kid work and bring tons of money for their parents...
Society accepts this...
In spite of the fact tht their parents don need this money. and neither is this stardom gonna last till ages...
But A poor labors son when is working in a construction site..
People call it Child Labor and ban him frmo wrking... :)
His family needs tht money...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I love to watch the advertisements. And I hate the interruptions(soaps,serials) between the ads!
Tons of ads have kids working in them, and parents are getting paid and happy with their full pockets from their kids public display.
Correct me if I'm wrong please.
Happy HAppy - A 13 yr old shall buy a product even if it is advertised showing a mother buying it....
We don need to make them work...
Why you think.. Sons and Daughters or celebrities don enter this profession at such a early age ???
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Have been reading the links you provided and found them informative, but there is something out of sync here, because there're many products targeting children under 13 in these countries, let alone the thriving little beauty pageants?
Damn... Don let the secret out... Jus between you n me my fren... :)
But I agree with Fubar fren -
Making children act.. is as big a crime as making them wrk in a factory...
It is child labor....
Like how people think a House Maids Job is Yukk..
And Air Hostess is Cool.... Both do the same actually..
Rather Air hostess serves new people daily :)
Same here.. society glorifies... so we accept... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
i know how to get rid of u now lol
Everyone is writing long ones here... :( I am out...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Don't have to suffer the ads, get a vpn and watch BBC etc. The Grand Prix was great. :)
I will say this tho, if we do put Showtime on and an ad break comes on, we press 'pause' go make a cup of tea, or get a beer, then come back and fast forward to the show. In the UK, the commercial break was always for making a cup of tea during.
Apparently during the 70's especially, the national grid would go nuts during commercial breaks, from all the kettles being switched on.
As for commercials about woman's products, please, as women, we all have to use them, we know what we want to use, even I as a well educated and I'd like to think intelligent Brit, can't stand the ads..its not distaste as such, just pointless...why DO we need those ads? we DONT
Seems like the whole thread crashed!
Are there no ads on Durex....?
Just wondering!!!
Rather than research and present you with a list, here is something brief from wikipedia:
In the United Kingdom, Greece, Denmark, and Belgium advertising to children is significantly restricted and in Sweden and Norway all advertising to children under the age of 12 is illegal.[14][15]
In 2007 the European Union took steps on the issue by creating a voluntary pledge program through which twelve major food distributors have agreed not to advertise to people below the age of 12 unless the products promoted reach certain health requirements.[16][17] The move has been highly supported by the World Federation of Advertisers.
In the United States the Federal Trade Commission studied the issue of advertising to children in the 1970s and found that it was unfair and deceptive but did not act on the issue because enforcement of such a ban would be difficult.[18] Since then there have been no other legal attempts to restrict advertising to children in the U.S.
In Australia there is a special advertising standard focused just on the issue of advertising to children:
Here is the Canadian code:
There is ongoing debate about whether childhood obesity in the US can be linked to the absense of regulations to prevent targetted advertising at children. The US claims it would be too difficult, despite it working without too many issues in other jurisdictions.
Many countries restrict ads pressure on parents? I mean how would a country evaluate what is considered pressure and what is not? and which governmental organization is on this mission, it has to be non-profit, I guess.
Ahh... 'pester power'... where would advertisers for children's products be without it???
Many countries put restrictions on advertisements to prevent them from advertising in a manner that puts parents under undue pressure from children to purchase goods or services...
Advertisers found their niche with teenagers, I found out their consumption behavior has been changing due to the TV promotions overdose. They overload their parents with these demands because advertisers created an imaginary need for those products, kids would've been able to live without!
brit, try to save some money to get one of those suits, I'm sure you look good anyway in Armani or John Doe's.
I think you're probably right. The good programming (movies, etc) usually comes on around 9/10/11pm, so perhaps that is 'prime time', although I used to put that down to the idea that the Gulf is on the Eastern end of the satellite footprint, so what's 'late' here, is 'early' in Morocco, Tunisia etc.
Last time I was in Casablanca I found it really weird to be watching American Idol while the sun was still up...
I guess people in this region aren't as uniform in their behaviors as we are in the west, where 'everyone' works from 9am to 5pm, and 'everyone' watches family tv between 5pm and 9pm, and movies 'always' start at 8:30pm etc.
Some of that probably comes down to watersheds imposed by broadcasting classification bodies. That sort of thing doesn't exist here, and you can see murder, death and sex at all times of the day and night (oddly, given it's supposed to be a conservative region...).
I agree Happy Happy. There's an ad for Ariel washing powder where the women are taken to a research laboratory where the scientists (needless to say, all men - women are too busy washing clothes to be scientists...) demonstrate to them how good Ariel is at keeping their clothes clean.
One positive of this ad is that it at least demonstrates that the product works. In other words, the women will derive internal pleasure from the product because it works, rather than external pleasure from their husbands' approval.
The 18-39 year old demographic is the motherload for advertisers. Not only, as you say, are younger people heavily influenced by advertising, but they also watch a lot of tv, and they also have a lot of disposable income, when compared to other demographics.
Free-to-air TV ratings fight not for the highests number of viewers, but for the highers number of viewers in that demographic. Networks don't care how many 54 year old women are watching, because they don't represent a lucrative advertising segment.
If your shows capture the 18-39 year olds, then you can charge a premium for advertising on your shows.
I guess that might be a reason why I find the ads here so strange and backward - it's odd to be watching a prime time tv show, and then have to endure ads for tea bags, washing powder, or coffee mate.
Not just teh youngsters. i still can't afford the Armani suits and Zegna jackets :(
Many of the regular sit-home wives (I know of) don't mind these ads and focus on the product's quality and price, actually they like trying these commodities. That's no generalization though.
I've read a research, earlier, on the impact of Ads on viewers in 18-25 age bracket, both genders, statistics showed they were highly affected and ads were a factor in their decision-making. They're frustrated for not being able to purchase the fancied products, including those luxurious ones above their budget.
I personaly believe that the companies are immature and do not really think too deeply about the issue.
However, if we take the other case, then we can say that society is still developing and perhaps they do reflect what is true today. I don't know whether you recall the "OXO" adverts in the UK... They evolved over a number of years , to match the evolution of the society :)
you got it..ad comapnies here have not matured as in the west..
another important issue is that it is hard to find a true local who would be appealing to the targeted people..even if the company has the expertise they still miss the final, but very important, element of a successful ad...
the best ad..is the one which would make people laugh..this is how far it goes..
"The ads are catering for a certain society."
Well that's the point at issue.
Are the ads being produced reflective of what the advertiser *thinks* is the certain society, or do they reflect the situation as it exists in reality.
That is to say, do the people advertising Tang make an ad where the mother teaches the daughter how to cook a meal so she can gain the approval and love of her father (only to realise that a meal isn't complete until the wife brings the jug of Tang to the table) because that's how these families actually think, or because that's the image Tang wants to use?
Most of us commenting here have a western background, so we can't know for sure whether these ads are fanciful, or realistic.
What do local women think of such ads? Do they reflect a real society, or an 'outsider's' view of Arabic society?
Aren't we going a bit overboard :)
The ads are catering for a certain society. The advertising machinery has not yet developed as it has in the West. Certain material used in other countries may not be suitable for this region.
Companies are probably not yet mature enough to deal with such issues. I recall my last organization. They used to outsource everything to Lebanon. The branding, marketing and advertising was all handled outside and just bankrolled by the company.
That's true!
I'm grateful to have MBC Persia. At least now I can subject myself to a whole new batch of annoying ads that are still fresh enough not to be so amazingly annoying.
The jingle from the Lacnor ad...
The stupid '14 days of freshness' crap from the fabric softener ad...
The terrible Neutrogena 'Girls night in' promo...
These ads are so old and tired they no longer register with viewers. They are a waste of the companys' money.
When I hear these ads, I don't feel compelled to buy the new magical fragrance from Nina Ricci, instead I resent the product because over the over saturated advertising.
Who runs these stations??
The ads are always the same! I cannot believe that I'm still seeing some young damsel climbing a tall stack of apples, eagerly climbing to grab the one glass apple at the top...it's a perfume ad.
Or...the one where the male cyclist and the other guys outside the exit of the hotel that fall sideways then over, all the while smiling, when the actress walks out.
Even the ad for MBC...the different women all glittered up in different colors, wearing huge rings and blowing glitter, or whatever...
Ads are ads---my question when will they rotate these ads for some new ones?
send your friend my regards..it is abig issue and we need long discussion..tell her this:
I do value your views though and agree with many things you said..but I do have my views too..
it is to do with diferent types of cultures and issues which should be factored in analysing the situation..
It is good that you picked up that one of my vedios was translated from West or other culture..this should tell you how irrepresentative ads are to our culture!
ads should touch the people..but those ones do not really do a good job..
However, I am very supportive of women's rights and believe we are equal human beings...
Wise words, Mimi.
A distinction needs to be drawn between Arabic language ads which are just re-produced from Western ads (such as ads for Ariel, Downy etc) and ads that are produced soley with the Arabic market in mind.
One that I find terrible (and there are many) is the ad for Caesar juices, where the wife is treated just like a maid, but smiles as though serving a glass of juice to her husband's friend has proved her worth as a woman.
Why didn't the husband just pour the juice himself, lazy bugger? And why would the wife be so happy that she had the opportunity to deliver a glass of juice on a tray to a guest? Is this really the sort of thing that gives women a moment of happiness or achievement in their days?
I hope I am right in thinking that local women do find these ads, where domestic products and duties are presented in a way to convince women that happiness can be best acheived by being a domestic slave, to be offensive and shallow. If not, I have pity for the women who *do* believe that bringing a jug of Tang to the table does prove your worth as a human being.
She said :
Ok, well yeah there are ads in the West with women cleaning. My point is there are relatively very few commercials in the Arab world for domestic chores featuring men whereas there are lots in the West. The two links you sent, one doesn’t count, it’s a British commercial that has been translated. Also, the women is telling him what to do – I say, bloody do it yourself! (said in my strongest Essex accent ). The second one is good, I’d never seen it before.
In any case, I sent you those links in response to your question, “does the west show men on washin powder products ads?”. I was showing you yes they do.
I don’t actually have a problem with seeing a women do her washing, I do my own washing. What frustrates me about Arabic commercials, is the image they put forward, the perfect home, with this man sat at a table, then the wife comes in and brings the food to the table, while the man reads a paper – in my household that’s very rude, the woman should not be treated like a maid, everyone gets up and helps.
It’s the way women are portrayed in these commercials that winds me up
No fair media representation of women neither in the East nor in the West, I am sure nor in North or South either.
Women are slapped in the Arab media? Women are shot to death, battered, violated/victimized and objectified in the Western media.
It's not the ads that bother me, cleaning products in general are targeted towards women all over the world (it's changing a bit now in the West now to represent the idea of both spouses working, but by and large it still remains targeted at women).
It's the Arabic tv shows that bother me and the ads for them! How many times have I seen women slapped in ads for COMEDY shows, and the women are always shown as being hysterical, weak and stupid. To think this is what young Arab men and women watch!
Dear, curious but determained
Well, you can check out my blog for replys ;)
and thank you for your compliments
My response was : actually, to study a soceity in previous stages of history, sociologist study the ads trend. It is one of the methods to study social behavior. Plus I think you missed the last line where i said i am not comparing with western ads
and for my friend, i will forward her your response
I quite like the ads showing the ladies having fun at home or enjoying tea together with a laugh.
I would doubt very seriously that the local housewife is worrying about what brand of washing detergent she prefers. They should show the maid or laborer choosing which brand of detergent is cheapest. As for watching ads on arab TV, I just flip the channel. The purpose of the adds on TV is so you can take time and visit the loo!!!! So, stop being so sensitive about how you are portrayed on TV adds!!!
Good amount of those ads are not original Arabic production, they're dubbed or themes are imported from other famous ads, to keep up. (talk about loss of identity!)
There is the usual stereotyping, but everywhere in the world chances are that ads will depict chefs are men, butlers are men, nurses are women, babysitters are women, pilots are men, earth is a women, tornados are women…etc.
Most of those are paid-for profit generating commercials for consumers, the ones you're referring to are on non-profit basis, they're aired too on many Arab satellite channels, to name but a few, the MBC4 ones on punctual praying, well-treatment of house helpers, humans are equal..etc, and those ones are very Arabic campaigns.
Just some scattered thoughts here, never mind me..:)
I think you are the blogger..i was lazy to comment on the blog..so thanks for coming over! really appreciated.
By the way, nice blog which i will be reading from time to time. I would suggest you add functionality to your web. I am sure you are able to have bigger influence should you wish to. I am not amplifying if I consider you an asset to Qatar.
so what is your response to my comment?
for your friend, please convey this reply:
there are also arabic ads on washing powders which does not show women. Here are few:
washing powder ads mostly involve women. Please have another go at youtube and check ads on west/east/south/north and you will see what i mean.
the point here is, few commercials may not represent actual situations, but as i said earlier, worth considering.
you quoted media which is broad field. We are discussing ads in particular. If you are comparing ads on thier own right, then i agree that arab ads are not as good as west ads for many reasons.
Thank you all for showing interest in the topic and thanks to g6ree for posting it ..
For Curious but determined .. this is what one of my friends had to say in response for your comment:
In response to your question “does the west show men on washin powder products ads?”
Yes they do, I’m British, I think I could give a more accurate account than the youtube results of what I have come across on TV. To site a few British cleaning products and their commercials:
Flash: A man is shown scrubbing the toilet, scrubbing the oven and wiping floors. He then discovers Flash, and it makes his job so much easier.
Mr Muscle: The name says it all as does the slogan “mr muscle, loves the jobs you hate”. In this they site a superhero cleaning, can you imagine that in the Arab world? He would be laughed at for having such ‘womanly’ superpowers.
Daz: the woman gives her man the packet of washing up powder, but he goes and washes it himself
So, yes there is a difference between Arab and Western media. I think with time we may see a change.
to sell products and make profit for those big companies.
and make sure that the products are always ingrained in the subconscious.
profit aside,the companies should start making adverts in a more sophisticated level.
where consumers can relate and not ask themselves after.
hmmmmm........the wonderful world of tv and advertisements.
good point ;-)
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
The only thing missing in the perfect Arabic home Ads is the perfect maid?..:)
Ads are supposedly placed to attract the viewer who the ad people think are watching TV at that time.
So during the day, 'women' and all we want to know about it, washing aids, pads and washing powder.
later on, its the kids turn, games, videos, comics etc.
late at night, its the mans turn, cars stereos etc.
Over here it is a mish mash of well...............crap.
The ads over here are neither imformative, clever, funny or even bizarre.
They are just plain boring.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
The ads here are very reminiscent of 1950s &1960s era 'barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen' type ads:
At least Western washing power ads now have men in them, sometimes:
The ad I am really sick of is that wretched 'Fresh Days' commercial, when the woman's face positively lights up when her phone reminds her that it's that time of the month. I have a theory as to why she might be joyous, but I couldn't possibly share on a public forum.
There was one realistic ad for dishwashing liquid, where the housewife buys it, and then gives it to her maid. Needless to say, the maid is overjoyed at having a new product to use.
Another thing I find really odd is that there seems to be no demographic targeting in ads.
You could be watching a Oprah, and get an ad for Barbican targetted at young, Arab guys. Then you could be watching Top Gear, and you get endless Galaxy commercials.
How can these ads even be effective if they aren't even aligned to the viewers of the shows they are advertising in ??
women issues are all over the globe..
does the west show men on washin powder products ads?
Mariam's claim on how ads reflect societies is worth considering but it is not really accurate reflection!
coincidently, I was thinking few days ago on some advertisement I see in doha, and how short ads professionals fall in making appealing ads to Qatari locals.
take a Ghutrah ad for example:
when you see a blonde guy who is wearing it inappropriately. This shows a terrible quality of ad which is not really reflective nor does it appeal to people who actually use it.
another example, is Vimto!
Therefore, Ads on Tide and Pearl don't reflect that women should be thought of as only cookers or cleaners.
Even in west or wherever, it is hard to show a washing powder ad without a women. youtube to check!
it is common to think of women as housewives. Housewives is a common name but househausband is strange. This is not discrimination. it is the norms!