Womans wallet stolen at Carrefour Villagio

Today I was looking at the laptops at Carrefour and noticed some commotion near the entrance. An American woman explaining very clearly to a group of security guards what happened. I walked up to her and said, I have heard of wallet thefts being discussed in QatarLiving.com recently and she said "Well now it just happened to me!" They were heading towards the security room and I'm sure they are going to comb through the surveillance footage and track her footage to see if they can gain any clues.
If the victim reads this thread, please post about what happened and if the wallet was returned without the money etc..
The bottom line is that there will always be "criminals" in ANY society. It's up to us as individuals to ensure that we take steps to protect ourselves from petty crimes such as car theft, wallet / purse loss etc etc
hmm, kick them out or hang them.. which shall it be?
I say old boy - thats a bit strong isnt it? You will want public hangings in villagio next! Yippeeeeee - great idea!!!!!! Luv it! Hic! Large one coming up.........
All Riff-Raff should be identified and turfed out of the country at once..
you are so right tallg,...even if a place is as safe as they claim to be, it's better to always be on guard when it comes to personal belongings... better to be safe than sorry...
It's the fact that people behaved like that 5-6 years ago that has contributed to the crime now. Why would you ever leave your car unlocked or your bag unattended? You're just inviting trouble.
Welcome to the new Qatar, welcome to the new riff raff that has joined the people in this country. I remember when I came here 5-6 years back it was really safe and you could even leave your car unlocked with mobile, cash and laptop in there. Now I can see qatar following the Jones's, Guns on the streets, car theft, mobile theft, purses being stolen.
Welcome to the new world order.
From the horses mouth; http://www.qatarliving.com/node/201978
lol, yes I do although I'm not a nurse, I just pretend cos I like the uniform!
That was this morning - its now later and wow have I has a lot of gin. I am still in love with Rock Hudson u c. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - do u wear a nurses outfit!? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Kool
yea i know his that comment was to Fatcat. that he doesnt want to be a member and dont know what else.on QLSG topic of irf77
I would consider it to be an honour! I just love Canadians u c. I used to go up the Hudson often - Rock. LOL! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A large one me thinks.
mmm marhabtain and only this morning you told someone to 'shove it'.......
is that all?? well thats equal to 10% what i have.
and louis vuitton ah na doesnt impress me. but still you sure you wana join my Club or my Group.
Can I join your Club? Pleeeeeeese! I need to! I am a VIP! I have a bentley! I have louis vuitton bags! I like Gin! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Can I be a member!!!!!!!!!! I want that sooooooo much - grovel grovel grovel
DaRuDe- then ppl will be wondering why you keep fiddling with yr boxers all the time. aint it easier to have a pouch under yr shirt???
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
do like vegas always do. chain it up your wallet.
i like your style man.. wink to vegas
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
now i need to make pockets in my boxers to put my wallet in that and will make a hole from back pocket to the boxer pocket easy isnt it
IAST janeyjaney!!! Dont hold your breath now, IASTTTTTTTT
Geez I feel like Im cheating on LOL, this doesnt feel right at all.
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
Labda.. I am still waiting for that funds from S.A!!! csi csi
u too mjamille!!
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
hmm i will certainly do that labda... IAST!!! im outta here! have a good night you guys!
mjamille, please do so I can remember to use it as well (scrolls up quickly, aha!) IAST!!! :)))
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
hmm, i hope they catch the thief,....we could do with one less of them here...
spot on mj.
Perhaps the real CSI will solve the case of the stolen wallet.
hmm i like that labda.. will have to remember that one... can i use it as well?
hahahahahaha, tallg...chuckles silently inside????!!!
well here's mine...IAST...I Am So Tickled...not half bad. What dyu think mjamille?
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
chukles silently inside,...i think...
csi...yes I recall you coming up with that acronym recently...what does it stand for again???? I think of blood and gore when I read that...certainly not my beloved LOL, is it?
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
csi @ labda's first comment
I blame the people who just "left their stuff lying around". That's bound to encourage the thieves.
Just because somewhere is described as safe isn't an excuse for stupidity.
hahahahahaa janeyjaney, or the purple one, thats been booked
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
hmm, i remember now, where i heard it... when i came here last april. i had to go to the WC back at the airport and the security guy told me to just leave my trolley in the passengers waiting area coz nobody's gonna take it...
it used to be like that, mjamille. 10 years ago.
i used to hear people here saying that you could actually leave your stuff lying around and nobody will take or steal it... now, i think im having second thoughts on that one....
I hope it wasn't a red LV insolite..
Yes I am biting my nails. Hope she comes soon, I was really hoping to get some sleep tonight.
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------