Woman gives birth to octuplets

Amazing stuff ..... Hope they all survive..
The incredible feat – giving birth to six boys and two girls – surprised the woman’s team of 46 medical staff from the Kaiser Permanente Medical Centre, who had only scheduled a Ceasarian section for the seven babies they thought she was having.
“My eyes were as wide as saucers,” said Dr Karen Maples, of realising there was an eighth child. “We just went on and delivered the babies.”
Dr Maples said the babies, who weighed between 1 pound, 8 ounces (680 grams) and 3 pounds, 4 ounces (1.474 kilograms), and their mother, were doing well and in stable condition in the neonatal intensive care unit, at the hospital in the Los Angeles suburb of Bellflower.
But two of the babies needed some help to breath with ventilators, Dr Maples said.
The eight babies, born nine weeks prematurely, were delivered over a five-minute period. Doctors initially identified them simply by the letters A through to H as they were born.
"We decided to proceed with the delivery in anticipation of seven babies. We had done some drills, some preliminary dry runs," said Dr Maples, who had been looking after the mother since the first trimester.
"Lo and behold, after we got to Baby G, which is what we expected, we were surprised by Baby H."
Citing patient confidentiality rules, the hospital declined to say whether the mother had become pregnant through fertility treatments, which can raise the likelihood of multiple births.
A woman in the US has given birth to eight babies, only the second time in history octuplets have survived more than a few hours.
The six boys and two girls were delivered in just five minutes by Caesarean section, weighing between 1lb 8oz and 3lb 4oz.
The babies were born nine weeks premature but are in stable condition in hospital in California. Two were placed on ventilators and a third needed oxygen.
Doctors at Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Centre in Los Angeles said they had expected seven babies and were surprised to discover the eighth.
Hospital officials would not release any information about the mother, including her name, condition or whether she used fertility drugs. They did, however, say she planned to breastfeed all of them.
"She's a very strong woman, so she probably will be able to handle all eight babies," said Dr Mandhir Gupta, a neo-natologist who is caring for the infants.
The mother checked into the hospital in her 23rd week of pregnancy and gave birth seven weeks later. All eight babies will probably remain in the hospital for at least two months and the mother should be released in a week, Maples said.
The world's first live octuplets were born in March 1967 in Mexico City, but all the babies died within 14 hours, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica.
The US' first live octuplets were born in Houston in December 1998. They were three months premature and their weights at birth ranged from 11oz to 1lb 11oz. The tiniest died of heart and lung failure a week after being born. The surviving Udobi siblings - girls Ebuka, Gorom, Chidi, Chima and Echerem, and their brothers Ikem and Jioke - turned 10 in December.
Forty-six hospital staff and four delivery rooms were used for the latest octuplets' births. After one baby was born, staff rushed the newborn into another room and waited for the next, the hospital said.
amazing fact.. may god bless all those 8 babies and their parents. she must be a blessed women!
A true blessing for the parents, but surely a handful..
Subhan Allah .... may they all have good & healthy life ahead
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
Good weights and only 9 weeks premature. Good luck to them.
May your dreams take you travelling all through your life.
May GOD give the parents strength to raise them up & long life to all 8 cutoo babies.. Hope v can see their pictures.... i think thats enugh!!! no more~~~~~~~~~~~
This is called Instant Family
Aweeesoommeee.. That's gonna be hard work.. Hope they can provide all their needs.. (:
Hope all the 8 babies will survive and in good health..parents should be emotionally, physically and financially strong to raise them..
cant imagine them all crying at the same time..lol
Most, if not all the multiple pregnancies are through fertility treatments..
Amazing . I hope they will all do well.
Hope they can raise them well and they survive..Tough job ahead...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.