Woman facing jail for not doing 'wifely' duties
In a bizarre case in Italy, a married woman could spend six years in jail for not doing 'enough housework', reports UK daily Metro.
The charge against the woman is that she has allegedly failed to cook and clean. The husband also accused her of 'poor management of the household chores' because of all the food that is wasted on a daily basis as it is not consumed, according to the daily.
The husband lamented that he had been thrown out of the couple's bedroom a couple of years ago. He also slapped charges of 'negligence' and being 'forced to live in conditions with poor hygiene'.
Should she be prosecuted ?
In centuries ago there was a messenger of God, trying to explain about the good deed for the people. However some of the people in that era did not convinced and asked food from the heaven or sky.
Accordingly the food from heaven was given as well, and they were not satisfied after some time. Unfortunately this kind of creatures are stamped in them by the god itself that the right path cannot be absorbed by them.
However this can be an example to identify the good and bad for the other creatures. We have limitation in our thinking and all human mission not come in complete due to the reason that they are human.
However the duty of mine is to propose a message and digesting or not digesting is as per the persons belief. In my opinion every human has a responsibility to leave a good generation.
Yeah, he should send a message that he is back in town so that his wife can kick out her lover in time.
Actually it's the love the husband & wife has. The wife should encouraged to have this. Those days when the husband returned from his journey after weeks or months or days. He does not come to house directly. He goes to the Masjid and send a message to his home that He is in town. Also the husband avoid going home in the night or early morning hours.
So once the message goes to the wife, she gets ready with the best of ways to welcome the husband. May be wearing a nice dress with applicable costume.
Example: A wife can show the beauty to only his husband in the home by well dressed. Rather dressing this to a shopping mall with heavy perfume. Who attracted by this?
What is the meaning of "satisfying" and what does it encompass
I think the concept is, the women's part in a marriage life is looking after the husband and satisfying him.
The man & the women has the full freedom of making their choice as per their wishes to have the correct life partner.
In related to the household, teaching and all other matter's of children are coming as a second option. These issues can be tackled with employing relevant people if necessary.
The issue here is, why the husband should blame the wife apart from she is satisfying the husband.
In my opinion, as long as the wife satisfies the husband, the life is going to be smooth.
i honestly don't know if there is sarcasm in your comment or none... pardon my ignorance...
Blank, I fully support your views ............ so nice .................
if the woman takes cares of the house, cooks for the family, do the laundry, take them out for lunch or dinner or play day out few times in a month, aside rom having full time job.. and still the man is saying that she does not care because she is not -
1 - sitting with the kids
2 - teaching them their homework
the woman here still at fault?
In my opinion the obligation come from the heart rather in papers.
That's why in my remote village people call the marriage as a "1,000 year plant or a seed".
Unfortunately it's not the case these days.
I assume she will have discussed and agreed this with her husband before getting married ..
how about if the woman married a man with kid/s from previous marriage? is the woman obliged to be responsible of the kid/s?
Yes, Love is invaluable. How much ever time this has been pronounced, the human still stick to be only wealth. It’s pretty you run out over the time that you don’t have someone truly loving.
That’s one of the reason the women being looked after husband and household. Rather correcting so many thousands of lively hood, if not correct on your own house, is something to think about.
Let’s make love to blossom the family first, and the world.
I believe the last words attributed to Steve Jobs are erroneous....
Anyway, you are right.. All I ever wanted of my Cuban Shotputter was for herto love me as I loved her.. i didn't care that she didn't do the dishes or couldn't make an omelette
In my opinion the women’s main duty Is caring the husband. However there are instances in my faith the women was not given a maid during her father’s reign.
My faith also say’s choose your wife according to your life standard. There is no harm in it. However the husband should have the ability to caring the women for the best in different areas.
May be he can, employ couple of workers to do the cleaning and cooking job. The only place the women or the wife goes wrong, if she’s unable to satisfy the husband. Vice - Versa too apply.
So, over all. The women cannot be charged at all for this reason unless she is failing in love and the said area’s as per the article. Cannot rule out hygiene though it can be uplifted with the husbands earning by employing workers.
This is my personal opinion, I believe a wife’s beauty and the love is totally for the husband.
May be below article an excerpt from Linked in to do something about the love.
"Last word of Steve Jobs"
Last words of Steve Jobs !! The wealth I have won in my life I cannot bring with me. What I can bring is only the memories precipitated by love. That’s the true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. Love can travel a thousand miles. Life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the height you want to reach. It is all in your heart and in your hands. What is the most expensive bed in the world? – “Sick bed” …
WT: She obviously promised to love, honour, obey, clean, cook, wash, iron and manage finances during the marriage vows
personal matters should be dealt inside the home between husband and wife...not taken to court..so in this case the husband is crazy and not the wife...he did not love the wife...he wanted a kadama for him in the form of wife