Will there be any stupid food threads today?

By timebandit •
What do you think the chances of another meaningless pathetic and pointless photo of some kind of food with a stupid short heading appearing on QL today are?
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Thanks Adey :-)
Cabbage: For all of the above, I will make myself available...
Yes i know ....... lol
The etc's know who they are lol
thank U cabbage
lots of work assigned by boss, couldn't make it possible this time :P
Chicken dinners - crumpets - monopoly - lets get our heads round this and organise something soon. I am up for it.
I can't this week - busy Sunday during the day - kids back in school on the Monday - how are you lot fixed?
well, if you have joined the page then you have the link.
send it to me too, however i've already joined this page, not because i hate or something make me irritated on QL, but just the way i look for fun with different angles ;)
will do...check your PM
Choca/Adey: please send me the link, I can't find it. Thanks peeps xXx
show me too :)
Thank you, Adey. A rather disgusting page, that. I didn't know of its existence!
I have PM'd you the link to the facebook page
Here's Tinker's question (honest, she designated me to ask) - when's crumpets and Monopoly?
That link is to this same thread again. Am I missing something here? And what FB page are you talking about?
MJ and TB - that link doesn't work :(
Cabbage - reply to TB's question!!! And here's my addition - when's the full English?
Yup MJ... however I am just going to ignore it. Some people just crave attention. They may as well just cry out "HEY LOOK AT ME, AREN'T I AMAZING?"
here you go:
So when is chicken dinner with all the trimmings then?
that SaeedKhan fella, aka Khailijkhan (or whatever he called himself) is saying about this thread over on that facebook page.
It's quite funny, you should all look, it's just him ranting away into empty space.
Here it is:
Saeed Khan http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1749929#comment-1845004
Qatar law says showing alcohol or talking about alcohol in open public is a crime.
In this forum, ladies are openly talking about drinks. Where QATARLIVING tells it is a family oriented forum
users like snessy, tinkerbell, cabbage etc openly talk about drinks. How can we being a muslim feel comfortable with such things on a site meant for users.
there is more to eat than Pudding ;)
Eaten the Yorkshire version (spit).
Had 'white pudding once'.
As they say - once you have had black you can't go back' :-)
And yes, Time Bandit, you have been vindicated. You may now thank us.
Let's not get racist now. Who cares what colour it is? And if we're going to split hair, it isn't even really a pudding now, is it? =)
It just tastes so good, it's almost vulgar.
By the way, have you eaten crumbed and fried white pudding?
TB, yes, there is another stoopid food thread......:0
rofl - yes it is called, 'a pudding that does not see colour'.
I think we can't call it "Black' pudding any more. I believe it is now "absence of colour Pudding"
You need more books - more DVD's and a full English....Thursday morning I am free.
Call me :-)
If you don't invite me real quick, I'm going to get very, very impolite!
Patience isn't one of my many virtues, least of all when I'm drooling.
Do you need Black Pudding? Got some here if you want :-)
Got the other stuff to go with it if you desire a 'full English' :-)
Snessy, Cabbage - and my vino? - Now I'M not feeling the love :(
Gee, Cabbage, thanks for the invite! But this makes me yearn a big fry-up, complete with black pudding! Well, especially the black pudding :) Always like that with what you can't have, eh?
Marmite either you love or hate it. I guess I am the one who hates it? But I do love to eat Cabbage :) Mom always said to eat me greens..
Alter Dusty: what are staring mads?
Don't worry TB, you can catch up with Cabbage & I when you get here, catching up is way more fun!
I was just thinking about having a gin and tonic actually....I will get the lovely Tinkers a Voddy and we will meet by the bar.
I have got the snacks lol x
any chance for we guys, who can be good for staring mads? ;O)
Yay! I've just poured myself a glass of vino, do either of you fancy one?
We girls should do the shopping and leave the men cooking rofl - joking
Can't wait....choca and snessy you are invited too x
I make my own and they are good puddings ;-)
Let me know when and where for the shopping :-)
and thus the thread has lost its message :(
btw, well said HGL, lets say again FALTOO ;)
Thanks Cabbage, I'm feeling the love again...I love a roast dinner but I do cheat by asking Aunt Bessie to make my yorkshire puds for me :-)
OK then - have you ever had a Roast Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings? It is yummy.
Rofl and me in that outfit - I looked an old hag lol
Sorry love - course you are invited lol You don't have to have them with Marmite x
Errr...I know I don't like marmite, but where's my invite Cabbage?? Not feeling the love :-(
Do you mean the outfit I wore for the Bollywood party?
I can't - I left it in the UK for my sister - in -law to wear when they study Indian Culture in her class after Easter :-(
Tinkers - what kind of food would you like to try?
I will make some crumpets - they are best when just out of the oven - I will make some soda bread too and you can taste my home made lemon curd lol
In fact - and this is a true sign of friendship - I will dress up as a Cuban Shot Putter rofl :-/ Oh the very thought lol
Hurrah! Crumpets - board games lol
How boring and old do we sound?
TB - don't worry about Brit I will print some pictures off from google of Cuban Shot Putters and that should distract him from the crumpets :-))
Seriously Tinks..... he has a reputation for taking all the crumpet for himself
I'm not coming if Brit is going to be there
You know you are welcome to come over anytime - in fact you can have one of my Marmite fridge magnets lol
We could have a crumpetfest - me, you, Brit, Tinkers and TB - marmite and peanut butter optional lol
Brit - How do you like your crumpet?
QL seems so abandoned... i had to dust my way in since my last visit wasn't recently....
I like crumpet .....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :O)
Okay, then I won't feel sorry for myself.
And you see? - I just scored 4 meaningless points on a stupid food thread :p
I just bought a 'Marmite' cookie tin from Lakeland. Now when can I come over for a crumpet takeaway?
How come I seem to have missed all of Ms. Lucy's shows? :( Were they fun?
Hey! Don't you dare call food 'stupid'! :p
And Qhris, leave chocolate out of this, okay? :-/
On that note, Milky_bar - white chocolate?! Ugh!!!
Happy you are free to tell me you would prefer it if I never posted again. As I am free to express a distaste for the subject of this thread.
Does everything around us happens exactly the way we want it or is it any different. Moreover, should everyone be interested only in the things that interest me or the others have the freedom to decide what interests them.
Say, I dont like such nitpicking and feeling superior attitude of quite a few on this website and there are quite many who share the same opinion with me. On the same premise then can we say that there wont be any threads which tend to convey that if I dont like it you cannot post anything on this website. Basically can we follow the simple rule for existence alongside in harmony "Live and let live".
Threads on random subjects are everyday events. I am more guilty than most for starting threads on those. But people have got to understand that a library picture of food, and a random subject title leaves very little to discuss. More importantly, many users have expressed how annoying such threads are, yet some people just can't seem to resist the urge to continue posting such twaddle. Now if the picture was taken by a user of food they had cooked, well now there is something to discuss. Or food they have just enjoyed in a restaurant, well there is something to discuss also.
TLS can only post a thread regarding foods, but today it seems she posted a thread regarding a "Expensive Cream"
Not stupid, just blooming expensive for a little idy biddy chocolate bar with good branding.
Would chocolate be classified as Stupid food I mean White chocolate?
Sounds like heaven cabbage ;)
I could always make you one of my 'specials' - a marmite and peanut butter covered crumpet :-/
I think you just posted one, though without pics...:)
I thought she'd already been deleted...is she back? :-(
I was sweating on the NASA Food winning; these are tough economic times.
I can absorb the hit of the Indian Food winning though, it's almost like I had insider knowledge!
Oh my god....does this mean I think like she does :-O
:P right back at ya MJ
TB, same... :P
Yep this time it was Indian lunch...so you win 10 riyals...collect from bookie Rizks :P
No MJ Different Day... Same Sh*t
Really Smokey?? I am so glad I missed it. Thank you MODS!
oh well, same sh*t, different day.. :P
lol Smokey !
WK dont get jealous of my head...:(
She had already posted it...and its gone now..someone please ban that witch Lucy!
Of course Rizks... this is QL so I expect that, and kind of understand it. But a library image of some food with a meaningless title for me is unexpected and I cannot understand it. Especial as anyone posting such a thread is alway ridiculed, and poked fun at for doing it.
I thought I would be proactive today, and get this thread in before an asparagus omelette appears and ruins my day.
I am willing to bet that atleast 10 threads today will have a post mentioning Rizks' bald head.
TB i dont know about those stupid threads but i BET there will be religion/nationality bashing in some simple threads....:(
oops....changed again.
Indian Food 2/1
Italian 5/1
Deep Fried 6/1
Japanese 6/1
Western 9/1
Arabic 10/1
Chocolate 16/1
Eskimo 50/1
Post-Pregnant Gherkin/Pickle 80/1
NASA Space Food 500/1
Not anymore....
I will have QR 10 on the Indian food, with QR 5 on the NASA Space food for a bit of fun ;)
Lusy Show will show some thing