Will I be arrested for using Skype?

Some time ago there was another post of someone asking this question, but did not receive any reaction:
However, today there is an article in the Peninsula stating:
"Communication Law 34/2006 prohibits the cheaper method of calling abroad since it is a 'misuse' of the country's exclusive communication services, and violators can languish in jail for one year as well as pay a fine of up to QR50,000."
This is the link
Oke, the chances of getting caught as an individual when using skype or voipbuster to call for free to PC's or telephones is minimal, but what if..... Is there then any legal ground to bust me or fine me for 50K?
I wonder where I can find this law, I tried to search the internet for the Qatari laws, but had no luck. Anyone any clue? Then I can also see if it's allowed to use BitTorrent to download movies and music.
thanx for future responses.
I have found the way to use skype in Qatar easy and now I call Home in London Every day for Freeeeeee Yes Freeeeee
thanks to Google Search
Even if it is against the law it is your inalienable right to use Skype, whatever a government says. The internet and all it has to offer to aid in communication is your right. You say what goes into your home and is used exclusively in your own home.
You download skype, and load some money on your account or set it up for monthly billing on your credit card. Then dial away! If the person you want to call has skype, then it is free for you to call them on skype.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
Can any one tell me how to use Skype in Qatar, some site offers VPN service for monthly charge, But I guess there is another way you guys having... so SOS please :)
You can't teach experience
Read today's (21/07/2008) issue of Gulf Times. It's not illegal to use VOIP.
we will arrest you if you post this topic again .. heheheh (just joking ) ...
please read this thred below ..you got the answer :)
Free help to get job ..
click below ...
Qatar Voice over Internet Protocal (VoIP) Policy
ictQATAR clarifies legal position regarding Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Qatar's VoIP policy
Doha, Qatar (July 20, 2008): Recent newspaper articles have given inaccurate or incomplete accounts of Qatar's legal position regarding Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The following is a clarification of the legal position of VoIP technology in Qatar from the Supreme Council for Information and Communications Technology (ictQATAR), the country's telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
VoIP is a technology for the delivery of voice services using existing internet infrastructure and services. There are no laws or rules that prohibit the use of such technology within the State of Qatar.
The Telecommunications Law 34 of 2006 does, however, make it illegal for any person to provide telecommunications services to the public for a direct or indirect fee without a license issued by ictQATAR for that purpose. Currently the only two entities licensed by ictQATAR to provide such voice services to the public in Qatar are Qatar Telecom (QTel) Q.S.C. and Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
In summary, the position on VoIP is:
1. Any person or business within the State of Qatar may use VoIP services for voice calls for their own use; and
2. No person or business within the State of Qatar may sell VoIP calls or services to the public or businesses without a license issued by ictQATAR. The only two companies currently licensed for that purpose are QTel and Vodafone.
ictQATAR is committed to encouraging the availability of the latest technology to Qatari citizens and residents.
Any person with further questions about Qatar's VoIP policy may contact ictQATAR by email at [email protected] or by calling our consumer help line at +974 499 5353.
go ahead and bring it on.....yes it will work.
Welcome to Doha.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
As most of the ppl said, its Ok to use Skype or VoIPs for personal use..
I hope they dont make a law, ruling it illegal or blocking it, the more we discuss this issue!! ;)
As I understand the law it's NOT illegal to use Skype for personal calls. And even if it was, it would be hard for them to block it since it can use the http port to transmit/receive. They'd have to do packet inspection or something instead (which is harder, but I believe UAE have implemented it recently).
hmmm... I prefer using msn to talk.
"If the enemy is in range, so are you." - Infantry Journal
I have been using Yahoo to make PC to phone calls to mainly Pakistan. I get 56 minutes for 10 dollars, is it a fair deal? I have heard skype is better. USA is so cheap, I get 3 hours talk time for 10 dollars on Yahoo. Why is calling South Asia always so expensive?
Yeah you can use it for personal use...
Just can't charge someone else to let them use it...
You can't teach experience
So if I buy my SKYPE phone in the USA and pack it in my bag to bring with me to Doha and then use it I am good to go???? I have a bought a USB cordless phone and I am bringing my laptop along with a converter for power. All for personal use and will it work???? Great questions!
"life is short, live it"
All new Voice products deployed are based on VoIP technology. In fact, I did design many of these VoIP systems for Service Providers in North America and big ones in Canada. Technically speaking, VoIP can be better than traditional phone line if you use special codecs. Simply put, it is really an ignorant comment by the newspaper.
you can find the decree law translation on ictQatar, google this.
and you will be able to find the law on their website, however the law does not state that the news paper states, which is to use a cheaper method of calling, it states only that selling a telecommunication service without a license is a breach and so the fines would occur.
so you should be fine.
Like everyone says, they have the ability to block the voip ports along with the websites that provide the software to use the technology but they don't so really its their own fault if they are loosing business.
thats because your name is speed...they cant catch u....lol
...and burn 'em at the stake!
Nail 'em at the cross!
Throw 'em in a bed of fleas of a thousand camels!
Throw 'em in the lions!
No prisoners!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
It is only for me I don't know but my friends can't hear my voice. This problem started recently.
Its NOT a crime to use these services for personal use. The only problem is when the users start charging other people by offering them the same service.
Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..
If Qtel won't allow any1 using VOIP or internet call and consider it a crime, why they don't blocks and filters all the ports and finish the problem. As I remember around 6 years ago there was a problem regarding this issue when the American army base open and after the problem started Qtel decided to open the ports for using VOIP
Nope no problem using Skype... although the voice quality has deteriorated oflate
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Mind your neighbours!! They are listening!!LOL
Jokes apart, it si a lousy way of trying to maintain monpoly of the statal or parastatal services, like the rest in Qatar if there is money to be made there is only one of each business (fair competition?!).
I really wouldn't worry!
There is NO harm in using the VoIP or any other device or service for personal use. The problem lies when people use it commercially.
Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..
Provided that you are utilising it for your own benfit. However, persons who offer VOIP calls for sale to the public without a license act in Breach of the law as stated in the Peninsula...
everyone is using it, they cannot put all of them in jail.
I.E. someone who can have a laugh......lol.....check out H2R - recent comment - no i dont work for 'em
get back to your gin :)
Using Skype? Bring back hanging I say!
We have skype and no problems, not sure where the info you require will be but I wouldn't worry, I know a lot of people who use it.