Will the French ever learn to drive properly

Not only do they drive on the wrong side of the road, wear silly berets, but now can't navigate the ocean floor either..
I think they're still trying to get back at us for Trafalgar!
A huge disaster was narrowly avoided when British and French nuclear submarines crashed in the Atlantic, a marine engineer said yesterday.
The vessels, which are armed with up to 32 ballistic missiles between them, collided 1,000ft underwater in the Bay of Biscay.
French sailors, who were returning to base, heard a bang after HMS Vanguard apparently clipped the front of their submarine, Le Triomphant.
HMS Vanguard, the lead boat of her class in the Royal Navy, had to be towed back to her base in Scotland after the underwater mishap
The French vessel's fibreglass sonar dome was shattered in the collision, causing £50million of damage.
The Vanguard was forced to return to Faslane, in Scotland, where it arrived at the weekend with 'very visible dents and scrapes', witnesses said.
Yesterday First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band confirmed the collision, which happened on February 3.
There was no nuclear leak and no injuries to the crew, he said. The Ministry of Defence declined to comment further, citing operational secrecy.
French sources confirmed Le Triomphant, was involved in a collision with Vanguard
The £4billion vessels were believed to be in 'stealth mode', moving at just four-and-a-half miles an hour, with most of their systems switched off, when they collided.
They avoid using active or 'pinging' sonar to find other objects, as it would give away their own position.
Only Britain, France and America are thought to operate such sophisticated and silent vessels. Russian boats are noisy by comparison.
But whereas British and American submariners routinely inform each other of roughly where their missile submarines are patrolling, to prevent just this kind of freak accident, it is understood there is no similar arrangement with the French.
As the French Navy generally has only one missile submarine on patrol at any one time, the British submarine had the remarkable misfortune to collide with the only vessel in the world which it is unable to detect, and knew nothing about.
...and it also must be the British's right hand drive steering that caused both the accidents.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
and garlic..............Mmmmn, fresh !!
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
The future is made of the same stuff as the present - Simone Weil.
with the french sub crammed to the ceiling with baguettes, the think smoke of Gitanes, copies of Le figaro splayed across control consoles any wonder, and with radio silence no Johhny Haliday playing either - mon dieu!
so is that covered by fully comp - whats the excess??
This is Amphicide.. Much worse than leaving land mines around..
They need to be reported to the Intrnational Court of Justice..
Look at what they have done to the Amphibian population.Thousands of them,maimed for life,unable to provide for their families,and reduced to been confined to wheelchairs,just so the smelly cheese eating surrender monkies can eat their legs........How cruel is that ??
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Will the French ever learn to drive properly?
not a chance.
The helmsgarcon probably had the beret pulled over his eyes when manouvering..
Her Majesty's Navy has been sailing below and above the seas for centuries.
As MP says, It must be the French..
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
So why is this the French's fault? Maybe the British sub was at fault.
They should have kept them where they are and called 999 :P
the mother of all KIA... pink submarine ....
Damn, the American secret service is good.
I haven't completed the conning tower and radar systems yet.. But the initial sea trials at Wakra went well..
Does KIA build submarines too?? lol
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
I guess he does, RP.
About If Britexpat drives a pink submarine with wheels.....
'The person at the "wheel" is called the Helmsman'. This wrong, RP. The person at the "wheel" of that pink KIA is ... britexpat!
I wonder how they manage to play petanque under stealth mode ?
The people who NAVIGATE the ship PER submarines are Officers and Quartermasters (enlisted).
The person at the "wheel" is called the Helmsman. They are usually a seaman standing a rotating watch (2 hours). They are in the Boatswains and Quartermasters Rates (job).
The wheel of a ship is the modern method of adjusting the angle of the rudder, in turn changing the direction of the boat or ship. It is also called the helm, together with the rest of the steering mechanism.
Get it right for once! Mr Non sailor.
maybe the French were distracted---totally involved in a card game of Mille Bornes and eating french fries?
Pass the ketchup.
According to reports "The French submarine Le Triomphant remained unaware that it had rammed and damaged HMS Vanguard until days later, when it was informed by the Royal Navy."
Probably the old Chatteau Gay Paris Rose hindering their senses.
50 million to repair a bit of fibreglass - they should take it to the Industrial area and get it done for 50 Riyals!
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Typical Froggies..
We should make them pay for the repair..