Why your food stinks

"At this time of year, at least one-quarter of our food is spoilt on arrival from Doha port. During the height of summer, over one-half of the food is thrown away as soon as the shipment arrives."
That's the verdict from a senior manager at one of Doha's five-star hotels, and he's angry: "I've complained to everyone about it, from the manager at the port, right up to the head of the NHA. It's a disgrace that you can't get fresh food into the port during the summer. When I went down to the docks, I could see it was complete chaos. Cement shipments were taking priority over perishables."
As Doha's population has grown, the port has become overstretched, to the point where now even the top restaurants are sending their staff to supermarkets to buy supplies. "I've given up importing cheese. I now let the supermarkets take the hit. If Carrefour has a shipment go bad waiting for a birth, then they have another one coming a few days later. I simply can't rely on my supply chain any more."
The manager, who asked not to be named, is furious too with the local media. "I've been to two English papers. Both sent reporters to interview me. Nothing happens for a few days, then stories start to appear in the press: 'No problems with imports at Doha port.' It's an Orwellian f*cking nightmare. The only consolation is that this place is going to turn Ramsay's reputation to dust."
I've stopped eating the frozen vegetables from megamart because I think they taste weird: like they've been partially defrosted then refrozen. A lot of frozen chips I've tasted from other supermarkets taste the same, so it's not just the one shop that has the problem.
I still shop at megamart because it's handy, and has a good meat counter. I just steer clear of the freezer foods.
BTW, have you seen the legs of venison and game birds in the freezer section of megamart. Now THEY look bad.
Anyone been to Mega Mart lately?
I've been there last Friday.And was shocked to find the main Dairy refrigerator to be warmer than usual, there was humid in the surface & dairy products (imported yogurt) were actually warm.The place was closed down by NHA twice, yet no improvement in hygiene.
never mind eh? I don't think a worker would thank for a lobster tail....I find that there is little or no meat in it and all it is good for is the bin! As long as no champers gets wasted!!
Ngourlay, if that were the case the staff would have nothing to eat in the evenings ;-)
The hotels can afford to dump the food because of the prices they charge for brunch. I think it's a waste when I hear of workers who are barely able to afford a sack of rice per month, when lobster tails and caviar are left to rot in bins!
I think he's referring to the poor quality of food we get. For example, it's quite common to pick up fruit and veg in carrefour and find that it's already going mouldy.
Noticed that our food stinks of what anyway?
Are you suggesting the Ritz should be turned into a soup-kitchen for labourers between brunch and dinner?
What do you feel should be done with excess food? If they could make money out of the food, I'm sure they would.
I heard that the food left over from the weekend brunches (after offering to their staff in the evening) is DUMPED. What a waste.
Ex-expat - are you suggesting that propaganda is perfectly acceptable then?
ex-expat...where are we? Outer Mongolia?
Can you give an example ex-expat?
Nothing is at seems in this place and (I would say) it is only a minority of expats who have lived here for many years who really understand that.
Unfortunately, many other expats who have also been resident here for many years, do not understand and have never realised the nature of this place. They think they are in England or the US and they do not make any allowances for cultural differences.
I see examples of this all the time and it never ceases to amaze me.
Many of you guys need to wake up and realise where you are...
wow., never knew about that tallg.,(newONE) perhaps they find it redundant to state the obvious., LOL...
veni, vidi, vici.
Yes, this goes back to the issue of journalists self-censoring themselves because of their fear of the possible repercussions and the lack of protection they're given by the laws of Qatar.
If it weren't for QL, most of these stories, the 'real' face of Doha, would never come to light.
The local media here is p1ssweak and will turn a blind eye to everything rather than risk exposing the rampant incompetence in the public and private sectors.
lmao @ "The only consolation is that this place is going to turn Ramsay's reputation to dust."
I've lived here long enough for none of this comes as a surprise. I always say that I enjoy living here until I have to deal with anyone where paperwork and a minuscule bit of organisational skill and common sense is required. From garages to hospitals to ports, it seems nothing happens as it should do.
btw, did you interview this guy yourself?
Are you suggesting the local media is biased and only publishes stories that promote the success of Qatari industry.
Well, der.