Why?? WHY??

Everyday driving on the roads of Doha, I find time to think. Lots of time actually, with the increasing time required for the same distance everyday. We see people driving following traffic rules, respecting the others around. Then there are those who don’t care for these rules. They are aplenty.
After looking at the different groups of offenders, there is one group I find most irritating. This is the group of drivers who take the side slip roads and enter the roundabouts/traffic signal ahead of the waiting line. These are the one who enter parking area from the no entry side or wrong lanes to reach the empty parking slots ahead of the looong waiting row of cars coming the right way. It seems their reaching on time is more important than you. But what is also important is that many of us in the right track stop to give way to the ones who are entering the wrong way. None of us (including myself) ever step out and voice our displeasure at them or honk at them, or stop them from cutting through. Why? Because somewhere we believe that these people are stronger, more powerful than us and as lower creatures we should make place for them, and they deserve to be ahead of us.
The similarity in life stares at you. There are people like us who are working diligently, working our way up. Then comes a person who wants to cut ahead of us using shortcut take And what do we do? We make way for this person, though not happily. We let all our hard work go waste, swallow our pride. We assume that if this person has the guts to use the short cut, He must be a higher being having special resources. Why do most of us not have the guts to say no, why do we give way??
Its about manners or lack of in this case, if people dont have manners they will also display this on the roads. Its not that we let them get away with it, but like Alexa said its "survival" on the road to just ignore it. You cant change the way people behave but you can change the way it you let it affect you...
Agree with you totally.
I just smile to myself, call the person an Ass**le under my breath and carry on without a care in the world..
Theer are too many more serious things to worry about in this strange world of ours.
I used to get wound up whilst working in Saudi.. By the way, they are ten times worse there. Then one day a colleague told me to chill.
If a guy cuts in front of you. He is not just doing it to you, but many others also. So, its nothing personal.
You just go your merry way, knowing that the person is ignorant and bereft of social norms, and not worth worrying about.
are good drivers and they have a strict implementation of traffic rules. When I was there I could not believe that despite heavy traffic you will find people following rules and having patience. I know of people who have driven in oman but are scared of driving here. Why the difference??
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
I lived in both Kuwait and Saudi, people drive there like maniacs and every single day, you write your own well before hitting the roads.
I think the guys in Qatar are learning from their fellow gulfies. They are getting there, slowly but surely :)
But it does feel bad. and what a terrible way to start your day every morning, days and days on..
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
Then you realise that this starts affecting your life in other ways. We begin giving way to similar people in our office promotions, in supermarket lines, and and ... every where
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
with the kind of attitude that goes around, we care for none. Who actually wants to work to get some improvement around here. No one. because we dont care, we dont care because they dont care. I mean if a person wants to keep his own house dirty, would i volunteer to clean it for him. ofcourse not
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
i hate it...as i m victim of it on daily basis...on the corniche road ...
but i try ny best not to give an inch to such driver..had accident twice coz of this.....
If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.
This is because we did not care for our country and left it to use our talents and skills for the growth of others.
Actually, we are our own culprits by letting them accept that we are bunch of scrap being thrown out of our land
we are not illegal entries.
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
Is it that we believe that we are not good enough and some people are better
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
you are in DOHA... we have to dance with their music...
does survive mean to bend and break. why suffer?
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
You are absolutely correct, in all your grievances. We have to endure it all coz we are the unwelcome guest in this land, although we have beeb blowing our butts for their country.