Why so many scroungers in this world?

Why people you don't even know, assumes they can scround off some other people they don't even know? I can understand that to beggars but for some so called decent people to expect other people to just give things away or beat them down with the prices you are expecting is way too much. I tried to sell our plasma today and some idiot came and took an hour just full pain in the arse and so bloody stingky indeed, which pisses me off completely. had already a good bargain and paid the bookshelf but was not satisfied with his bargain as yet asked for 2,700 for a 50 inch plasma that is actually guaranteed for 3 years, which cost us more than 6000? its not 'just that, after he pays for the book shelf he wanted that off the price of 2,700? It didn't end just with that instead he wanted my husband to deliver the plasma to his place? such an idiot! I may have had a good heart for the poor and homeless people or charity, but for a business person and have been living in the UK, as he boasted? no way! Anyway! I still managed to sell my plasma as I said I have a buyer and just as well it happens right after this idiot left.
I am sorry to say this, but why so many scrounger in this world? have they ever feel ashamed of themselves?
I hate it and I always do! I don't care if I have to give away everything to charity but not with people who can afford and just being cunning! sorry to moan but I have to say it!
Noun 1. scrounger - someone who mooches or cadges (tries to get something free)
cadger, mooch, moocher
beggar, mendicant - a pauper who lives by begging
schnorrer, shnorrer - (Yiddish) a scrounger who takes advantage of the generosity of others.
noun parasite, freeloader (slang) sponger (informal) bum (informal) cadger, bludger Austral., N.Z. (informal) sorner Scot. quandong Austral. (slang)
Wisdom of a shoe-addict, pure and honest.
or just haggling?
people are normally on the look out for a bargain,,,,so dnt be surprised when they will come to you offering a riyal for all the things youre selling....
scrounge (skrounj)
v. scrounged, scroung·ing, scroung·es Slang
1. To obtain (something) by begging or borrowing with no intention of reparation: scrounged a few dollars off my brother.
2. To obtain by salvaging or foraging; round up.
1. To seek to obtain something by begging or borrowing with no intention of reparation: scrounge for a cigarette.
2. To forage about in an effort to acquire something at no cost: scrounging around the kitchen for a late-night snack.
Sorry to hear all of that. but unfortunately that is the reality. people expect a lot from other people. These people are called opportunist. they thought they are good in bargaining but the fact is they are just a scrounger and shameless. :P
Have a nice day!