Why is QL censoring/moderating again?

There was a post, not a few minutes ago, asking the question:
"Is Islam Really The Religion Of Peace"
(No, it was not my post, I just hate seeing topics deleted)
It was not inflammatory and was seriously asking for details, from Muslims, why they feel their religion is the Religion of Peace.
In my opinion, if you are going to delete something because it has religious overtones, then delete everything with religious overtones...don't pick and choose.
and I bet you look sweet when you blush................you little temptress you
Shukran BP.... now I am blushing....
Xena, the thought of QL being banned............well thts would be terrible, so had to ask seriously, thought you were pulling my leg ( oh I love that too)........just wanted to check.
And you are a cheeky girl..........but cute with it
tongue in cheek comment BP... thought you got my warped sense of humour....
I never thought you would....lol....
Xena..........wouldnt do that anyway, there are restrictions which one should adhere to and respect and I do.........but is there a chance that QL anyway will be banned
dead serious....;-)
Xena..........I hope you werent serious about Q-tel ?
Q-tel is about to ban QL..... infact.. they are sensoring it as we speak... pretty soon, when you look for QL... it will read
Q-Tel has blocked this site....hehehehe...
Xena............stop it now, you know that turns me on..............maybe I should start a S&M thread so that I dont get accused of Hijacking again
hi-jacking this thread BP..... on your needs, you dirty rotten scoundrel...
Xena..........considering the diverse topics and the sensertive nature of some of them I think QL does a pretty good job in making its decisions
Oh sorry................Hi Mistress
true xena...no one from us will ever stop to question or complain...that's how this works...
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
You sure live up to to your name Rude...
People complain when the site is moderated, and when things get out of hand, they complain cause it isn't moderated...
make up your minds..... you cannot have it both ways....
There is hardly any thread that does not have religion touch in it. Thanks to some of the members.
What will happen then. have to delete all the threads ??
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
really can you track posts thats great. can you get me ever first post by hmmm scorpio or dweller or hmm JBH hm or Gypsy.
Not if the post was deleted by a moderator...which it was...and then rewritten. I'm not crazy and know how to track posts.
who posted a topic
then to trace that out easily
and you will see the user record.
The thread was killed by the one of the moderators but Re-Born by the 2nd try:)
with whom?.....:D
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Owen ????? you're playing hide-and-seek or what ? :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
or maybe when you tried to click on it, the author was in the process of editing it therefore you got no access...just a possibility..
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
but now came back.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
so it wasn't as per greeker's link...
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
No, it was deleted, others noticed it too....
Well, my friend, i see it exactly where it was. Who said it was deleted? Day tripping? hehe.
See this...