Why not Flagged as Offensive?

There are many QLers, making fun of MUSLIMS faith.
Facebook should be banned or not. they are free to comment, but NOT by supporting the cartoonists while making fun of MUSLIMS>
I'd appreciate if some senseful MOD intervene to stop such messages.
Continuous provocotive and poisnous comments, could start something in REAL WORLD anytime, for which we all would be responsible. There'd be nowhere safe for westen men/women I promise, while civilisation is being murdered on this very forum.
Most of my western friends (in real life) are really sad and against such DRAW DAY, but many online non-muslim users are finding themselve a luxury to provoke MUSLIMS behind the screen.. I don't know when they'd realize its them in landmine zone not us.
someone already claimed muslims as most voilant and terrorist nation of all (no one deleted this comment yet). His comments prove arrogance, fake pride and promote racism and hatred.
I wonder how many nights this guy would enjoy his beers, before any Muslim fanatic take him to a filth drain.
I'm asking regulation, moderation and restraint for QL., as well as for Facebook and all internet sites.
Where's are the voices of Sanity ?
isn't it our very own little peaceful Doha ?
you know you are being totally dishonest with your thoughts when typing in your comments.
You really don't understand the gravity of the situation; your problem is not lack of knowledge, but lack of right perceptions towards muslims and qataris.
Try repeating those few typed words in public, you will get your lesson. My OP was to STOP blasphemous and offensive comments on various threads to the (MODs, if there are any)and to explain we All Love our Prophet more than anyone / anything in the World. because any muslim here even the most moderate one can go any extent to express his anger and outrage for FB event.
You should be aware by now that this recent FB incident has backfired spectacularly; It has only been succesful increasing the gaps amongst muslims and the west. .the impact has been devastating between muslims relations with the rest of the world. It undermines those Western leaders/expats who seek to persuade young muslims that they respect their religion and that they are free to practice it as equals.
No matter how surprising for you (except for a %age mock muslims here) but the rest of Qatari people are deeply religious and passionate in defending the dignity of their Prophet.
It wasn’t so long ago Britain had a concept of blasphemy and people cared enough to protest "Monty Python’s The Life of Brian" and the reaction it caused among Christians. The FB site, too features childish and gratuitously offensive pictures of the Prophet Mohammed.
It is deeply offensive for all muslims, moderate and extremist alike, to create or display any images of Mohammed. To portray him as (###) is guaranteed to create jihadis of even the most liberal or westernized muslims.
I was just trying to wake up the human side of everyone here; having any religion and due respect to one's belief; not to support this mean and henious cause in any name.
If you are man/woman enough, try making a free speach and your idea of making fun of everything within your work place or neighbour hood. You disrespect muslims belief obviously, still your trying to make your dreams come true in DOHA. How do you feel yourself safe amongst 75% muslim population here, while you disrespect their Holy Prophet?? It can be for real that this way you would end up attracting fanatics to blast you somehow to get a ticket to heaven.
but even this is not the point.
We are your host here, we are trying to be the best , but you can turn every one around you(even the most moderate muslims) as your worst enemies, with the least blasphemous talk you may think.
You are right about me. Yes, I have a PERSONAL GRUDGE against anyone who disrespect my religion in anyway, because I AM A MUSLIM, Its Part of My Faith ..
I feel the tone and approach of OP is highly incorrect.
1)Few typed letters on a website by nobody's has never and will never start anything in real world.
2)What is your definition of landmine zone?
3)Threatening some particular community 'you won't find any safe place' sounds like a teenage bully who goes back home with a black eye.
If you find a post offensive, flag it. If you don't agree with something, you can express your view. If you know somebody is provoking you, ignore it and report abuse.
And please don't use religion for your own personal grudges. It is too selfish and disgusting.
You don't have to follow me.... You don't have to follow anyone.
Khattak is right. Ignore it guys.. the more you react the more the abuse will be.
This is revolutionary, exiledsaint.
You're all individuals.... You have to think for yourself..
u can still follow modified one.
no offense.
i'll just wait for the Monty Python send-up.
I will provide you with description
flan, u must follow a modified religion by a king after 300 years of the messenger.
i couldn't see any pics or cartoons.
Prophet Mohammed
i still don't know what mohd looks like.
she's too young to be handle with my weak bones ;)
Yes Verisi doesn't post too often now. Strange isn't it?
She is still here, don't think for long though. She is definitely not on QL now. Looks like verisimilitude's purpose was only to harass PM, he doesn't post now that she is gone.
May be she is still in Qatar.
Yes edifis, me too :(
I really miss PM.
But it's nothing like PM VS Verisimilitude.
It's always fun to read a debate between Olive and Dot.com :o)
Yes bunch of oldies f-ing whiners like you.
Bunch of f-ing whiners the lot of you.
as such :)
with little modification to your comment
if somebody is not agreeing with so called civilized oldies, they will automatically get ban
and i'ad experienced once on QL with my previous blocked id.
PS: Never argue with white oldies.
Public forums for public opinions :)
Be democratic, show respect and welcome all PoV's....
if somebody is highly pervert and insulting others/religions.....just request MOD and get banned that QL user ID !
now u must realize, that i was not wrong at all, for asking those post in PM :P
Yes, Hijab were offensive for so called civilized nations, and its better to have ban on it.
btw, why MODs on Qatar living found extremely offensive my thread "Pop were helping Pedophiles ?" and they deleted.
flanostu, an equal opportunities joker!
- though I disagree with what you say, I will defend with my life your right to say it.
i'm not racist, i make fun of everyone.
what about scarf is it also a freedom of speech?
learn to ignore and be coOL
Well put adey.
I find ntasa more hateful and offensive than any post I have seen on QL for some time. All the threats of violence runs a little contrary to complaints about someone calling Muslims violent. Perhaps some should flag it :)
Besides, how can someone be racist against Muslims? Islam is a religion, not a race or ethnicity. ntasa needs to get his/her bigotry labels right.
At the Original Post:
They know how to play safe...and how to provoke. You should learn to ignore.
Removing their comments isn't going to change their views or others who share them. I have seen/heard/read all kinds of racist/bigoted/ignorant comments directed towards my person, and I am still here and never shed a tear about it. I do however feel like crying when the mods on here feel it is necessary to randomly delete my post that are not offensive but only reflect the reality of the political situation in this region...:(
I am a little worried that so many muslims are arguing with the people supporting these drawings/ pages against Islam on Facebook. Their whole point is to annoy, anger and provoke the Islamic world. the best way to respond? -Ignore it.The argument that it "is expressing freedom of speech" is inaccurate. It is simply expressing freedom to offend. Muslims with any sense will ignore it.
An important rule to live by is "Never argue with an idiot." This is extremely relevant when it comes to what certain FB users are up to.
'Continuous provocotive and poisnous comments, could start something in REAL WORLD anytime, for which we all would be responsible. There'd be nowhere safe for westen men/women I promise, while civilisation is being murdered on this very forum.'
really? Civilisation is being murdered? Civilisation is accepting that people have different views to you and not threatening to cause them harm. (either directly or indirectly)
no where safe for western men/women, not that is a terrible thing to say. It says you support violence agaisnt a general population. Shame on you
"There are many QLers, making fun of MUSLIMS faith"
No my friend you have got that wrong. I have not seen anyone make fun of the muslim faith, ie Islam, here.
What is going on however is that some QLers are being made fun of.....just so happens that some are muslim. And some muslims are not made fun of.
Nothing to do with the faith; rather, if you make percieved stupid comments then you can only expect to be made fun of, regardless of whatever your faith is.
But then again some people just love playing the victim and and calling for everyone who does not agree with them to 'shut up'....Ooops...I mean 'moderated'!
whyte, the "Yanks" and more so the Jews (Zuckerberg!!!! oy vey!!!! ) are the root of all evil no matter how you turn things. We all know THAT.
I do have my moments....;)
Bring on the frogs, should be fun to watch!
Well Zuckerberg is American so a yank is at the root of all this ;-)
No, she is not American.
And I think, due to the "theme" of this thread, it would be advisable to leave the "Yanks" out of it.
Although, in the end they WILL be blamed, of course. ;)
' There'd be nowhere safe for westen men/women I promise'
wow what a way to back your argument by underhanded implication. Agree with us or we will hurt you, that is not a civilised argument. Please look up the words of volataire before replying
No, that were not the Americans...that was Xena.
Don't worry, anyone who used offensive language, Muslim or Non-Muslim will find their comments removed soon :)