Why he did like that ???????

On last Friday, I was driving to Umm Salal Muhamed with my friends……
Just after one signal I took left ( I was coming from University petrol station area) I don’t know that signal name,
I saw one Nissan Pathfinder on my right side, that driver was showing something with his hand, first I thought I might have some problems on my car, then I asked wht is the problem (by hand) then I saw that he is shouting and using bad fingers ………. Then he started playing on the road , we really confused ……
After 50m. he slowed his car and asked me to park behind his car……..
I just followed him ……..
He came outside , I opened my window glass, he came and caught my shirt….. he pulled me out ……
I asked wht is the problem ……. He never replied …..
He asked to come out side to my friends……
They opened the door…….. he did same thing with them, then he asked to us why u guys laughed ?????
I said we are discussing something and laughed
He said I have ladies in my car, why u guys looked them, I told him Wallahi, we nvr did that, even I have family here , they are in my home ……… I do respect others family too
He never listen us, he was holding us , then he started shaking us ……..
Finally he used some bad words ……….. and he spited our face………….
Really up to now we don’t know wht mistake we done ……….. why he did like that ??????? for wht he spoiled our rest days …….
But from that movement we are praying to Allah to give him maximum punishment to him …….
Looks like he is a Lebanon nationality ……………
Hope allah will give a maximum punishment to him,
So sori for that bad experienced but at that point in time you should call the police or otherwise get their plate number & complain them, that's your only protection. You are both expatriate in this country & even locals don't have the right to step on one's dignity unless there is a mistake done on your part. They are some kinda high..
to stop and be given a dirty finger is quite acceptable. to be collared is declaring war. spitting on your face is to me a very demeaning. i just don't understand why you let that happen.
my father told me when i was young, son when you walk out that door, you must bring with you your brain, balls and shovel for graveyard. as to who will use the graveyard, let your brain decide with extra help from your balls.
i am sorry for you firose.
firose, the whole story is like saying "i'm stupid and coward, please comment!!!!"
can't believe you did this to yourself (i mean posting on QL), like torturing yourself more and more, didn't you get enough of how you reacted in first place?
anyway, listen to the guys here and DO NOT STOP for any reason other than police asking you to.
and btw, stop calling God to interfere, people like that alleged man counts on your God to do what they want and run away with it.
... a hoof in the chugs, mate. Deson't matter how big he is - one round-toe size 11 straight in the chugs and he'll drop like a professional footballer whose shirt has been slightly ruffled.
Then run. Really, really fast.
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman
oh boohoo..."it's not our country...what to do,it's our fate"...it's because of cowards like you who can't stand up for themselves that a whole community gets a bad name & people assume they can treat people of that community any way they want...quit moaning & get on with it will you?...you stopped,that was your mistake,NOTHING would've happened if you didn't stop...you & your friends wouldn't have been subject to that mistreatment & you wouldn't be moaning about it here...to cut a very long story short,next time: DON'T STOP!!!...plain & simple...
its not our country........
and we don't know to speak Arabic....
wht do its our fate.........
A similar situation happened in front of my - the finger instant from a Lebanses or Jordanian couldnt figure it out, anyhow we tried to complain to police with the car number guess what the police did ... every police station started to throw us to another police station with no result ... nothing happened ...
so firose tell your friends not to get afraid because simply the police here dont handle complains from this kind, but when anything like this happens just never stop or bother to him from the first place, and if he called names answer back BUT never do that if you have company, if your friends with you never do that coz if you are two and the other side is one he'll be the defendant on all cases..
and dont think alot about why he did this ... many things in life happen with no reason, shit happens..right
ok dear LeBaNeSeMaN......
I don't like to argue with u.....
coz we knows wht hapand on that day......
2. why did u pull aside?
he said , we laughed inside the car and we looked his car
1. You and/or ur friends were looking at the ladies.
no we nvr looked that ladies, even we are busy to discuss something else....... coz I was in uae on my Eid vacation days, I met many of our friends from there, so we here busy to discuss that……….
2. why did u pull aside?
he said , we laughed inside the car and we looked his car
3. That man gave u finger without any reason ?
yes, coz I asked wht is the problem....
3. u and ur friends could not resist a single man !
no, mainly he look like very strong and tall..... and it’s not our country, if he do this in our country that will be his last day...... here he can do wht ever he want if he have friends , but we are poor guys, if we lose our job coz of this …….. we can’t imagine that ……..after all, he can twist this story in any route..... coz he said there is ladies in his car
4. how did u know that he is Lebanese?
look like he is Lebanese
5. why don’t u complain to the police?
my friends scared abt complaining even they are new here, and just like kids. If I was alone there ……..
Choose aamong these possibilities :
1. You and/or ur friends were looking at the ladies.
2. why did u pull aside?
3. That man gave u finger without any reason ?
3. u and ur friends could not resist a sinlge man !
4. how did u know that he is lebanese?
5. why dont u complain to the police?
Guy was looking for a fight. Don't give him one.
love the father and son photo
...listen to the sound of silence....
why did you allowed yourself to be maltreated in the first place?i mean you're a man and he crosses his boarders on you..you can easily give him what he deserves.i can't imagine you and your friends simply give him a shock look..
sandeep, that's what i wanted to know lol
...listen to the sound of silence....
marie he never stared at them so wouldn't know or did he??
just a side question please
were the ladies beautiful?
...listen to the sound of silence....
I agree with gradene . .and britexpat
Alumnar & mjamille28
I just posted my experience here.........
I was very much intertested to complain !!
as I said my friends they are new here, they may not get time to follow this cae.........
even they are scared abt this , coz they are not that much educated too .........
otherwise I will go to the police, even his finger print was there on our shirts....
Waht do ......
sandeepkadian he nvr give me chance to open my mouth.....
and he told me that ......
and we really shocked that time ........
good and what if there is no police station then??
so go and complain.
You should have told him to f**k off..
Rule number 1, never stop the car, and if you're followed, drive to the nearest police station.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I think that labnese will never do the same to a Qatari or Pathan. they are always agressive against people who give them a free ticket.
you made mistake to stop your car over there as that guy is not a cop or something like that. By the way, you can go to police but it's a wise decision not to go to cop at this moment. As there was ladies in that car they might make another story if you go to police now.
May be that guy got annoyed due to your presence besides his car as he was (may) busy in some private moment with ladies.
"so after all .......... Allah is there ..... let him give the punishment..."
so what do you expect from posting this? just get over it.
... why did he post this anyway? If he doesn't intend to complain he should have just kept it to himself and carried on as usual.
Very strange!
Why do I now get the feeling that there may be more to this than meets the eye ..
maybe its not allowed here to look at their ladies.
dont laugh(might be misinterpreted) as well when you're on their eyesight, just maintain a pokerface.
whether your actions were with malice or not his actions were, of course,barbaric
...listen to the sound of silence....
at the end we found some ladies in his car,
if we complain......if police come .....
they may twist the story ......
coz ladies is there inside the car ....
I took his plate number,
but my friends don't want to complain to the police ....
coz they are just like kids...... they scared to go Police station etc.........
so after all .......... Allah is there ..... let him give the punishment
agree with gardene
dude we all know Allah is there to punish him, but in the mean time you give some work to cops.
Being quite like this is not the solution, you guys will not loose anything if you complain.
Atleast for the sake of your self respect you should complain and bring that guy to cops...
Take a help of some arabic speaking guy with you, it will be big help.
True Friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.....
There's no shortage of psychotic people in this town...golden rule no:1:- NEVER EVER stop on the street for someone like that,they'll bother you for a bit in moving traffic & getting no response from you will just carry on,to probably go pick on some other poor soul...you don't need to stop for ANYONE on the roads EXCEPT the police or a similar Govt. agency & they won't be showing fingers @ you & shouting asking you to stop,apart from that,stop for NO ONE,all this happened ONLY because you listened to the guy & pulled up on the side of the road like he asked,remember,you have rights,just like him,what's the worst he would've done? bumped into your car?...in which case,note down the regn. no: straight away & call the police,giving a full description of the incident...either you're not telling the whole story or the guy was just pissed off/frustrated & wanted to take it out on someone & found you guys easy prey,lesson for the future,NEVER stop for these guys,they can't do ANYTHING to you in moving traffic...
should have stripped him nude and left on the road. Duh!!!
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
we never expect this ......
even others started criying.....
they just like a kids.....
and that lebanise is very storng and tall
I hope you guys have took his plate no.... if yes than report it to cops...
I am sure he will be punished for this act.
True Friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.....
an Arab in Qatari dress drove by me the other night and for no reason gave me the finger,,,,
I wonder if this is the start of a new fad??
torture from a lebanise guy,how you accepted??????
Why did you allow him to do this ? Especially since there were a few of you.
Better frogive him from your side ---- and Leav rest of Allah ----