Why does it take so long to delete a QL ID?

By timebandit •
Spam is a hot topic here on QL at the moment. I have one simple question: Why does it take so long to delete/block a spamming ID?
Once an attack starts it goes on for ages, and ages. There must be a reason why within moments of the attack starting the offender isn't dealt with. Is the QL back end not up to the job, or is it simply that there is no one monitoring the site at the time?
Is it so difficult to bloc TNAT dot com? or whatever that site is listing all the accessories?
The trick is not to delete the user id... but to block the advertised site..its easy to create a million IDs but its not so easy to create new sites... or domain names... it has to be paid!
Does anybody knows how to edit or remove your Resume from Qatar living? Information to that effect will be appreciated. Thanks!
The spam is getting out of control. Someone is going to need to do something.
WK, I have no idea ok.. and I know the spammers have been at it 24 hours a day since Eid started...
MJ spam is on 24 hours.. What time do they monitor?
If you can't do it, don't be a mod..
could be no one monitoring at the time... :(
They are not on any Eid leave..
Try posting a classified in main forum, will be deleted rather quickly..
Your forgetting my friends mods are on eid leave or may be they might have taken a vacation.