Why cant they leave Married men alone?

“Some women may highly appreciate men having families and children and absolutely ignore unmarried men. There are women seeking romantic relations with married men only, they like to attract and tame them.”
What do you think is the reason behind this? Its sad to see happily married men fall for such women. I heared many stories on QL about such women. We can see such women here in QL too. Either they are in a bad marriage or they are divorcee/temporarily single or single. Why can’t they leave happily married men and go for single men? Even though many men try to avoid such women they still go behind them, they don’t want to be rude to a females so they indirectly avoid them, reject their invitations. Still they wont leave them.
"Experts recommend wives not to leave husbands alone for too long and spend vacations together so that to avoid men’s contacts with other women seeking break-up of your family. Do not decline husband's sex efforts even if you feel not inclined to have sex."
Not all men are strong enough to resist temptations.
yea make a new thread with the title 'Why cant they leave Married Women alone?'.....:)
why not reverse course and start all over again?
Considering that we went totally off tangent, the thread might as well be deleted..
Why is this still being discussed, surely there cannot be anything new to add here?
xxc, Is this the place for lost and found? My husband know how to say NO to such women.
why complaining? u lost ur husband?
Hemlatha, your comment dont make much sense. You don’t have any right to accuse anyone without valid proof. This thread is not meant to defame anyone in particular.
Isn't it fun to read responses from the self-righteous..
Karrena reading your responses I do think you were born yesterday and have no clue about this world.
Married women cheat as much as married men but the percentage of single men going after married women is lot less than the single women going after married men.
Don't take Qatar with its highly skewed sex ratio as the base to form your opinions.
Why cant they leave Married men alone?
-Maybe they were a couple back then when that Married man is still not yet married..?
MBK watching too many bollywood spicy item numbers will make ur wig fly like a UFO in the sky....:)
MBK...watching too much bolywood item numbers are injurious to ...hmmmmm...lol
Even though I didnt understand a word of that song that FS recommended but throughly enjoyed the dance act..:)
FS........... u r recommendig bollywood videos... breaking news :p
how about this: why can't married women leave married men alone? :P
TKB.. I told you that me and Bollywood are not really that close.
I think I need to attend that Bollywood night at Pearl that Oryx was talking about last night with You and Chocaholic to get to know a bit more about the beats and babes of Bollywood..:)
FS saw that video that you asked me to watch about Sheila ke Jawani.. Is that girl Kareena? Sorry my knowledge about Bollywood is not so good.
Well if she is then damn those bumping bits will make any sane man insane..:)
Ahaa now we know who Pixie queen is talking about.. Its that home wrecker kareena (bollywood actress) who according to Hemalata is destroying a happy family..:)
Oracle I get delighted only when your topics go to many pages.... twist in the story now!!
aaaaa....... hmlata........ i think u r over reacting .... chill........ big screen world is all same ..... so itx better nt to do blame game here bcx we dnt knw exact scenario.... relax .. back to topic plx
Change your ID. I get irritated to see Kareena
Kareena is dating a second hand man who wracked his love marriage and made the children fatherless for another girl. Such dirty fellow should be boycotted by all girls. Compare to him, married man is much better, at least to some extend, he is still faithful to his wife and children and not leaving them for another girl.
K74........... i absolutelty agree with this... u r 3 hours film...lol :p
Don't you know I am a chalti phirti filmi dictionary..
why are they putting those plastic bags on dates?, on every tree.
What is next...it will be boredom again Rizk..cos this will go on for a short span only..
first dating with a married men/women
second came Sex Machine
and now Bollywood gossips...:(
Wat Next ?
Pixie's thread is becoming very popular going by the number of responses. Iám sure FS would be delighted ;)
You need to brush up on your bollywood knowledge.. Saif and Amrita have been divorced long back.. IN fact he divorced Amrita for Rosa but then Rosa dumped him for someone else I guess. Then he met Bebo.. When Kareena started dating Saif, he was very much single and ready to mingle..
Kareena - your ID resembles to a famous Indian Actress who is behind a maried man - Saif.
MBK stop discussing QLSG events in the mains and distract people - already we hav a thread abt the meeting in QLSG group...:)
This is indeed a problem. Why do women go after men so strongly and why can't they take NO for an answer ?
Kareen74 it was an open invite posted in the QLSG group thread. All you had to do was to send a PM to let the Adminstrator of the group know that you wished to attend and he would have forwarded you the details.
It was some where near Midmac R/A
Kareena why u getting so obsessed with SEX...i mean tat sex topic ? :)
forget it gal, u have better topics for discussions...:)
In spite of saying NO, these ladies don’t leave them, they keep sending PMs. Unless they write something really bad how will they block them, just joking around in the main forums doesn't mean that they can send long PMs and address them with pet names.
No one invited me.. Where was it?
It is alright to discuss about some Obedient wives club where wives get together and discuss how to make your husband happy in bed and never say NO to sex but on the other hand if I post something about a wife who raves about her dead husband's libido then it is wrong???? Also it is perfectly alright to discuss about a married woman who says never say no to your husband when he asks for sex or else he might go and do it with someone else but when I post an article about a man who likes sex so much, my post gets deleted? This is so bad.. Double standards..
Kareen74 missed you last night at the coffee meetup.. Hope you will attend the next one..:)
Kareena it happend after OBL's death....:(
can we get back to the topic now ? :)
I had no idea that we are not supposed to discuss OBL here on QL? Since when did that happen?
There she is…Pixie the conclusion is... it takes two to tango!!
I do not see the reason for deletion - However, most people would agree that it is a nonsensical story trying to sell through sensationalistion.
By the way, I read an interview about Rizks first sweetheart and what they got up to..
Anyone interested ?
Some really interesting views from the experts..lol From time immemorial we had such women, nothing new I guess. As long as men go weak in the knees while seeing a smiling face or battling eyes this will happen.
FS, Few famous QLers (husbands)are having a hard time dealing with such women. That’s what prompted me to post this thread. It can be my husband or someone else’s husband.
Quote "They deleted my post again.. What I don't understand is what is wrong with that post? I did not write it myself.. It was just a copy and paste thing.. Plus it is not the first time someone mentioned the word sex on QL" Quote
!! the three letter word doesn't mean any vulgarity or any sort of obscene content..
funny but too bold to handle..... :p
Why am I being targetted? What is wrong with this post.. It is funny, isn't it?
i don't think you're so inane to understand what's need; read history of humanbeing and existence of such needs for time immemorial....
the question you asked is imprudent & incomplete. Your question should have been, ok, I’ll rephrase and ask you- ‘while you are visiting the pros for such ‘needs’, will you appreciate if your spouse doing the same?’ , now you know the answer, right!
k74, you need to learn how to post in QL :P
They deleted my post again.. What I don't understand is what is wrong with that post? I did not write it myself.. It was just a copy and paste thing.. Plus it is not the first time someone mentioned the word sex on QL.. In fact this post which we are discussing right now has been about that in some sort of way..
tb, it links to the topic right? why blame it always on the woman?
most of the prostitutes dont start out of 'willingness'.
'willing' is the point to note and many don't understand this ....especially QL's all saint all perfect environment ....
painther - what 'need'? something that their wives cant provide? would you be happy if your spouse visited for such 'needs' as you would call it
K.......... why r u seeming so desperate :P
painther and why do u think they will shout ? when they are willing to do it and not forcefully ?
But with a new subject.. I guess the Sex Machine was far too bold for QL..
s_isale, Men visit Pros for 'need', and the good (?) thing is they never shout-'all men are lecherous'
K74, because you read too much of 'hindustan' times (my guess ..:)
Kareena think about something else for a change..lol
Pixie... is your hhusband on QL?? are you worried about someone luring him into something bad? if yes, your hubby is not kid...Noone will fall for anyone if they are strong enough...he dont have anything to hide from you thats why you know what he gets in his Pms... no worries...:)
Why did they delete my post? Everyone posts something or the other regarding sex then why did the delete my post titled "Sex Machine". It was just an article I copied and posted along with the reference..
what makes a male visit a prostitute? does the prostitute invite him or does the person go out of his own volition?
MBK - that was a discussion some months back here in QL
Snessy I recall one of your statements in a thread or was FB a few months.
Best way to keep a man is to give him space.
Something like that?
well well well....... if all is true i dnt knw that why women is so stupid that still they fall in trap of these man... again n again...... n beliv me they like these man for all wrong reasons.......... bcx negativity has always sum charisma...... attraction in it.......
on topic..... yes this is true but nt much in women.... than a male...... agreed
It takes two to tango, but in many cases the women take the lead ...
We are but putty in their hands :O(
I dont agree with you Kareena, not all men are like that. Atleast the men I know are more decent than what you described.
Tinker... the point here is Why such women need married men.. when there are loads of single men looking!!
are you sure with these adjectives for MEN-
"They are such shameless creatures
men are so cheap I swear..
Shameless as well..
Not to mention really stupid"
bytheway this is for the Men you met or for ALL men?
They are such shameless creatures.. There is one working with me who always tries to come and chat and not only that, he also tries to put in a word or two about his wife.. She is not good enough.. she cannot cook.. She does not have time for me.. She is always busy with her work and once she gets home, she just sits on the laptop all evening chatting to her mother and sister. She has not time for me.. I feel so frustrated.. I just listen and smile and say .. sorry to hear that.. bad luck chap.. Better luck next time.. LOL.. What does he think I am? A fool? I wasn't born yesterday.. I know exactly what these men are looking for. First a sympathetic shoulder probably something else later..God men are so cheap I swear.. Shameless as well.. Not to mention really stupid if they think a few tears will get any women in their bed..
I guess I must have missed it..
remembered the report about an insurance giant which held an annual party for its staff with colour coded women. Now in this scenario - are the women to be blamed or the men?
Us men always consider and think things over, we use our heads to decide for the common good, unfortunately we have two heads, and we get confused.... ;)
Can we please focus on the advice given by pixiequeen..
".... Do not decline husband's sex efforts even if you feel not inclined to have sex."
Pixie, 'intentionally lure men/women'? In most cases it is not intentional. Men feel they are embarking on a new thrilling adventure while young girls want to latch on to a mature stable person. Close proximity at work becomes catalyst. Repurcussions come later.
DK, really? So all that posing, being the "protector", having beautiful horses, being strong etc. was not done to impress women in earlier times?
come on, men want to impress women, they always have and always will...this is far from being one sided.
And mental games..lololol....a. men will never be able to play like women do...BUT, they paly their own games...and not at all bad.
Again, same , same but different.
nomerci, nowadays men have started to work on themselves to impress the females. earlier, this was only in the female's domain. however, they still have to learn the mental games women play.
DK, is it? Why then do men build up their bodies, wear shirts open to the waist(which i personally find rather vulgar), with gold amulets? Why is it, that some guys over here introduce themselves with the catch line"I Am FRRRRENCH Canadian"...and all that with a rather strong, not at all French accent?
Why is it that men gel their hair, shave off body hair, pose in swimming trunks? ETC.? Why, if they do not want to "entice " women???
are all those men gay????????????????
brit, in case of birds and animals, its always the male which entices the female..why is it that in the case of humans its the opposite?
Why are we digressing from your original post..
the topic was about women.:O)
“Some women may highly appreciate men having families and children and absolutely ignore unmarried men. There are women seeking romantic relations with married men only, they like to attract and tame them.”
Britexpat, why men dont have strong willpower like women? Its not easy to lure a commited wife/mother into something fishy. Its very easy to entice 75% of men, Why cant they think of their wife at home?
Sadly,we are dazzled and hypnotised by those doey eyes, the smile and those fluttering eye-lashes :o(
Both men and women should have some sense before responding to such people who intentionally lure married men/women. By breaking a happy family they are not getting anything worth, end of the day they will regret, there won’t wife or mistress with them.
I am missing some regulars in this thread for Expert comments.
well thats sad, but what to do dear, saw some married women with other married men's too. for those people its SEX & MONEY.
nomerci, there are many shades of gray in the answer to this question..lack of shame and dignity is just one of the facilitating factors.
Why can't they leave married men alone? Simple, because they have neither shame nor dignity.
And the same goes for the men who go for that...they are not worth even wasting one small breath on.
They deserve each other.
So married men are like 3 year old. They'll follow any girl who shows them candy, like their brains get all fuzzy !!! Nope, they can always choose to say NO.
Its time married men wear their chastity belt when they leave home for work..:-/
Oracle thats pretty natural, isnt it?
Snessy, you said a valid point!
oracle we call it ....... sweat dreams :p
oracle we call it ....... sweat dreams :p
thats why singles are present here are equal to married one.. so that if any one take any decisions, they can start work on it directly by consulting one of us..
others say's that singe woman like married men because they know well how to take care more and they are well experts in all issues... but for me i am not in favor of going out with married men... i dont wan't that thing will happend to me in the future if i will have my own family..
I am not married but Iám atttratcted to many unmarried women. What do you say about that?
I say Men should take some responsibility - they should learn to keep it in their pants.
Women who are interested in married men are usually money hungry w h o r e s!
you guys should get married :) LOL
In general !
like her posts we always end up fighting and swearing at each other
No way, I always have liked her posts!!
other favourites will be anounced soon!
you means she isnt suppose to be here??
and who are the rest fav qler of yours.
Oh one of my favourite QLer is here :)
Are we talking about this in general, or here in Qatar?
dude, that was lame :(
TC, no gain without "pain", :)
reconfirm again!!! its all about 'pain' ..lol
Rizks..:) bobcorn is out of stock these days.
Yes, I'm sure that applies also... ;o)
hahaha, someone sent me PM saying that he got attracted by my thread and he is married! yea and here I am saying men are saints...lol
brit has provided the "etc" bit to my earlier post :)
'FS and me are the same, only difference is I dont have enough time like her...'
time to grab some bobcorn n bebsi...:)
ur panther wth extra I
brit, what about experince they bring???
that extra eye makes it "pain"ful...remove it
Married men offer many benefits including:
They are unavailable - so its a challenge
There is the excitement of the chase
There is the thrill related to the secrecy in meetings
There is also the knowledge that the relationship is temporary and you're only out for fun
The man is besotted and is willing to shower her with gifts and make life exciting
TC, I'm panther with extra eye..lolz
This topic is very feminine TC.
Oracle you still think the same, FS and me are the same, only difference is I dont have enough time like her. I log in only couple of times a day.
but he was in favor of market.. not in favor of keeping cow at home..
FS , I have yet to accuse :P
FA...hahaaha .. he looks like a funny guy...reminds me Lallu Prasad of pakistan...and I listen to him too whenever he surfaces on Geo :)
Oracle here you go
1) Man is ready to commit
2) Has healthy sperm (in case have kids)
3) responsible family guy
4) Financially secure
5) Etc
oh ok britey !
If a women goes behind a married men, then why is the married men goes behind the un married women knowin tat he already has a woman who is married to her and instead go out and meet other women who is not her woman in real.
What did i just write ? :(
he is a painter
painther, yes the Ex Railway Minister.....
not Lalu Prasad.... ;)
on this thread there will be no ending statement...coz as OP itself, is a never ending phenomenon
But what benefit can a married man give?
Painther...you found out the biggest clue!! its a common usage 'goin behind girls' 'going behind men'...lol
I have been accused as many others before..:)
painther, how do you hunt if you are not a panther ?
You Karak Chai deprived single woman chaser..
The OP is talking specifically about women (single or married) who go after married men - knowing that they are married..
FA, you mean ex railway minister?
funny, it's always poor Men!!!!!!!
another men bashing case.....
Sheikh Raseed loves to take Single women to Lal Haweli, this is not me but Sheikh Rasheed himself... :(
if a single men or women are going after single men or women, wots the issue then ? :(
Aha..what a lovely topic...for a busy afternoon :)
bytheway, is it 'going after the men' or 'going behind the men'??
funny, OP writes, 'such women they still go behind them" , then FS writes, "woman who go behind the men"..what a coincident!!
OoO, where are you?....LOL
lol MBK...
wat happens if the Cow stop giving milk ? :(
Will he go n get a Sheep ? :)
MB..what I am trying to say is if a married woman who is not happy in her marriage there are chances to go behind single or married men who are in the same situation. We are discussing here about single men and single women trying to break happy families. At least that’s what I understood from the OP.
lol.......... my all sympathies to you.
Mrs Khattak ,
If husband is at QL we all should be like u.
MBK< it was said by Sheikh Rasheed, not Kareena!
who told you this secret :0
Kareena74 like you said if the cow gave fresh milk at home then there is no need to buy from outside is there?
Majority of this tread are Married....
Except handful of them, including me... ;)
kareena your statement doesnt make sense! telepathically correct, practically irrelevent.
so true.
FS, i cant count and tell you how many came behind me.......:(
See I am a single woman but I would never go after a married man because I have a family too.. I would never want my father to cheat on my mother.. My brother in law to cheat on my sister or my best friends's husband to cheat on her.. If I would not want that to happen to me then why would I do that to some other poor woman.. This is absolutely wrong..
wt all topics r coming up with and u all ur just waisting ur time behind these topics. in the end no1 is gonna benefited still u will cont. to comment
Excuse me FS, but married women do have families, why is that women dont want to see the picture from another angle..:P
what do i care i repel all woman, specially the married ones :(
khattak...I think many wives here need a class from your wife..lol
Oracle yea I am many other ids.. not only this. Just bcos I found out you..:) you see me in all ids..lol
Leelah Jee...I am ready to admit that I always receive 'such' PMs from Married & Unmarried Female QLers inviting me to a deserted place at midnight....BUT, my wife takes care of them before I even read the PM :(
What to do?.... Yaa'niii :(
MBK..lol we are discussing about breaking happy familes. Single men dont have family..:)
Ever prepared??
leelah.. Well as long as the enjoyment is confined to look but not touch basis..:)
Kareena74 you are so true.. It hardly rains in Qatar nowadays..:(
men should wear veil..period!
Pixie and FS's writing styles are very similar.
Don't think any man here will admit it cos they enjoy it too.
who have loving husbands but they do not reciprocate their feelings and passion. They always make excuse not tonight honey, I am really tired. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning, perhaps this weekend.. Or during the weekend, not now darling, I am having a headache.. I think women should never make such excuses and refuse the husbands their rights.. Be always prepard.. Everready..
lol mbk
mbk, yup, the old theory of relatively! both are equally accountable, no matter what!
TC I am just saying there are two side of the coin. :) we should also ask the married women to leave men alone too..hehehe.
MBK , you sound familiar, there was a guy who use to give open ended remarks like you
What about the married women going after single men..:)
supperessing the instincts is one form of civilization...some go with basic instincts
Kareena I am not talking about legally marrying more than one wife. Some woman find successful married men more attracted than single men and they will go any extend to get them and a happy family's dreams are shattered.
Rizks, yes quoted sentences are copy paste. Britexpat pasted the link.
If men here honestly admit, I am sure there will be many women who send regular pms and emails to so called married me.
There are many such cases everywhere in the world.. Single women going after married men and married men dreaming about having a mistress or a second wife..
FS..what you said, told a million things about you! :)
FS. Brit is already married or not I dont knw but I can see a Kid sitting in Brit car...
Interesting to note that men are being blamed by couple of users. So if I go after married women then all women will be blamed for infidelity.
TC..you are the only one who is loyal to your employer..:)
yeah Fathi I completely agree with you. Tit for tat.
What is ethically wrong for you may not be wrong for everyone.
Some men are just that way..regardless of how blessed be their wife to them, and happy be their marriage, they are yet attracted to the whole sick thrill of infidelity.
As for these women well they may very well enjoy the whole no strings attached benefits that come with having a married lover,or they might be after the challenge. Whatever be the reason ultimately it takes two hands to clap. And a woman after married men will sooner or later get what she deserves as will the unfaithful spouse..and it won't be so thrilling then!
all of you talk about ethics, principles and philosophies on QL
All of of should be ethical enough to know that no office allows to use QL 8 hours a day!!
Goodness.. Is that the time already?
Must get home to Mrs. Expat ;o)
74, well said.
Kareena I am still single (:-
Brit are you married?? :)
Rizks you dumboo...dont you know whatever in invertted coma is quoted from somewhere else??
Rizks tell me how many woman came behind you..lol
i said many Men, because i've seen many.
That is my motto of life.. No married men please.. But men are such hopless cases I swear. You can't imagine the number of times married men have approached me and even offered me marriage.. A second wife status I mean. But I always tell them, thanks but no thanks. I am not interested in breaking up a marriage or take undue curses of a poor victim woman. I can't believe women who actually end up being the other woman. Pixiequeen, you do have a valid point here but if all men and all women started following your advise, you won't be hearing any more cases of men having multiple wives.. Here in the Middle East, it is more of a cultural thing..I personally condemn going after married men.
In Gulf they go for a man irrespective of his marital status for his passport.
They actually need experienced people. Yeah of course first men avoid this not to have excessive pain in their arse but later on when they feel the route is clear then they loose their control.
AD..So you trying to say that you will also go if someone calls you? I dunno if you are single or married...if you are single .. no issues...lol
Formatted Soul...
As the article says .. Its these women with their bumpy bits who entice poor men to stray from their loved ones... ;o(
When u keep a Deer infront of a hungry Lion, wat do u expect the lion to do ?
Obviously the lion wont sit in front of the deer and blush...? :)
i do belong to Men categories, don't know about women. :O)
Yikes...how can one man salivate over two women. That's disgusting...yikes.
Rizks - This is copy paste stuff. I agree with you.
AD..why blame men only? in most case its the woman who go behind the men and eventually break up a happy family.
Dear single woman,
please leave married men alone.
Best Regards,
Here we go again ..... :o(
no matter how attractive their wife / gf's are, some Men are just like dogs. They only need a call of "Hush hush hush......"
Maybe they think 'ALL' men are easy to get...irrespective of their marital status.
is this a copy paste stuff ?
If so, kindly provide the link....:)