Japanese telecom giant KDDI's washable smartphone "Digno rafre", produced by Kyocera at a presentation in Tokyo.
Tired of those unsightly smudges and other dirt on your bacteria-laden smartphone?
A Japanese firm says it has the solution with what it describes the world's first smartphone that can be washed with soap and water.
"Our development team washed the smartphone more than 700 times to test its durability," a company spokesman told AFP.
The 21,600 yen ($175) gadget is mainly aimed at parents who want to keep their smartphones clean for their small children, a KDDI spokesman said.
But he also cautioned that only certain types of foamy soap could be used on the device, which will only be sold in Japan for now.
It's a win-win for them and probably gets new custom from the ultra-clean brigade
hahahaa.. this should have been posted under Funnies forum.!!
Are they trying to increase the demand for the related commodity[in this case soap :P ]
can't imagine a 175 usd phone being worthy enough that someone would want to wash it...especially when the only usp of the phone is that you can wash it...oh the japs...they gave us the walkman and the nissan skyline but they also gave us the auto toilet and this phone...
One must be a parent & $ 175 in the purse to be eligible to buy it ....... ......................
M'choice ......... would be a nice name ...........
Brit, Correct .......... There are instances where people drop their phones in such places which can't be mentioned here on QL ................ I welcome this washer with open arms ................ !
I wonder wat would they name tat soap ?
I remember the time Sulieman was at the Emporium enjoying Pakoda and Palada payasam and dropped his Nokia in the food :O(
Rizk, ..... Because ........ Anybody ...... kid or his mom will start crying once you take away a phone from them .............
Good idea to remove money from the mobile users' pockets ...... ....... effortlessly ......
Wats the use of washing the smartphone and giving to the children when its going to be dirty again by the children ? :O)
Because so many germs go out from our body via our breath who may make colonies on the phones so it would be necessary to dislodge them every saturday night ...... for staying healthy .......... it's no 1. And no 2 is to make some money by making & selling these products ...... ......