Who is your Mentor?

Depending on your personality and profession, you will likely be drawn to different kinds of mentors. Some believe that they do not need one while others rely on more than one. Leaders have always had a wide backup of brains at their disposal for troubleshooting and brainstorming.
When it comes to gaining experience, setting goals and executing plans, everyone should have a mentor. Nothing compares to the advice, guidance and counseling of an experienced person that will take you under his wing and show you the way to your goal
Age and experience are not the reason you respect him. Sometimes you are more experienced -- but this is not the issue. You respect him because his skills are complementary to yours and he shares your passion and ambition. You appreciate having found someone who will join your cause and help you attain victory. You think that together you can take over the world.
Mentor should have a defined path and should help you stay focused.
Who is you mentor? and how did they influence you??
so fortunate to celebrate festival with family! Happy Diwali and New year!
Salute to Aamchi Mumbai and Jai Maharashtra!!!
Sorry FS for little hijack...
Vic - lol... Dr. n Swami ????? Tht so doesn g with the Image . . .
Spoilt brat Ashwin... See..... sounds so natural n true :)
PLanning for vacation - ??? Jus now landed in Mumbai.... and was checking Ql before going to sleep :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
;-) j/k...
Getting very spiritual buddy.....planning togo on vacation?
Rizks - ?? Long...
tht is the shortest I can write......
As long as it doesn cross the pink background... it is very short.... :p
Mentos ??? No....
Heard too much of mint causes problem with fertility. :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
AshwinPoke ??
I have a Mentos for you for posting tat long....lol
Saggi - I know about Chinmaya Mission .... nice to hear about tht :)
Mentor is someone whom you trust.... He is one who doesn have to prove you logically why what he says is correct or good for you.....
if He says.. it is correct and you go for it....
Even if the mentor is not best in the field... depending upon intensity of your trust and belief in him..
it ll help you be larger than life....
I strongly believe Mentor should be someone alive and who you can access....
We can of course read his words and get inspired...
but thks to human nature.. tht click doesn stay for long..... and then we feel guilty of not being able to follow his guidelines the way it should be....
As we are soul n body... a soul is the one which has to be motivated...
A soul understands or listens to a soul only....
soul cannot learn and accept things from words.. brain can.. not the soul...
that is the main reason why we have teachers in schools n colleges....
the content n syllabus is available in books.. but we need a person to tell us that....
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
self assessment based on past and personal experiences teaches you a lot and help us to achieve what YOU want.
Keep Ur self in the centre and decide where you wanted to see Ur self in next few years and strive to achieve with proper planning.
Don't ever forget from where you started in order to Celebrate your success and Thank God and thank all who helped you in reaching there.
I should thanks my parents, brother, wife and senior management in supporting me in my educational studies, providing trainings (on-Job, orientation & offsite), career progressions.
Learning and career progression, is still a journey...
FS.....Don't wait for a mentor, just look out for a personality and career development insitution; and change your existing job (creating fatigue).....
I am sure you will succeed and get more job satisfaction.
I never had one either... I held close to my heart those lessons learned based on my past experience and worked it out in a better way; it helped me alot to achieve my goals in life and to reach upto where I am now... I never forgot my foot prints from where I started...:)
two words...."Google it" then u'll know who/what/how he was....and anyway he was too great a person to be even known by lesser beings like u.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Saggi whos tat, its so bloody difficult to even pronounce tat name, how can he be a mentor he must be a mental.....:)
for me,it's Swami Chinmayananda :-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I have never had a mentor, but I have taken bits and pieces of admirable traits from friends, family members and teachers that I have known in my life. My best friend starting from when I was little showed me a good sense of loyalty and kindness. My mom instilled in me how to help others, coaches have showed me how to work hard and push myself, one of my professors really showed me that I did in fact have intelligence! my father instilled diplomacy and a sense of adventure, my grandmother gave me my love of animals, and my brothers gave me my fighting spirit! There have been many others, but these had the biggest impact on me.
In fact, I have learned a lot from people who I despise... more of what not to do and how not to behave in the work place!
tra la la
Riz... please ment yourself...loool
i am a good Mentor and i like Mentos chewing gum as well....:)
Victor...all these yrs in my life...I did exactly what you said… I always did what I felt is right… be in my job or in my personal life...and I don’t regret even a bit...I learned from my mistakes and from other successful people and improved myself..
But now for some reason I feel that I want mentor... just to see if things change for better ... I dont ask people for advice...but if they give unsolicited advice I will listen to them.... but the final decision is always mine......
Sometimes I feel that if I had a mentor…..I would have achieved more things in career and personal life
me myself
and you all will agree with it.
confused with Mentor to 'Inspired from'...these are 2 different persons.
Mentor is the one who leads, carries and hold your hand to take/pull you higher or Next level in your career and continuously check your progression chart.
HE identifies your strength and weaknesses. Further helps to show YOU, your real image and personality and guide you, HOW to succeed and tackle at different situations.
Mentor - ????
Swami Vivekanada...
Journey which MagicDragon has finished... I have jus started . . . :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
My mentors used to be Plato, Aristotle, Planck, Einstein, Feynman. And then I ran out of mentors. Now I am on my own mentorship.
professionals, who worked with me in my working career of 25 years.
Why to depend on somebody to drive your life and career.
Your needs changes quite often and require prioritisation depending on your circumstances.
One is to work independently, should not get influenced or motivated by someone.
Self motivation and confidence is the KEY to success.
Work on your BEST positive instincts, learn from others experience, keep well informed and act accordingly.
Hope this will work in long term.
Somebody said husband, I feel spouses are the guiding and supporting factors but not mentors.
All the BEST
very good mentors since i started my job both here and way back in the philippines. :O)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
I don't really have that one so-called mentor. But whoever and whatever I am now, i owe to the following - my ever supportive and loving parents, my good teachers from kindergarten to college, my former bosses (who, unbelievably, were all cool), my church, and my God.
Hope that didn't sound like an Oscar Awards speech. :)
"I am not a native English speaker. So don't mock me for my grammar mistakes."
- anonymous
I wish I find a mentor soon....male or female won’t make much of a difference.
Finally, we have clarified one thing on QL..
A good mentor must be male..................
Thank you , Thank you.. Thank you..
No I am just kidding..:~)
.hi flan.
.what head:)
Talk to my crown......
now i knew and convinced that you are not 120kph....because of your mentor....
my mentor is my superior who has dignity....
the voice in my head.
....Yeah, I had an idea of it...I posted it just for the sake of good humour...nothing serious :)
---------------------------------------------------------Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
Ka Pukhtoon ye no dalta daNgg warka: http://www.qatarliving.com/group/pukhtoon-in-qatar
it's a 3 min advertisememnt done by the heart association of america, motivating people to do exercises!
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
eversince only GOD give me strenght...
....My Mentor? .... These TWO...check the link
---------------------------------------------------------Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
Ka Pukhtoon ye no dalta daNgg warka: http://www.qatarliving.com/group/pukhtoon-in-qatar
.my mentor? material gurl Madonna.
Talk to my crown......
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
He is very wise. He keeps me calm when I explode and makes me see right from wrong, which sometimes is not easy with my latin temper. He is a good judge of characters and is always there after another failed friendship. He understands me inside out and knows me in a way nobody else ever did or will. He is my soulmate AND my mentor. He loves me - unconditionally - like I love him too :)