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I think it is scary that in Doha many professions just don't seem to have any regulations... to ensure that the people who claim they can do a job are actually qualified to do so.
Are there any professional bodies in Qatar? Who checks certificates - the employee?
Who checks them for the medical profession?
It just made we think (worry??? - the ramifications) when I just saw this in classifieds: - honestly! this peson cant even write a basic sentence:
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you just cannot imagine how many people suffer because some managers/ head of departements are not qualified enough to do their jobs adequately.
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
My work exp similar to yours!
One colleague claims to have a cert that several others have.
We say - if you had this you wouldn't ask these questions... no-one checking.
someone else (different company) complained to me of another collegue who couldn't possible have the CV they claim to.
so you get where you are by fakes not merit.
sad but very true coz the HR guy is a close friend .even i wish that they would start checking certificates and experience.
thanks everyone... but in the UK we have been found to have medical practioners who aren't qualified... their certificates were good fakes......
I am glad Hamad are so stringent....
oh well we are starting to be wiser now here in qatar. i am qatari, and i will never go to another country with fake papers to get a job. i hope all these bad ones ar5e caught sooner than they can imagine.....
when it comes to health, employers of the health professionals must verify on their credentials authenticity
It is no secret that you can buy certificates online or order them to be made for you, however, if anyone knows the fundamentals of the business they will be found out.
i can tell you that it is happening from diff parts of the world here. i know an incident about a lady that just got the boot for falsifying her certificate, and she is from the UK. i mean, it is not only people from third world or whatever that do this pls......... many of this europeans tell you that they are the best whereas they know &%$**# many eastern blocks have been caught with fake papers here too. (marriage , school etc)
Is this what you are saying true???
Education and experience is very important is very important in getting in a job.
However, in Hamad they are dealing with Medical Professionals which is delicate enough. To My lnowledge each and every university is contacted directly, on the other hand people will always manage so squeeze in somewhere if they want to, but I reckon this is getting harder and harder nowadays..
was it a year ago or more that we all could read about the indian doctor who had been working for three years in the hamad when it was discovered that his diploma was not OK ?then I had asked myself the same thing that oryx did .
but it happened to my husband to have a new collegue having a diploma and not knowing basic things on his own field . things that a high schooler would know .
my child had a french teacher who mixed up basic things ... :))
Oryx ,canary Salam :)
Well, it's really sad because even in the company where I'm working now none has ever checked the certificate or at least the C.V of employees. I know that some Senior positions would not get a helper's job if only their C.V / certificates were checked seriously. With all the degrees and the diploma I got , I talked one day to the GM of the company . He was amazed and called the HR dep. to re-check my C.V :D Shame .......
Oryx, thx for such an important question. I hope many would tell us their own experience concerning this issue.
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
but definitely NOT from this guy. Even if he bought a certificate from a well known school in timbuktu... hehehe... Everybody has a certificate... heck, my dog can get a certificate... He has MCSE Certificate (My Canine Sh*tz Everywhere)... LOL!
If you are consultant in the construction industry you have to obtain the necessay approval from the building department. Otherwisw you are doomed.
anywhere in the world and also in the Gulf u need a license to do anything with the medical prof.
If certificates were checked all Indians would be in jobs and all highschool dropouts,people who have never seen school would be out.
I have a HR friend in a good organisation here who tells me there is a fitness instructor (qualification God knows what,but white and a fitness instructor)came to qatar during the games with her sports coach husband and works as manger ,compensation and benefits.she doesnt know head or tail of HR.
i can also give u more examples if u want.
so Oryx ,this guy you r talking about is from India and he would never ever put anybody out of job getting into some organisation becoz certificates are not valid anywhere around the world.
For the medical profession there is a very strict procedure, this has to be checked and certified in the universities where Doctors have studied same goes for nurses where they achieved their RN then it has to go to the Embassy of Qatar in that country and is checked there and stamped. Then when it comes to Qatar it has to be translated and officially stamped again by the translatin service.
Hamad has an own department busy with just this. I am sure other hospitals are the same.
I am not sure about Qatar foundation and other places but I know I had to have my certificates stamped by the embassy and translated and stamped again. I ran after papers for weeks.