and which lies do you think are the worst?

a. Telling your doctor you only have one glass of wine in a week, when you actually have ten.
b. Padding your resume.
c. Faking an orgasm.
d. Breaking a date because somthing came up, when really, you're just not interested.
e. Telling your friend you like her haircut when you don't.
f. Calling in sick when your not.
.go liers, go liers go........
Lies made by green-eyed monsters.
go liers, go liers go...tell the whole world your father is my father.
when you get cheated on. that's when you know you are o fake!!
apple ===== h.] as in...
Maybe am just tooooo blond today due to bad weather? Still didn't get it, looool............... :/
Following the alphabetic sequence.
It so happened that the letter "h" is heavily used while fabricating such a lie
Good evening my friend :)
And how does "h" related to that? :0
Good evening friend :)
you all are right....tell me why?
a. funny lie
b. stupid lie
d. diplomatic lie
e. harmless lie
f. classic lie
(b) being the worst.
(h) is having a wonderful orgasm with a "fake" partner
When i say this to my wife " you are the most beautiful women in this world" ha ha ha.White lie,hahahaha
There is the white one ,the one we say it to our kids eat or the cat will bite you ...
Pink lies.
"you better than all the rest , Joe"..
I know its a lie , but I keep wanting to hear it again and again.. :(
(i) telling I am not lying. When he/she is lying .
सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु
i dont thnk any of them unless u r CAUGHT heheheh
My miNd is a MastEr piEce,diVidEd into 2 pieCes..LeFt & riGhT......beLieVe!!! tHeRes noThiNg riGhT iN tHe leFt N nOthing lEft iN tHe riGhT..;)
You can't teach experience...
.kellysHeroes, pls define 'h'?
Talk to my crown......
I am sick but I still have to work no other choice.
.um, drac,,,,i know, thank u..
would you care for some garlic bread?
hmmmmm, just chewy, it will not do you harm, promise:)
Talk to my crown......
g) ..ohh mallrat, you are so wise...