Which is better Nikon D3100 or Canon 550D

hi there i am planning to buy my first DSLR and i am choosing between the two brands,obviously i dont have any idea which is the best among the two brands and i am just going to use the SLR as a part of my hobby and not going to earned or make a bussiness out of it. And is there anyone that can sell me cheaper DSLR?i checked the prices in the market it is really still expensive. Hope you can give me a good advice about it. thanks.
yes man... canon lenses are more sharper than nikon lenses....
these are the people who told me that...
well bw is far better than merc..
i may not tell u canon or nikon is the best...
but i can surly tell u bmw is better than merc
Hi Guys
For someone who has got not much of an idea about photography, I would get the Nikon with the standard 18-55, or the Canon, or the Sony...
No need to upgrade for better photos even as an advanced amateur, maybe a lens for a specific use.
Canon better lens ?? nonsense Is a Merc better then a BMW ?
They are all good for what they are.
All modern DSLR´s outperform 95% of their users.
It´s not the camera - it´s the photographer that will make a better or worse picture.
Nuff said, Sunday
mine is nikon D7000
i used canon 5D, 7D etc.
some of the features in my camera is not there in canon 5D mark ii.
the lens for the canon are better than nikon lens.
but the nikon is better in features and its very simple to use the switches since its very easily reachable with fingers. no need to take the eye from the view finder to look for the switch...
Sony should probably make the top three. I would not be surprised if we start seeing a few pros switching over to Sony.
I recently bought 550D. It is a pretty good camera giving good results. However, considering the ease of use and the software, I agree with Mike Shamrock, on Sony!!Try Sony also before you buy. Go to shops, take the camera in hand, feel them, go through the menus etc, and you will know the difference. .
After all these replies, you should probably go for a Sony! :D
Thanks for all your replies and advice i greatly appreciate it and taking it into consideration> :D
thanks for the nice advise i appreciate... :D
I am using Canon 500D and would not say that it is inferior to Nikon. Canon lenses are quite expensive and if you use the camera to the maximum potenial, you will find plenty of limitations and would have to plan for an upgrade in next 6m - 1year. My personal opinion would be to go for Nikon (though I am not giving up my Canon as yet :))
Try reading the reviews on the net for both cameras and see what catches you. I am using Canon T2i but sometime i'd like to use nikon on some shots. It will always depends on what you want and what you think is the best.
Both are pretty good entry-level cameras, I just bought a D3100 and the reasons are:
- Nikon has better customer service in Qatar and the warranty is covered worldwide.
- The D3100 has an 11 point AF system v/s the 9 AF from the 550D.
- Its ergonomics and easier to use.
I would say that the D3100 is slightly superior and convenient in this part of the world, in terms of quality both brands are way ahead than their competitors.
Good luck!
whats ur need? whats ur purpose...
the selection of camera depends on y u want a camera and for what reason u need...
I'm using Nikon and I will not say that Canon is superior or inferior to Nikon. It is always personal choice what to buy whether Nikon or Canon. To help you out making the buying decision I would say get hold of both the models in your hands and feel it. Buy the one whichever pleases you the most. On comparison, features wise Nikon D3100 sits a little above than Canon 550D.
Visit Salam Plaza (Photography Dept.) and check with the Salesman who will be able to give you more valuable information on both models and will suggest.