Where is Dracula ????

Chris Ayres in Los Angeles
At least 38 tribespeople in Venezuela, including several children, are thought to have died after being attacked by vampire bats.
Although the precise cause of the deaths has not been confirmed, experts say that it was almost certainly rabies carried by the blood-sucking creatures. It is thought that the bats were probably disturbed by nearby mining, logging or damming projects, and were forced to find new prey — in this case, members of the Warao tribe.
Vampire bats hunt only when it is fully dark and can survive on a purely liquid diet. Their hearing is highly sensitive to the sound of animals sleeping and they typically approach on foot, biting their victim then lapping up the blood at the site of the haemorrhage. Their saliva contains a substance known as draculin, which prevents their prey's blood from clotting.
The experts who brought the highly unusual case to the world's attention include two researchers from the University of California at Berkeley — the husband-and-wife team of anthropologist Charles Briggs and public health specialist Clara Mantini-Briggs. They said that victims' symptoms included fever, body pains and tingling in the feet followed by progressive paralysis and an extreme fear of water. The victims also suffered convulsions and grew rigid before death.
The 38 deaths have occurred since June 2007, with 16 in the past two months. One village, Mukuboina, with a population of about eighty, lost eight inhabitants, all children.
He's not here in Qatar after all...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Dracula but u were suppose to say "CHEESE"....LOL
Dra.. woow a cute running Nose u have there ...LOL
But ya forget to wear ur RED lenses ?? LOL
you are cute..
i like you picture expressions....:)
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Dracula is getting high on tomatoes :P
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
still wouldn't wanna be bitten :)
to rabies though, being afraid of water etc, awful!!!!
Medical Facs will be great in Venezuela... and they could be air lifted...
(Latin America has lots of great medical facilities because there are very rich people.)
They just wont be very available to these people whether they are there or not...
I heard of something similar in Mexico... I knew a doctor who had a patient who died from this.
but it was because she went swimming in water in an underground cave in the Yucatan..
the water had bat poo in it and it poisoned her...
Took ages and ages to diagnose - then someone finally took water samples from the sink hole/cenote.
These poor villagers must be terrified......
That fight you will never win even that you are inmortal!!!
Anyway prepare for the weekend I will see how your vampire skills manage the sunrise at Wackra...
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
country where medical facilities are minimal..
Sad loss of life though!
SKANKY...sweet revenge for the last thursday!
you're next!
btw...what's happened in Venezuela it's not funny! :(
I will investigate in our newspaper...
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
oh thats terrible...
in Al Dhkhira last night...we have visual prof for that..:)
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
must be hiddin again in some female bra