Whats you did with the 2008 Calendars

By lovingitinQATAR •
Hi Everybody,
Every Corporate big or small spends a lot of money on making calendars.
What did you all do with the 2008 calendars?
I dumped all of them in the same way as my 2008 resolutions.
if you keep some of the them, what prompts u to choose THE ONE..
using my 2008 calender, 2007 went in the bin on New Years Eve!!! :)
our company wud be printing them for 2009 i guess.. so no calenders for me.. lol..
how do you choose which one to keep..
The only three calendars events that I'm mostly concern all the time are:
1- HR Payroll accounting calendar.
2- My work days and days off calendar.
3- My vacation dates.
Otherwise, I don't care about anything else...
"As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is - the false comfort of appeasement," President Bush
I use the calander on my laptop at work. Would love to throw it away.
im keeping one in my house
im keeping one in my office table
i can never buy a calandar in doha,have to get one sent from uk.