What's Mechoui?...Algerian is the best...:P

Mechoui is a North African lamb dish which is frequently prepared in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. Each nation has its own specific take on mechoui, so several different dishes are collectively referred to as “mechoui.” In all cases, this dish takes advantage of the flavorful tenderness of lamb to create a rich, memorable dish.
This term comes from an Arabic word which means “to roast on a fire,” distinguishing mechoui from dishes which are prepared in the oven. There are two basic ways to prepare mechoui. In places like Algeria, the lamb is roasted on a spit, creating a layer of crackling, crispy skin which many people find quite delightful. In Morocco, the lamb is roasted in the ground, much like a Polynesian pig roast, creating very moist, tender, flavorful meat. In both cases, the meat is heavily spiced before preparation.
Traditional mechoui utilizes a whole lamb, roasted in its skin. This means that the organ meats are cooked right along with the lamb, lending their own distinct flavor to the meat, and some Berber tribes have traditionally treated the grain-filled intestines as a delicacy, much like Scottish haggis. Certain prized organs like the liver and kidneys are typically offered to a guest of honor, along with delicacies such as the eye.
Most people eat mechoui with their bare hands, utilizing the right hand hand only, by tradition. This reflect a Muslim tradition of using the left hand for personal hygiene, rather than eating. The mechoui is often served as an appetizer in advance of the rest of the meal, and as you might imagine, the dish is designed to be served in a crowd.
In parts of the African desert, mechoui is a traditional festive dish, prepared in a pit Moroccan-style. One major advantage to preparing the mechoui with a whole lamb is that the dish is easy to transport in a hurry, if necessary, since the skin essentially acts like a carrying bag. This was undoubtedly usful historically, when tribes might need the advantage of being able to move quickly.
Many North African restaurants offer mechoui. Some prepare it whole, in the traditional way, while others simply use traditional North African spicing on lamb roasts such as leg of lamb. Good mechoui is often heavily spiced, with lots of garlic, making it an intense and very flavorful experience.
Aha! la je comprend bien! lol...ah oui neutralité absolu :)...mais contrairement a samya vous vuos etes beacoup plus francais que marocain :) disons 30% aller!
Panda, mere francaise, pere marocain, c'est peux etre aussi la raison de ma neutralité sur la question de la nouriture :-))
"god dont play dice"
albert einstein
lol ok ok!! i'm howing two white flags now, is it fine?...en plus vous etes francais lol je viens juste de voir votre fiche lol...enchanté!
why not, but really i stick to what i said regarding moroccan food, sorry........................
Don't wait for the last judgment it takes place every day.
"Albert Camus "
oh ok! i thought you were in the desert...i'm not living far fron hydra, do you know cheraga? my house is there...hopefully we'll meet one day and we get some conversation....
i think you are right as mothers transmit more of their culture than fathers , so in case of 2 different passport holders:nationality, i believe you can say that you are 75% from the mother even if geneticly speaking its off course 50,50
Don't wait for the last judgment it takes place every day.
"Albert Camus "
Don't wait for the last judgment it takes place every day.
"Albert Camus "
you made me in trouble samya lol, i dunno how i calculate it...i said that maybe it's a cultural and the arabian mums pull their kids to them more then dads...maybe i'm wrong, but what you think m i right or not?
How if only my mum is Moroccan does that make me 75% Moroccan, please explain ur calculations on that one...
white flag modern lol....where were you exactly? i was working there also, not far from HMD...
Panda, i worked in algeria in oil and gas so i know , but really no offence but you cannot compare , tagines, mechious,pastillas, even sweets are much more elaborated
Don't wait for the last judgment it takes place every day.
"Albert Camus "
ready for the war? lol no no no!! i'm showing my white flag! lol...
I see and sorry for writing french...but if your mum is morrocan that's means you are more than 50% morrocon. i say about 75%....m i right?
Moroccan food is better... Algerian food is just a copy of Moroccan food but not as nice lool Panda r u ready... and when i say im not a normal Moroccan i mean that because only my Mum is moroccan, so im half... and thats why i dont speak french...
Mr modern woderer, morroco and tunisia are better then algeria if we talk about tourism, that why their food are known, but if one day you get a chance and you visit algeria you'll see the kind of food there, you'll be truly wondered....so don't say something that you don't have any idea please...cheers....
Samya, please be normal morrocan i don't want you abnormal lol
Moroccan is the best , and more generally moroccan food is the best of north africa without disrespect to algeria and tunisia , it's even considered one of the food in the world with french,chinese,italian
"god dont play dice"
albert einstein
I understood the arabic but i cant speak french.... Im a british Moroccan... Not a normal one lol
Darude LOL!!!....
Samya, sbah lkhir ya3ni hada wine ftanti beli ana algerian lol....i hope you can understand what i mean....je suis nul en anglais et en arabe, si tu veux je t'expliquerais en francais si tu comprend biensur,.....
U can speak moroccan... cool :D
Fain saba7 alkahir, its afternoon... Labas 3leik :P
hehehe sbah lkhir ya lalla!
yes jauntie, each will get one pair of eyes, grilled of course.
lol Panda r u Algerian?
no my mums food is the best o.o
Take it easy on my Chum Oryx.
LAMB GRAB. Known it as that for about 30 years! lol
Probably because of the way it's served and eaten. Used to go to Lamb Grab parties in KSA - quite delish, unless you are offered the eyes. Shudder.
Moroccan is the best... FULL STOP!!
Lol just kidding, i didnt even read it but i know my mums food is the best sooo.... :D
no Oryx no! you are totally damaged lol
Samya, the morrocan and Algerian are both the best...are you OK now?
Ha Ha Ha... Yeah ok!
ahhhhhhhhhh LOL LOL
'moroccan is the best'
thought you were discussing hash!
and the event will be at the billion stars hotel...
wow, mouthwatering.......
I'm thinking to make it and all of QLSG are invited...:)
Okay so what????
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand