Whats with insulting SamyaUK?

Whats with the insults and put downs?? I read her post about maddie? What was her crime?? A good deed turned into insult? The issue about a poor missing child turned into tongue lashing? Especially by sl....sl why dont u just ask smayauk out and get it over and done with. This reminds me of high school..when a boy liked a girl and they only way to show her was by taunting her!!!!
p.s Instead of telling her there are other kids in the world who r abducted and need attention...then be as constructive as she did and bring awareness to people...
p.s.s no doubt i will get backlash for this but ur comments to Samaya are getting out of control....give the girl a break...
Wait a minute...weren't there more posts than this? Hey where's my post? What's going on here?? (and if ur wondering what I'm doing up at this hour, I had a really crappy nightmare, can't sleep and god bless QL hehe)
I agree gypsy..Freedon of speech for all???
Darude...thx for acknowledging that "a girl is missing and samya did a good thing? This was my point.......
I agree gypsy..Freedon of speech for all???
Darude...thx for acknowledging that "a girl is missing and samya did a good thing? This was my point.......
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
Nadt there is free speech. You said how you feel, others responded. Noone's comments were deleted. Freedom of speech wins again.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Where u dissapeared the other day
nothing seems to have changed - been away from Qatar a few weeks and then i log on to QL - the usual banting - uhhh i missed that
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
When you posted an advert for the hotel. SL and gypsy went on having fun about the "orgy" thingy. It's an old QL joke (BEBSI and BOBCORN is the latest...hehehe) amongst the members here but they didn't mean any harm. You reacted and the more they jested with you.
Later on, you told someone that you'll pay to have SL thrown to the sea during the dhow trip...I think it didn't sink well with SL (sorry for the pun). It was also mentioned during the trip, sad to say.
And you sending a PM to SL of said contents is kind of uncalled for.
And when you posted the "Maddie" topic, SL swung back...
Then, friends come to your side defending you SamyaUK and friends will come to defend SL. AND THE WHOLE CRAZY CYCLE REVOLVES AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN....IMHO, both of you need to get over these as it's so petty. (easier said than done, I know...)
SamyaUK, both you and SL got into a wrong footing. I have come to meet SL and even though we don't meet eye to eye on some topics, we are still friends in and out of QatarLiving. SL is a nice guy, I tell you and not a mean bone in him...quite a charming guy, I tell you.
As my impression of you SamyaUk, you're an intelligent, sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders. I know you're wise enough not to dwell on this matters...so let bygones be bygones.
It's not to late to resolve this as later on, we would be meeting up to laugh about it. No need to bear grudge about the whole thing...
As for the others who wanted to dip into the bowl, I know you mean well and wanted to right what you deemed as wrong. But, let these two end it amicably...Qatar is a small place and one way or the other, we would cross paths. So PEACE....
i was tryin to calm them down and Mr.Cool jumped in from no where
i made them understand too and u came up with a topic.instead of gettin to them to clear out the misunderstandin. she is new so she is not fully aware of every ones habit here.fine she did a great job for posting that missing child.
Why it that certain people in QL make comments its "freedom of Speech" and when others do it becomes "you dont know what u talking about" or leave it alone". I am not talking about what happened b4 I dont really care but in this particular thread, all SamyaUk did was post an awareness about a little girl? And all she got was insults...so as a memeber, i am allowed to make a comment just as u all do...i mean i wasnt evening referring to u in any manner and u made a comment? So what with that. Whats good for the geese is good for the gander?
You shud have put your advert in the Classified section.
Are you too immature to even understand that?
get ur glasses and read i said sl first mistake and Samya second mistake for miunderstanding sl was askin for sputnik and cutsrk
sl first mistake he never knew u are new here and he started jokin around.
now wind up everything and quit it.enough
This tread is dead now
Please explain how i made a mistake by posting a advert for the hotel my manager owns? What was wrong in me doing that?
Nadt- Theres really no point, your not going to get anywhere, everybody is completly missing the whole point here which is the fact that i posted somthing which is sensative to alot of people and SL couldnt help himself...
b4 i leave samyauk and sl b4 and start pickin on u better shhhhhh. let them sort it out themself.
and samya and sl pal mistake i will say is urs at the first place when she came up with the hotel topic.and samya second mistake urs sl was askin for cuterk watwat and sputnik so u misunderstood that too. mistake on both side for misunderstandin SO QUIT IT ENOUGH OR I REALLY AM GOIN TO GET RUDE WITH U BOTH.
Find out what happened first and then talk like a genius
sl..what issues u have with samayauk is ur business. And i am commenting on something that i did see!!!! Insults Insults and more insults!
The post was about a missing girl.....if u have issues with samya take it up with her somewhere else ?? For goodness sake a little girl is missing??? Where is the sympathy...
Good luck. see you next time
i was making a point when i said that. U and Gypsy were telling me i dont have a sense of humour, but your idea of having a sense of humour is insulting people, and as u can see from my replies i was making a point. Anyways im through talking with u SL...
Don't you insult somebody for saying "Fxck yourself you silly old man" if you don't do that assume that you are a saint,
You obviously didn't read my original posting and susequent replies from DaruDe and Gypsy. So don't comment on something which you even yet to see
Thank you :)