What a woman wants

For ages this question has puzzled the minds of men. People have strived to know the secret to lay hold on a woman’s heart. Sigmund Freud once said he could not find answer to this question despite employing a lifetime struggle to do so.
I personally think there is something wrong with the very way men get fascinated by women. Since time immemorial, we men have tried to idolize, sanctify, romanticize and altogether mystify the existence of woman on earth. The consequence of this has been that women too have assumed a confused role.
Men have never treated women as equal--- superior or inferior--- but never equal. It is because of this disparity that women too finds themselves at odds with the nature of men and cannot really sync with them. That is why we find their behaviour difficult to comprehend and unpredictable.
The things that I am talking about needs a detailed discussion, and I am getting late for work; however, I just want you guys to contemplate over it and let us see if we can come up with some thoughtful deliberation.
I think I'm a lesbian too. I like women.
Im dribbling for Megan fox. I can assure you that I'm a woman. ;)
Lol Edifis
Sometimes Lesbian women wants another women.
Woman wants Men and Men wants Woman !
They both cant leave without each other.
Tats the only truth !
Accept it or Leave It ! :)
A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:
You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs.
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
"That's nice", she thinks, "but I want more."
So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.
"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.
The first floor has wives that love sex.
The second floor has wives that love sex and have money.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.
Women wants men who thinks like women but men like that likes other men... Haha
Men and Women are different. Get used to it.
In the same light there are differences between people of varied cultural background.
…and more subtly there are differences between individuals.
Why deny it? Celebrate it!
The danger is assuming and demanding that everyone be the same as you.
It is natural that we use generalisations, it helps us get an understanding of the world. But you have to park them when you deal with another human being face to face. Not completely because there is a possibility of offending them with a cultural or gentile faux pa. Even worse you may bruise your own self respect.
The danger in relying too much on stereotypes is that A. they are often negative and B. they leave no room for the intricacies of the individual.
And as for treating people differently in the work place.
First of all I believe everyone deserves a chance, it is the responsibility of management to motivate and equip there staff to their job to the best of their ability. But in the end it’s the individuals own responsibility to prove they are worthy of reward hopefully in a level playing field (unrealistic I know particularly in the Middle East but then it’s an ideal).
Why should a woman pretend to be a man? Most of my best bosses have been women and not the ball-breaker “I’m better than a man so I going to show all the worst traits of men that I know” kind either. It is the genetic ability to empathise that equips women to be able to create a productive working environment.
By the way men have the empathy gene switched off, that is why we are generally more competitive. Of course it is not black and white and individuals are all different so you will find more competitive women and empathetic men but they are skewed from the norm.
A Man is ready to provide care and shelter to a woman but Men seems to take away the freedom and Independence from the Women but thats the most that she needs....She wants to be Incharge....and Incontrol for her own life.
guys this debate is endless and will not come into conclusion until the world ends :(
edifis, thats right, its one of the hormones that induce the mind to love and care for someone. I guess, need a dose myself too :)
DK isn't oxytocin the same stuff that is pushed into the cows to fill their udders with more milk?
DK - I have read that book.. nice one..but as u go on with life,u will never really think about these things..every thing will go naturally..it helped saving marriage though..
Yes, its all about hormones..read John Gray's two books on Mars and Venus and you will understand a bit why men and women often collide. For example, the chemistries of feminine hormones like oxytocin is not the same as that of male testosteron..
Also, there's a bit of communication gap between them....men often try to provide solutions to women when they just look for their attention or empathy.
needs understanding,respect and considerations,they have hormonal changes that man dont understnd why sometimes they are moody.
women need a men
they need their needs
HGL - Agree. I believe in just being happy with each other.. :) Knowing all the details isn't necessary..
I am happy that I could always find women who never bothered to waste time like me to understand what I want as I never had time to understand what they want...just got on to each other... and the best part none regretted and the understanding was rock solid ...so basically these are are all good to read and discuss over a coffe while I have nothing good to do or say just wanna waste some time...else who has time, we get to know each other as we go on...:)
Asif - Oh yeah, he can read women's thoughts. that was cool..:)
there was a famous movie from mel gibson "what women wants"
Nobody knows what other people want.. I even find it hard to know what i really want sometimes..:)
Speedy - Oh hell yeah..it should be mutual..;) and of course if two people are happy with each other..;)
If Sigmund wasnt able to answer that question, i doubt anyone would...
Yes, Men too require security... but I was answering the OP question-What women want...
The best of relationships is based upon the fact that both mutually love each other.. not a one-way traffic... This is the very basis for a secure relationship..
When in comes to work, men or women,some of them are pain in the ass..
I have no idea what other women want, and I am a woman. I also have no idea what men want. I have no idea what anyone other than myself wants. Don't assume that just because people share a gender they want the same things, everyone is different and unique.
Speedysid - Men want security as well especially in relationships. Men want to know that his woman is all his.. Same boat.
but I hate it when women try to get favouritism in workplace through other means.
Security in all aspects of life.. be it monetarily, in terms of love- anything and everything...
That is right. In fact, that is what my point is. In this world, women are treated as anything but equal to men.
Agree with tinker - I dont need a knight in shining armor though I'm a princess.lol. I can take care of myself. I will surely ask when i cant.. simple..
in my opinion it depends on the woman u are with,as long as u give her love,respect,security,understanding,u should be a good listener too and can relate what woman really wants.
Segmund - Well yes,i act and think like a man most of the time. Men and women will always be difficult to understand. Same applies to women understanding men. It's all up to you how to deal with women. Women are not all the same so it's hard to just make a conclusion..
I guess it depends on certain situations why we are treated differently. Based on traditions and cultures, women were basically respected and protected. Well i hope it still remains up to now, but it's not usually the case esp. nowadays. Are you in a way in love with somebody,but you find her confusing? I know it's personal, maybe she just needs a lot of attention from you or you just simply have to prove yourself to her. Be truthful in everyway and show her how much she means to you.
Cool reply man!
Well, that is not what happens in our workaday life. We always get into problems with the opposite gender. And this listening with the heart is what is difficult to learn. Just who will teach it and how many men have you seen who actually know this?
Well, yes one gets influenced by one's company. Personally, I have found that most women are just like men in their mentality. The share the common good qaulities such as kindness, love, respect and care with me and they share the bad ones like jealousy, anger and vengeance as well. The problem, in my view, is that in this man's world, woman do not get an equal treatment and that is the actual reason of their just being different.
Women want a guy who strips at the corniche in broad daylight..true story, try it.
Why dont ya listen to the song "Have you ever really loved a woman?" . I always think the song answers to some questions men have in their minds..
But to be honest,i find some women really strange. Im not talkin' in general but i always wonder why some women make things complicated. Maybe it's bec. i think more like of a man. I say what i wanna say directly. Im perfectly fine when i say im fine and i dont expect my man to read my mind..:p and i guess this is due to growing up with men around me when i was a kid and having all boy friends when i was a teen and having all boys classmates when i was in college..
If it be so, then to this song I must listen.
Thank you buddy. No need to get on the offensive. Thanks.
I am afraid I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. You do not always need to become the person whom you want to know. In fact, you can remain your very own self and yet perfectly empathize with another person. However, here my argument is that men unnecessarily mystify women. What do you think? Why should women be treated as different?
Well i guess you will never really understand what women are, unless you become one. It would take ages for you to come up with an answer. But, don't you think it would be best if you will always search for the answer? How intriguing,how mysterious and simply delightful.
@ Segmund u have indeed made a good forum on women but im afraid if i comment more some may find it offensive SO ill say the morale :
I agree with you.
I did not get you. You mean my nick segmund or Sigmund Freud?
yes @ segmund sir this topic is complicated but the morale of the story can be
A women can be a daughter, wife, sister, aunty, daughter in law, sister in law ,mother in law , mother ohhhh im tired last but not the least producer of whole man kind.......
I wish the topic was so easy khan sahab. :)
they want someone to care them and love them and respect them and their decisions.
S-isale...lol ...he is getting late for work..don’t bother him plz...
btw..why do you want to know?? do you have anyone in mind for this intelligent Doc?..:)
are you married?