What was your first ever job?

I was reminiscing at home yesterday (as you do),
and thought about all the jobs that I've had in my life.
I was sixteen when I had my first job. Luckily in the UK, they had a minimum wage!
It was folding and stuffing statements into envelopes and sealing them for a bookstore!
The paper statements used cut my fingers to shreds!!!! ...but was one of the best times of my life! First time ever making money to support myself and meeting new people (other than in school)!
Tell me about your first ever job, what was it? How old were you? How was the experience?
At young age I used to climb on trees of different fruits in our province and walk a few kilometers going to market to sell it at the end of the day I have something to buy for my family and kept a little for my savings. That's what my father told me be generous and give values up to the single cents of what I'm getting.
Worked in a bakery during summer in Exeter, England way back in 1981. Back-breaking job, replacing hot tins as they came out from the oven, changing the moulds from long loaf to standard loaf and vice versa. Salary was really good though. Saved enough to travel across Europe and bought as many heavy metal records as I could.
I was 15 and used to weigh fruit and vegies at a supermarekt(Coles)just like they do here), except people were nicer, they waited in line and didnt shove plastic bags in your face to weigh....
i was 16 years old and worked as a receptionist in a small hotel.money was good,the rest of the staff was good,the boss hittin on all the girls wasnt good!:P and thats why no one stayed there for more than one summer.:D
self employed... until i was 15... then i started working in a car shop... i miss it... it was much funner than my job today
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Trust me, you wouldn't want to work for my company!
I'd make you make the tea! LOL
It was my final year in the university; I was recruited as a Business Development Officer by Suzuki Motors, India (Maruti Udyog) and worked there for 2 years…
It was fun to learn with such an enthusiastic and creative team…
Still I love my first company and will love it until I breathe my last…
Pure Love...
My first job was at Lawyers Firm
They were and are a large Financial Law Firm
I joind as a book keeper after my 10th grade worked for 3 months during the holidays
i wish i am working in your company would love to taste your nice cup of tea..
I remember having a great office and having parties when we win a case.
I was bringing flowers from the shop to the customer...by bycicle! And some people didn't even bother to give me a small tip...
Doha, I'm coming! Ducks in Doha from 12th - 18th of May :)
peach picker
Rgds, Gumbo
i worked as telephone operator in a Law Office...
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
my 1st job was teaching :o when i was 14 i think not sure but i was teaching maths as peer teacher it was so cool
Now that's a British sense of humour!
I know you are British, and I don't have to even check your profile! LOL
Too ugly and missahepn for the Chippendale's. I only got the pole dancing job because I was cheap, and always stayed behind to wipe my pole down after each performance.
All things being equal, fat people use more soap
I had two jobs at the same time; the first was a pole dancer in a gay bar, which was my night time job. That didn't last too long though, because of my other job. The daytime job was as an orange tester in a chocolate factory. Basically you had to prod the orange and if the flesh on the outside didn't go back to it's original shape within 2.455677 seconds, it was rejected. At the chocolate factory, I got into the habit of eating the misshapen [rejected] chocolates and got too heavy for the pole dancing; after I had bent the third one out of shape they let me go. I really wanted to move on to orange peeling, but I didn't have the fingernails for it.
All things being equal, fat people use more soap
I too am a tea boy in my company! Seriously, I end up making the tea for everyone! Which company do you make the tea for? LOL
I started with bank and still withbank, and will continue with bank
Live and let live...
@ glecs! cool!.. too bad i only came to the Top 4th... hahahaha Pero its okay, btw, i also have a friend from there. and i myself also lives in dasma (i mean my house is there, though im abroad)
btw, sent you a PM this morning!
Visit my Blog - http://wakatteruttebayo.blogspot.com
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i was transfered to the former. but no regrets! i still manage to keep the same alma matter's name.
At the age of 16 I worked as an office junior for a chartered accountant. One of my jobs was to log all the outgoing mail everyday and put them through a franking machine. One day a senior guy came to me and said when he hands me something to post (as opposed to putting it in the outgoing mail tray); I have not to log them. It turned out he was sending them to an “adult” company!!!!. LOL.
@ glecs,
Lemme guess glecs, you were transferred in Dasma or Lipa?
@ thexonic,
well yeah but that didnt work out well... its quite tough to go against a sannin. hahahaha
Visit my Blog - http://wakatteruttebayo.blogspot.com
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i was 17. my first i job (informal i would say) was being a parttime service crew. i forced myself to work when i lost the scholarship program in my university. i couldnt tell my parents because i know that i would end up transferring to a much affordable university. i hid my work from them just to stay in one of the 3 top universities in our country. until the 3rd trimester came, my mom saw a familiar polo with "bee" logo in my bag. i stopped working from then on. good thing my sister helped me out financially. but i still have to be transfered to the provincial campus of that university. we cannot afford the main campus anymore.
pinahamak ako ni Jollibee
I second the motion Ms. Lovinni, that's exactly my motivating power......never surrender!
my first full time job - lawyer- but i did earn money before that in many ways, all legitimate of course ,, lol
I thought ur first job was to defeat oruchimaro hahaha
I was a fiber optic technician
I was 16 - dance teacher assistant for a class of 3 yr old girls. Kept that job for 2 years.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
First time I earned money was when I was 7, by plucking my grannies' greyhair. It was .25centavos per strand
But my first real job was with an engineering company as an instrumentation and control engineer when i was 21.
“They say you can't live without love. Tell them oxygen is more important!.”
- G. House
I know bakamuna! I used to love ice cream before I had to scoop it into cones all day long. lol
thats bad tweety... :)
I was only 15 and I worked that summer at a pizza/ice cream shop in a tourist area on the lake where I grew up. It was a lot of fun but ice cream lost it's appeal for me after that. lol
just right after i finished University, temporarily as an accounting staff working for one of my friends company while applying for other companies. it was a need for me because i have to support my family...it was a rough time...i was paid a minimum wage. after payday i head to supermarket for groceries...
tobi dont be sorry...its part of life..the important thing is we never surrender...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
1st student job was during my OJT , as trainee on the network services department of Mobiline in the Philippines. was earning 150 pesos per day... d**n!
professionally, after college, it was with Cisco-Linksys as Product Support
Visit my Blog - http://wakatteruttebayo.blogspot.com
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When I was a student at the University of Florida. I worked 12 hour shifts and meet every lunatic and weirdo in Miami Beach. Some of the tips I received cannot be related on a family friendly site. This was in the late 80s when every guy wanted to be Don Johnson.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Use to work at mcdonalds from 1st yr. 2nd Sem to 4th year as LSM local store marketing, hosting in house parties and everything with regards in marketing. it was fun and enjoyed it a lot.
with siemens when i was seventeen....
and start learning some management tools such as...Total Quality Management..Standard Operation Procedures....bla..bla... besides my job as a prod operator
I was almost 16 when I landed my first job at KFC (as service crew of course), right there in front of UE in Recto, Manila! Oh by the way I came from the province, without my parents knowledge my best friend tugged me along to Manila right after we graduated in high school – him to enroll in college and me just to look and see! Guess it’s pretty obvious that my family didn’t afford my college, and so without blink of an eye when I saw that window ad at KFC I immediately applied. Problem was the major qualification, “must be college level” and since UE was just few meters away from the opposite direction I inquired and admitted as a student under a block section – where students were given the privileged and allowed to sit in a class and pay the tuition fee before the preliminary examination! Knowing back then that this job will be my career foundation of whatever I will become in the future, definitely all the struggles and hardships pays more than I expected it would be considering my current situation! Sorry, story of my life!
I worked as clerk in a govt dept at 21, those days getting a govt job in my country is like winning a lottery not because of the pay..but because its secure and you get pension for life.
I was a door to door sales boy, i was 16 yrs old, and i had to sell silly house hold items with my great smile and tried very hard to keep my temper under control coz u meet a lot of arse holes when ur doing ur rounds, try selling a stupid alarm clock a 70 yr old woman.
hacking and boting so be ready :D
Senior year of high school, worked after school at a child care center
was in sales, selling UPS.. now selling Godamba Roti on QL :)
worked as a receptionist in a trading company whilst waiting for my High school exam results. with the salary i got (good thing i was living with parents) i had to budget food , transport, shopping and some for savings .learnt alot fr this
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Mine was a Tea Boy :(
Aah! the good old days. My first job was in a cotton mill in the north of England. Shift work and cold. Makes me appreciate the job I have now.
giving tuitions to kindergarden kids. I was 16 then
doing ticketing in the travel agent on my last year in the university ...
and I worked part time as a producer assistant at the TV channel ... I didn’t stay in TV world though... do not know why...
******* [img_assist|nid=94788|title=*******|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Sun and I
was in sales, selling UPS..what a time i had...i had the worst manager on earth who would kill us for the targets he put on us..but learnt a lot from him and here i am :)
good morning QT.. . i answered the same quesition before here.. http://www.qatarliving.com/node/22273
i gain all of my work experience from my first job/company.. so i got only 2 company ever in my working experience..that company in the Philippines and now here in Qatar (my loyalty is always there if i am taken cared of properly)....
i remember my first salary back then.... was excited to buy my family loaf of bread...was a tough time then, i mean financial, im the only one working for my family (had to work on letting my brothers finish their studies..financially) that's why i valued my work there and owe that company a lot..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
life guarding at a public swimming pool. Talk about a fun job!! Not only did you get to get a tan and get paid for it, you got to watch all the hot guys...
Seriously..it was a lot of work but well worth it...except for the little twerps that would keep irritating you on purpose to get your attention! But the after hours parties were fun!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
sorry,cant remember it anymore.
i tried very hard to get it into my mind but no way
maybe should ask my parents.they for sure still knows