What Is A Troll?Why do trolls do it?

What Is A Troll?
The term derives from "trolling", a style of fishing which involves trailing bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. The troll posts a message, often in response to an honest question, that is intended to upset, disrupt or simply insult the group.
Usually, it will fail, as the troll rarely bothers to match the tone or style of the group, and usually its ignorance shows.
Why do trolls do it?
I believe that most trolls are sad people, living their lonely lives vicariously through those they see as strong and successful.
Disrupting a stable newsgroup gives the illusion of power, just as for a few, stalking a strong person allows them to think they are strong, too.
For trolls, any response is 'recognition'; they are unable to distinguish between irritation and admiration; their ego grows directly in proportion to the response, regardless of the form or content of that response.
Trolls, rather surprisingly, dispute this, claiming that it's a game or joke; this merely confirms the diagnosis; how sad do you have to be to find such mind-numbingly trivial timewasting to be funny?
Remember that trolls are cowards; they'll usually post just enough to get an argument going, then sit back and count the responses
(Yes, that's what they do!).
Recent reply to my question relating to where to find ingredients for chinese home cooking:
Try a shop for chemicals!
Answered on Sat, 17/01/2009 - 8:25pm
Posted by "Magic Dragon".
I just wonder what drives anyone to post these kinds of silly replies.
As noted earlier - best is to simply ingnore I guess.
Before all the QL friends of Magic Dragon jump all over me - this is the kind of post that puts most casual QL users off using the site.
RP is there something called Troll Denial?
It is with deep regret, and tremendous burden that I am carrying on my conscience, that I would like to bring the following facts to your previous post.
January 19, 2009
Attn: Troll and Other Mythically Misrepresented Creatures Union
Dear Mrs. Mis-Cat President
It is with deep regret, and tremendous burden that I am carrying on my conscience, that I would like to bring the following facts to your post.
Under the circumstances, I am tendering my resignation as the chairman of Q.L. ANTI “Deluded, Brainwashed Idiots” LEAGUE (former: Q.L. ANTI-TROLLS LEAGUE) and shall continue in this position only till such time the current board is expanded.
My continuance is just to ensure enhancement of the board over the next several days or as early as possible.
I am confident they will stand by the QL in this hour of crisis.
In light of the above, I fervently appeal to the board to hold together to take some important steps. Mr. DaRuDe is well placed to mobilize support form the qatarliving.com at this crucial time.
With the hope that QL members of the task force and the ANTI-“Deluded, Brainwashed Idiots” (DBI) advisor, Mr. Red Pope will stand by the QL site at this crucial hour.
I am marking copies of this statement to them as well.
I am now prepared to subject myself to the laws of the Trollsland and face consequences thereof.
Bloody Regards,
just ignore the troll dont let them get into your nerve and ruin your good day.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Dracula, you are referring to the Internet Trolls only. the Real Trolls comes from the Norse Mythology.
A troll is a fearsome member of a race of creatures from Norse mythology. Originally more or less the Nordic equivalents of giants, although often smaller in size, the different depictions have come to range from the fiendish giants – similar to the ogres of England (also called Trolls at times, see Troller's Gill) – to a devious, more human-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds. In the Faroe islands, Orkney and Shetland tales, trolls are called trows, adopted from the Norse language when these islands were settled by Vikings.
Nordic literature, art and music from the romantic era and onwards has adapted trolls in various manners – often in the form of an aboriginal race, endowed with oversized ears and noses. From here, as well as from Scandinavian fairy tales such as Three Billy Goats Gruff, trolls have achieved international recognition, and in modern fantasy literature and role-playing games, trolls are featured to the extent of being stock characters.
As local President for the Troll and Other Mythicaly Misrepresented Creatures Union..I hereby request that you immediately put a stop too slandering the good name of the troll and call these people for what they really are Deluded, Brainwashed Idiots. Should you continue to use the good name of the Troll in this slanderous way I will on behalf of all trolls under bridges every where be forced to take further legal action....Thank You...;P
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
www.sh!t.com; sputnik; ...
A lot in QL!
WWW.SIT.COM is our famous AKA Airsupply, peanuts, monkey and many more names.
I could proof and confirm this matter.
I am not as thunk as you drink I am!
drac,.. i think you'll come up with a long list im sure... go on then, let the name and shame begin! :D
yep, and for some reason they just cant seem to leave QL alone... Drac, got any troll insecticide? :P
lol mjamille :P Yes old grumpy ones ... haha ...
good one drac... and i always thought trolls are the grumpy old ones who live under the bridge... :P
plenty of them on QL :)