What should be written in an NOC?

I am trying to understand what needs to be inside to be accepted by the Miistry of Interior.
Does it have to be written in Arabic or is English fine. Is a simple statement that the employee can join another orgnanisation and thats it.
Also, is it such that you can only transfer after comploeting one year at the previous organisation. Is this the case also regarding moving between government owned organisations?
Gusten Morgen,
Wie geht es ihnen? About your inquiry I guess it's much better to pay attention to get a chance in the following places:
1- QP (Qatar petroleum)
2- Qatar Gas
3- Qatar Airlines
4- Qatar Foundation
5- Qatar National Hotels Company
6- United Development Company (UDC)
Good Luck
I had mine, but it was totally in Arabic and didnt really understood a thing. Anyways, everything went well. It usually is a standard letter, so no worries my friend.
I took them in English and in Arabic to save me going back and forth they took both.
it has to be in arabic, your NOC should state that your company is releasing you with no objection and that your new company will/may transfer your current visa (company should be stated)...
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