What’s in a name? A song will do!

Mothers at a remote village in Meghalaya call their children not by their names, but by songs assigned to each of them - a tradition handed down through generations.Children at Kongthong village in Meghalaya’s East Khasi Hill district, 60 km from Shillong, are called by specific ‘Jingrwai Iawbeis’ or lullabies, much like the birds’ tweets, assigned to each of them at birth.
The headman of Kongthong village, Kyrtaid Majaw, explained to PTI, “If a family has 10 children, there will be 10 different songs to address them. The duration of the song may vary from one second to two minutes.”
Of course, the children are given regular names, but they are used for purposes other than addressing them. Other persons also use the songs to call them, not necessarily the mothers only.
Rothell Khongsit, a college student, strongly endorsing the practice said, “We instantly recognise the short songs when we hear them.’’Khongsit has even popularised the ‘songs of recognition’ among his college friends in Shillong, claiming they have taken a great liking to it.
There are at least 500 variations of short songs prevalent in the village which has a matrilineal society like the rest of the state and the song of one household differs from the other.
However, the girls cannot use this musical language to address the male companions. The use of music to call a person is so effective that even children who go missing in a crowd come back after hearing the call by their relatives.
“When we go to a crowded place like Shillong, we often miss the children. But they come back to us once they listen to our songs,” said Isslowell Khongsit, a teacher from the village.
Wondering if this happened where I lived, what song would I choose for myself !! :-p
Really! That's so unique.
LOL snessy ;)
drmana turn the safety mode off :)
If I write the title here, it will show [Mod Removed]
LOL WK, if the cap fits...
WK, that video is unavailable in safety mode says Youtube .....
Song for me ;)
there's no one video right there!
just a picture! :(
...stop kissin'!
There's this gal who's name should be "underestimate me boy, I'll make you sorry you were born" :P
~ Madison Avenue's song.
lol dracula, great video
gumnam hai koyi ..anjaaan hai koyi..kisko khabar kaun hai woooooooo.nice idea,creative idea.:)
LOL..thanx, Drac!
saeed: I guess there are some places in this world people are not in as much hurry as we are :)
Winner..first 2 seconds..:)
Guess the hottest girl of the village would be named as "Sexy Sexy Sexy Mujhe Log BolaiN"? :P
Crazy idea....