what kind of belief is this? from Gulf-Times.

What if this will also happen in Qatar? What are there ideologies on killing themselves and other people?
A suicide bomber killed five people in northern Iraq yesterday as bombs in Baghdad and other deadly attacks raised the toll to 12 dead, including an Iraqi general, security officials said.
The suicide attack in the refinery and power station town of Baiji, 200km from the capital, targeted a police patrol and also wounded 18 people, said police in the Salaheddin provincial capital of Tikrit.
In Baghdad, the general, whom police identified only by his first name Khodr, was blown up by a magnetic bomb in Aden Square in the Shia shrine district of Kadhimiyah in the north of the city.
A second magnetic bomb killed one person and wounded two outside an army officers’ club in Al Hurriya in northwest Baghdad, police said. There was no immediate word on whether the casualties were soldiers or civilians.
And a roadside bomb killed one person and wounded four in a car in the capital’s mainly Sunni Arab southern district of Dora, police said.
In the heart of Baghdad, meanwhile, police thwarted a bomb attack on a convoy transporting cash to and from the central bank, detonating it in a controlled explosion after clearing the area, the interior ministry said.
The bomb was planted in a rubbish skip in the Rasheed Street area and the explosion was heard across the city centre.
Crazy People crazy acts.
it's Filipinos. Or better use the colloquial term, Pinoy/s!
There's no question that popular culture depicts dolphins as symbols of tranquility and peace. They are considered by some to be benign and all knowing; the very embodiment of wisdom. You will often see illustrations of jolly Cetaceans jumping heroically out of the ocean waters with lasers and rainbows shooting out everywhere. Perhaps a gnome or a magical elf with a mustache is riding on its back. There are even nautical folk tales of dolphins protecting sailors and bringing them to the shores when stranded.
It is because of these common memes that people are unaware of the dark side of dolphin sociology. We ignore that these creatures practice murder and rape openly without social consequence. This is problematic to me because dolphins are considered to be the most emotionally intelligent and intellectually apt creatures on the planet, second to humans. Though an important minority goes so far as to elude that Cetacean intelligence may even be equal to or greater than our own. Given this information, let us look upon two facts that may present a moral dilemma as quoted from Wikipedia:
"Male Bottlenose Dolphins are even known to molest [rape] dolphins of different species."
"Male dolphins have been known to engage in infanticide. Dolphins will also kill porpoises for reasons which are not fully understood, as porpoises generally do not share the same fish diet as dolphins and are therefore not competitors for food supplies."
Rape. Murder. Intellect. We as humans hold ourselves accountable for immoral actions because, by our own standards, are considered a species of mammal capable of self awareness (i.e.: the capability to think about thinking). The foundations of social civility seem mortared in this concept and all who lambaste it are quickly disregarded by the majority as heathens of the moral method.
So it should be taken into consideration that many studies conducted recently support the theory that dolphins are not only self-aware (results gauged from the "mirror test" and later the "video test") , but also capable of complex linguistic tools to identify and isolate individuals in a social climate. These identifying communications are ubiquitous among individuals in a pod, or familial clique -- a behavior previously thought unique to humans and not documented even among the great apes, our hairy ancestors.
So all this brings me 'round to my point: I hate dolphins. I don't trust them, I don't think they're cute and I suspect they're trying to take over the world. Take into consideration the recent news story where a dolphin jumped into a boat, flopping about onto a woman and then jumping back into the water. They're already testing our resolve in their territory -- and it's not looking good.
Dear reader, I write this article to you as a friendly warning. There is a separate lore about dolphins than what it normally considered true. You have to search deep for it, because the information is dutifully repressed. These stories about Cetacean life will reflect such poignant tragedies as "A West Side Story" and "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer".
So be wary. Once you've been enlightened to the dolphin agenda, there's no going back. They can sense your awareness to their plans and will no longer pretend nice around you. You may never be allowed into the ocean again.
... And when the revolution comes. You'll be the first up against the wall.
Source - http://www.broowaha.com/articles/496/dolphins-a-hidden-evil
This is the "drama" in this world not only in Iraq or Afganistan
and other all by Israel
I thought this happens only in my State
and contents of this thread! Will the OP please explain a little!
The US is behind all this.
Drunk AGAIN !!!?
I believe that global warming will cause all lands to go under water and dolphins will develop into the superior race and enslave all humankind.
What? My comment is not relevant to the topic? Sorry, I don't understand the topic. I just wanted to rant and express random thoughts somewhere.
What is the relation of this article with Belief and Qatar?.
Are you OK in the morning?
Exploitation, so that their families can live the life they could not!
UkEng, yes I do... :P
you see the future MJ?
relation with the title of this thread with this article.
Its not new with IRAQ...
It's Anger Management.
i can see where this will lead to...
what belief do you want to know?