What the heck is wrong with ex-girlfriends??
By heero_yuy2 •
I thought we already moved on. I thought you already have a boyfriend and you gonna marry him. Why call me back for a very long time since our break-ups and upsets? Do you know how hard it is for me to accept the fact of moving on after you've finally settled with another guy or you've chosen to go away and then all of the sudden you gonna surprisingly call me and ask 'How's life? Can we still be friends?'
can we still be friends????
no bcoze she's a traitor who left u for other guy and should not make friendship with traitors but should take revenge
Hey HEERO BOY, I think you are just flattering yourself. Face the fact that you are trying to get her sympathy and lure her into calling you. The truth is that YOU can't get over her and you are lonesome and miserable without her. Go back to master baiting in the closet and leave your sad personal life in the mirror.
it happened to me too. then whenever we talked , we both sounded like loosers... hehehehehe
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What is wrong with you?
Why didn’t you tell her this when she called?
Do you really need to use this site for this trivial issue that happens to 99% of us once and a while?
I know QL has some tendencies to go below the low but wasn’t expecting this from you ;)
No, don't ever commit ne mistake by befriending her..Just move on now..Start a fresh life..
...love hurts
May be she is as Gemini as me....:)
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Her current boyfriend may not be so pleasing like u, In short she is missing u a lot
maybe she's just realised it a wee bit late that she wants you too in her life in some way :-D well,i don't really appreciate that.you can't have the cake and eat it too,u see ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
she just wants you to date her on your birthday,,,
"not in the mood for Valentine's"
Obviously she has realised that you are a great guy and it was a mistake breaking up..
So, the best option is to IGNORE the b####
Jon, you do lead a very colourful life!
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
that was wild... !!!
ya that might be true, she did go on a pilgrimage after our break-up :P
**** Aal Izz Well****
OMG Colt45, thankfully I'm not one of your ex girlfriends!
WK, she didn't have time to call you before she got married, because she was too busy thanking god she didn't marry you, LOL ;-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
reminds me of a poem..
"if you have a girl, set her free.
If she returns, she's yours,
If she does not..... chase her down and beat the crap outta her... " ...lol!!!
My ex never called me before her marriage :(
**** Aal Izz Well****
she didn't like the other person, she is missing you.
Reminds me of a song "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone..."
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I don't rule that out... why?
It happens a lot.. sometimes they just wanna have one last fling before they tie the knot... have fun while it lasts, only if it don't eff up your head... ;-)
ok Speed !!
actually i did't broke her heart, she broke the mirror in my house in which i use to comb my silky hair...:(
you have already broken BeLlA's hEaRt....
So watz the big deal ?