What extra would you like on your yacht ?

So what extra would you order on your yacht ???
Fancy an ocean-going super yacht fitted with showers that spray champagne? Or perhaps a giant room-sized freezer so that guests can have snowball fights in the Bahamas? Well they are available.
One of the latest luxury yacht fads is for "RainSky" shower units. They have shower heads the size of a car bonnet, consume 10 gallons of water a minute and cost €18,000. "Our clients finished with whirlpool baths a while back," said Matthias Voit whose company, Dornbach makes the units, "they now want special showers in which you can control the droplet size and the speed at which they fall."
His latest client wanted a RainSky shower on his yacht capable of squirting either water or champagne on demand. "We'll manage that," Mr Voit said. "The only unresolved question is whether the champagne should be warm or cold," he added.
i would love to sail the carribean in my luxury yacht with a crew of hunks ;)
email is the answer. Faxes are passe...
I would need a fax .. so i can submit my resignation from that yacht
Drac is still saving up for a Yacht, but I found this photo of him with Goaty in his current seafaring craft - the SS Plasma :O)
Dracula and Goaty look so happy together ;)
I would love to have a "Wish Button" installed so that I can update my wishes at leisure.
rofl thank you x
3 years ago! :)
A goat curry is great!
Draccy..a goat on a luxury yacht???? ( I could elaborate...but I don't think QL can take it ;) )
I am a vampire of simple tastes, I will settle for an ordinary goat :(
I know, I know!
My husband hates it too, but as a woman...can I be really sexist here and say.......................look at his body!
Go Victoria you lucky ^*^(*^^*&%&%&. lol
I know when he opens his mouth he (speech wise) ruins it…but I am hoping I will leave him speechless.
Husband has just said...nah love he will comment- something about a 'wizard’s sleeve'.
How could he? (Walks away sobbing).
It was all great till you brought gay-bob beckham into the picture :O(
Luxury Yacht.
I would like the luxury of never sinking.
I would like the luxury of never having salt water in my important parts; eyes and ears!
I am presuming these luxury yachts have internet access and Sky tele? lol
Oh and perhaps David Beckham serving me cocktails ;-))
With Daniel Craig serving me breakfast; I hear he cooks a great cumberland sausage and a great poached egg.
Are we talking hot or cold running here ?
Guys I’m very happy to announce that a guy from QL with a nick of warm_heart has won the gold award being loser of the millennium.
naked women
Lol I don't know who's teaching you but here's a couple of points for you.
1. There is no language called Indian
2. Whatever it's called, this isn't it.
harammmmmm it looks like his boss is doing him some dirty s**t
Do u mean the indian language is tupid like ur parents?
"tom thouti yaho khajour"
What language is that... I don't speak stupid :(
Very nice brit..I shall join you on your upcoming trip....oh, but make sure my shower has pink champagne.:)
Ahhhhhaaaaa what a silly joke, it makes me laugh at u, the doctor told me to not laugh 2 much but some stupid ppl are making me laugh too much, tom thouti yaho khajour
why dont u come up with a topic then..lets see the interesting topics u have to say
Let him be if it makes him happy...
By the way warm heart when are you serving me steak??
You keep promising me beef but never deliver :(
U r right 100% bcoz i'm the reason to push u up to comment here, so i made it dirty
warm-heart,,,you are making it dirty
Thx sam, i'm here to clean UP QL
Thx sam, i'm here to clean UP QL
what is wrong with this warm-heart, he is offending a lot of threads...MODS
hahahahaha warm_heart... I adore youuuuuuuu.....just proceed to kick some ****
thx for ur kindness
please sum1 block warm_heart.... poor guy who hates everything.
[Done! Mod]
I am a man of simple tastes, I will settle for an ordinary yacht :(