What can you say about Windows 7 OS?

By newkidontheblock •
I'd say another flop out of windows OS's next to Windows Vista. They're just trying the focus of people's madness from Vista and came up with a new one. I think it would be the same as Vista's bugs and many more :D
What can you say?
Looks like 2nd Vista,
I hate to admit, but im moving to mac aswell... Using boot camp, will use xp but that's about it.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
I liked Windows 7....
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
is it realeased? what can i say about the picture,,, nice one .. since i haven't tried windows se7en yet
i'm still stuck with XP been told enough about the Vista
buying a crap os is waste of money...
I m still a virgin...never experienced Vista yet...
I plan to stay faithful to XP as much as possible. Till father in law Bill Gates thinks I have spent enough time with XP and I should remarry.
Then I will have to pay Dowry again!
How many more patches will they release to fix the Bugs?
My car windshield windows 'vista' outside is blurred with dead bugs crashing against them all the time.
My side 'xp-window' mirrors dripping in dead bugs.
No end, to the remedies.
I guess the new generation of windows would be 'Adios windows.'
Much better than Vista, but if I had to choose a version of Windows, it would be XP.
i tried it..its a nice one..but still BETA
My next computer will be a Mac - I've just about had it with Windass. Programs crash with alarming regularity and for no apparent reason other than you click on 'something'
Did you Google it first?
Have no experience with the Windows 7 yet but it looks like a copycat of Mac.. (: