What are WE Are Looking For in a RELATIONSHIP

By azilana7037

It's a very LOADED question, so to speak....but here how I see it.

All have different expectations about what we want from a man/woman and a relationship.

For example, a young adult may not know what he/she wants SIMPLY BECAUSE because they aren't experienced enough to know what's important yet.

A more mature individual, one who's been in a lot of different relationships, may know exactly what they are looking for in a relationship.

When it comes to people who are actually looking for in a relationship, you can expect these factors to come into play:

  1. How well does the other person treat them?
  2. What is the level of attraction occurring?
  3. How strong is the emotional connection?

What do you think?

Do you agree?

if NO, why is that?

By ExQat• 15 Sep 2017 11:03

What are we looking for in a relationship? -- Looking for trouble!

By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 20:01

Forgiveness is life...:)

By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 20:00

Forgiveness is life...:)

By t_coffee_or_me• 3 Jul 2008 19:50

and also orion has lost its charm no more live band or music its a dead place now was there last friday and it was deserted





By t_coffee_or_me• 3 Jul 2008 19:48

guess QLers are tired of Ramada and they need a new venue lol





By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 19:46

Forgiveness is life...:)

By t_coffee_or_me• 3 Jul 2008 19:44

I am all ready just say the word





By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 19:30

Forgiveness is life...:)

By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 19:30

Forgiveness is life...:)

By t_coffee_or_me• 3 Jul 2008 19:28

A girl asking will clearly put a man on his back foot DOnt go for it azy it might scare him away just wait and watch but with care





By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 19:09

I think???

Forgiveness is life...:)

By azilana7037• 3 Jul 2008 17:02

I guess I waited long enough for him to take the lead...

By britexpat• 3 Jul 2008 16:16
Rating: 4/5

Relationships need to be nurtured and developed. No-one goes into a relationship with specific "requirements"..

If and when the relationship develops, then needs become clearer.

This is when you haveto take a check to see if both parties are going in the same direction..

By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 16:07

Forgiveness is life...:)

By Gypsy• 3 Jul 2008 13:22

I'm not telling you to wait any longer, I'm telling you to ask him what he wants.

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By anonymous• 3 Jul 2008 13:19

"stimulation"...KSA, here's that word again...

By azilana7037• 3 Jul 2008 13:18

for quite a long time now...too old for this kind of game.

Gotta go..I'm late for work...

By Vegas• 3 Jul 2008 13:06

Forgiveness is life...:)

By Gypsy• 3 Jul 2008 13:05

You haven't asked him if he's decided. He could be waiting for you to say something.

Visit www.qatarhappening.com

By azilana7037• 3 Jul 2008 13:03

My options are open this time...I can't wait for a MAN to grow up and decide :-?

By Gypsy• 3 Jul 2008 12:56

No you will not WAIT. you will sit him down and talk to him and make it clear what you want. Waiting just gives you an ulcer.

Visit www.qatarhappening.com

By azilana7037• 3 Jul 2008 12:55

at this time...I won't settle for anything less.

I'll just wait and see what will happen...

By Gypsy• 3 Jul 2008 12:48

Helps if you explain the "state" but since I know what it is I think you're just being a nervous nettie. But like I've been telling you, you NEED to be clear with him what you're looking for, and not settle for less.

Visit www.qatarhappening.com

By azilana7037• 3 Jul 2008 12:46

I won't elaborate...but i need the views of QL folks here.

BTW, I'm going back to the office now (IT BLOCKED MY INTERNET ACCESS AGAIN)...so I'll be able to log in later after 4:30pm...

By anonymous• 25 Mar 2008 11:06


By QT• 24 Mar 2008 01:58

Yes, Jauntie is definately insightful!!!   LOL

By jauntie• 24 Mar 2008 01:55

and I forgot to eat.  No food to my tummy means brain is still active.

It's a fact, you know, that when you eat, your blood (or something) rushes from your brain to your stomach to help in the digestive thing.  That's why you get sleepy after a big meal.

Maybe I better go and make a HUMUNGUS dish of instant smash :D




By t_coffee_or_me• 24 Mar 2008 01:05



hahahahha jauntie


 how come u r still awake

night owl i guess


By jauntie• 24 Mar 2008 01:02

and, also, at this time of night I manage to get a word in edgeways! lol

By t_coffee_or_me• 24 Mar 2008 00:55


HMMMMMMMMMMMM jauntoie from where did this come from

but i have to admite its a reality

u ammuse me some times hmmm not some times but most of the times with your deep insight

no wonder so many times your comments just go unnoticed or whatever






By jauntie• 24 Mar 2008 00:51
Rating: 4/5

"that's why women differ, when we love...we love with our mind, heart and soul...that's why we hurt the more when we give more".


I think that when a man is 'hurt' he hurts much deeper than women realise. 

He may not go into floods of tears or spend weeks tormenting others with how upset he is because those symptoms are on the surface and not how the male, usually, reacts to hurt.

Well, that's what I think.  Some women are harder than some men and vice versa.

No-one can ever really know how deeply another person feels hurt.  It's a very personal emotion.


As to:

How well does the other person treat them? MUTUAL (who wants to be walked over)

What is the level of attraction occurring? MUTUAL (otherwise wouldn't be together in the first place)

How good is he/she in bed? MUTUAL (chemistry, my dear Watson)

How strong is the emotional connection? MUTUAL (ability to speak when not copulating)

How good of a provider is the guy is? (applicable to the ladies only) SHOULDN'T REALLY COME INTO THE EQUATION IF THE PREVIOUS IS MUTUAL

and if it isn't mutual then 1,2,3,and 4 should at least be on a scale of 60/40 -  any less and you may as well forget it.

oops it's after 10.00, and I'm dangerous again *mad laugh*

By azilana7037• 24 Mar 2008 00:15

and it does not describe only the male partner.

Women MAY also has their own insecurities with regards to the seriousness of the relationship.

It could be considered (or not) an issue/concern but these questions do arise as the relationship progress.



Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By snowyowl• 23 Mar 2008 21:40
Rating: 3/5

Thanks for the correction.....however, I still think that its not just woman. In my relationship and especially one of my firends, you are describing the male partner.


Sorry didn't pick up on a conversation to lovinni as you responded to QT in that same post


 I may be blonde but I am wise

smile lots laugh more

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 21:36
Rating: 2/5

At my age now...I've been through past relationships has made me a better, wiser and mature person. Looking back at them, i still wonder if i could go through it all again...I guess not.


QT, a very dear, young friend told me, we learn from our mistakes...but since we still go into relationships and eventually 'tie the knot'.


that's why women differ, when we love...we love with our mind, heart and soul...that's why we hurt the more when we give more.






Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 21:35

that response was for lovinni as we we're having a nice discussion about the topic.


Didn't mean that only us...let me change that...


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By QT• 23 Mar 2008 21:19

Sorry, have to agree with SnowyOwl!

We all love with everything we have, hence we call it "Love"!

By snowyowl• 23 Mar 2008 21:17
Rating: 2/5

Ouch! Azilana.... filipinas may love body mind and spirit but you are not the only ones!


 I may be blonde but I am wise

smile lots laugh more

By Steel_Structure• 23 Mar 2008 21:12
Rating: 3/5

 How well does the other person treat them?

What is the level of attraction occurring?

How good is he/she in bed?

How strong is the emotional connection?


1) Medium to High

2) Excellent Foreplay

3) Too Sensitive and Jelousy


What ever it is, all relationship should be ready with commitment 




Know Is Good But Not To Know Is Better

By QT• 23 Mar 2008 19:46

Yeah, I know the concept, I was there once!

But you can't keep giving if the other keeps taking! 

... and as the hurt grows, so does your caution! 

By lovinni• 23 Mar 2008 19:41

azi, for the record we both come from the same country and i do understand your point. since i came here ive seen so many types of relationship going on...well positively it broaden my view. but still im sticking to what i really i want...all decisions i made were not because of what people say. i made my choices and some were not so good but hey, i learned lessons in life.


going back to the topic, i slowly realized what i really want in a relationship after every experience and also my goals/dreams are also a factor on the kind of relationship im getting into.


I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.  ~Charles Schulz

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 19:32

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 19:30

in our own turf (country/place) we are unconsciously made to believe what to expect inh a relationship from what we see from our parents, around us...even influenced by media (movie, books,etc).

Taking for instance here in Qatar, how do relationship flourish in a different environment, amidst different culture?


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By QT• 23 Mar 2008 19:27

Your absolutely right on all fronts, and if you women know that us men need to feel like the man, let us pay for things once in a while.   We enjoy it!!! 

Even if we borrow money from you the following day! 

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 19:25

That's the WHOLE POINT...what do we expect from a relationship?

we give thus we expect...or we expect things for us to give?



Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By lovinni• 23 Mar 2008 19:23
Rating: 4/5

 i guess what we are looking in the relationship is the "SUBSTANCE"...love and respect and the joy of being together. whether spending a lazy afternoon watching movies or sitting by the beach. each one should coexist with one another and of course working towards a common goal shall bind each other more...


hmm...sounds im getting serious...hehhehe

I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.  ~Charles Schulz

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 19:22
Rating: 3/5

MEN and WOMEN disagree when it comes to finances...ironically.

Though finances do affect a relationship, it doesn't have to be the pivotal issue. As couples, they discuss and try to solve it...not argue.

Speaking for myself, I would not put it as one of stress-causing issue in a relationship. I do approach it in my own way...

But, for MEN...it's a more like it affects their manhood as being the stronger sex....am I right, QT? 



Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By anonymous• 23 Mar 2008 19:21
Rating: 4/5

It's very sensitive topic and definetions and expalantions would wary from person to person as every one has a seperate and different set of emotions. I am giving my opnion on it hope it survive...


Love is to give, give and give...


As far as expectations are concerned these are come from attachments as more you attach to a person high the expecatation you would go for.  Expectations are virus for love software, all you need is to develop or install a good attitude of giving and that will serve as an antivirus. Expectation is inevitable you can not not expect, but you can lessen it through serving and giving more and more.


Live and let live...

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 19:18
Rating: 2/5

#3 is just the "spice" in a relationship...it's what bonds two different people together.


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By QT• 23 Mar 2008 19:16
Rating: 4/5

I tell you what I can't stand, it's when I get lip from a woman for opening the door for her!

That's really messed up and you know these women have taken equal rights a little too far when that happens!


Although I disagree on the finances, unfortunately finance plays a very big part!  If you both have no money, it is the number one cause of stress and often the result of such pressures is a complete relationship breakdown!  


By lovinni• 23 Mar 2008 19:10
Rating: 5/5

 #s 1, 2 and 4 are very important from the 1st phase of the relationship and until it moves along. i would prefer  a strong level attraction to start with and i guess thats where the excitement comes. as the relationship progresses treatment towards each other plays also an important factor. thats the getting to know stage on how compatible are you or if you enjoy each others company. and it leads to which level of emotional connection you have.


#3 is something you find out along the way. if the partner is not performing according to your expectation i dont think it is a dead end. it can be discussed and a solution can be found.


#5 well if you think about long term or for lifetime, its on the priority list.  but in this age where women are now working its not so much a problem. what is important is adjusting your lifestyle vs your income.

I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.  ~Charles Schulz

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 19:06

Finances plays a small part in a relationship.

but some couples do take it as part of it...not good really, in my opinion.


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By QT• 23 Mar 2008 18:59
Rating: 4/5

Affect Us!  Not at all!  She still made me pay for everything!!  LOL (Joke)


I don't think it matters who earns more if you're both making good money.  (I know some men would feel a little inferior, but I don't care)

In the UK, more and more relationships are a 50/50 split as more women earn higher salaries! (or make more through business)

Although, it always feels nice for women to allow us men to display a little chivalry once in a while!

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 18:55

It's just a discussion...nothing to do with my personal...clear?


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 18:53

I always make/create threads of similar topics before....

My being in a relationship has nothing to do with it...so leave it.


Thank you. 


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By anonymous• 23 Mar 2008 18:53

Azi - Contact me personally. I have a PHD on the subject matter to answer all your questions :) 

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 18:51

bcoz i know some guys would react to that...

but i guess it didn't affect your relationship then, I guess?


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

By princess habibah• 23 Mar 2008 18:50
Rating: 4/5
princess habibah


 Gosh not another one of these threads again! ARe you people having relationship problems or what???


Maryum: Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi

By QT• 23 Mar 2008 18:48
Rating: 4/5

"How good of a provider is the guy is? (applicable to the ladies only)"


Funnily enough, some of my former partners have earnt considerably more than me!

By azilana7037• 23 Mar 2008 18:47

I'm happy with my SDR...lol


Started this topic just for discussion...


Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN

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