western psychologists in Qatar?

.. my friend needs one.. preferable the one who is dealing with the family issues...but not necessary...
I know I could make research.. and I did.. but things change in Doha pretty fast, so I thought maybe some new information is available since the last Forum Topic with the same subject was created…
So…please...any western psychologists in Doha?
(Thexonic! It is not a racism… pls, don’t start asking what’s wrong with Indian/philipino/Arabic/etc. psychologists. NOTHING wrong with them. It’s just MY FRIEND needs a WESTERN psychologist only. Thanks for understanding.)
I understand why your friend would want to have a western person to help. This should be quite obvious no? It has to do with Culture and language. You want to be understood, have your problem understood and recive guidance that you can understand.
I will pm you with the name of a lady I know who has been doing private counsling. However I am not sure if she is still in Doha.
dweller - She tried to get in with this hospital that is a part of HMC, but they offered her a salary that was too low I believe, so she opted to be a stay home mom.
there is a huge pool of untapped talent sitting at home that could be usefully employed or used.
I know of a woman who isn't practicing in doha, but is a housewife but she is qualified and has years of dealing with this sort of thing, she is American and is in Doha because of her husband's job. I can speak to her for your friend if your friend wants to see her, very friendly and charming woman.
well said - exactly if they know our cultural environment then they may have deeper insight into helping us.
And the patient must feel at ease and there is that understanding its deep trust and connection.
I was sent to - however, I would hope whoever sent me to the loony bin did make sure that shrink had SOME idea of my cultural and religious or whatever roots, otherwise even for a really qualified psychiatrist it wouldn't be so easy to equate to my personal problems.
My mother always insisted on seeing a Catholic psychiatrist, as it happens, and I know why. It's fairly obvious, I think, that we would prefer to know that the person we are entrusting our deepest fears and worries to, may have some real idea of what we are anxious about.
Read the text in the thread....Its self explanatory so need to foment racist attitudes and hijack this thread,,,,, Sorry
"so they do not have to deal with the cultural and religious attitudes towards certain issues (like being gay for example). "
Whats those issues? Again u seem confused with ur statement
Why western only? Not asian?
PM - I know all those stuff and I told him he has been dragged in to QL. He just laughed off. He was in the Gulf Times few days back :)
why on EARTH would I have thought that ;)
Jauntie _ I know what you are up to (You want me to say I am one of his Patients right) :)
thanks Diana..
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Sun and I
QS ... i hv PM'ed you with a number.
I can understand what the first comment (question) was all about, i can suggest to phone the Shafallah Center maybe there they can give some info if they have a western psychologist working with them, number 4793800, i hope it helps...
How do YOU know him????
i will check him.. someone already recommended him as well...
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Sun and I
But he is not a western man. His origins are from India:)
PM - How you know him ? I know him quite well :)
sure sure why not welcome :D
you are right... it will work only if full understanding and trust between a doctor and patient are achieved.. otherwise forget about it...
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Sun and I
charan.. sorry, I forgot to mention your name in the Forum Topic, and mentioned only Thexonic ...lol...
DaRush.. never knew about your this qualification... LOL...will ask my friend if he is ok with eastern Wolf who likes to work as psycologist on westerns... yeah, btw.. my friend is a MALE... still interested to work on?
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Sun and I
Look the relationship between a doctor and patient is important esp this case.... qatarisun's friend needs to feel at ease and if that is what the friend is happy with then they can ask....
Good luck and thanks for trying to help your friend.
pls check it.. coz I think if the person admits by himself that he needs a psycologist, it means he realy needs one!
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Sun and I
well i am one eastern and can work on western too :D
hmm never heard of any around hmm have you checked with HMC
Why it has to be a western Doc????????????????
lol...i liked your anticipatory bailout....qatarisun
not sure there are any reliable ones.
none in hmc thats for sure.
as for private ill have to check with my friend...but i seriously doubt it.
do it right - the first time!