Weekend is Here - To Do List!

The weekend has arrived again, but do you want it to be the same as every weekend? Here are 10 things to do this weekend that you probably wouldn’t normally do. Pick just one thing off the list and add something different to your weekend.
1. Visit a Planetarium
Chances are, if you are reading this, you probably have at least a passing interesting in science and space. Why not go to your local planetarium this weekend? As well as getting the best view of the night sky that you can see from earth (unless you live in the Arctic maybe), Planetaria often have specialised shows on the weekends.
2. Take a Barista Coffee Course
Are you sick of making bad coffee? If so, why not see if you can find a good barista course this weekend and learn how to make coffee like a pro? If you can’t find one, you may be able to convince the barista at your local coffee shop to show you how it’s done.
3. Take a Defensive Driving Course
If you haven’t already done a Defensive Driving Course, now is as good a time as any to do it. You learn evasive techniques, safety tips, and get to race around obstacle courses. Not only do you have fun, but you learn to keep yourself safe on the road.
4. Test Drive your Dream car
Most of us have a dream car (mine is a Bentley) – why not call your local dealer and organise a test drive? If it is particularly expensive you may have to do a bit of faking on the telephone so you sound like you can afford one. What could be nicer than driving your favourite car through the city. Occasionally you are allowed to take a car for half a day – if so, why not combine this one with number 9 (the Posh Picnic) and make a day of it!
5. Visit a Day Spa
Men and women alike need to take care of their skin and bodies, so why not find a nice treatment at a day spa? At the least you can get a massage with aromatherapy. What better way is there to relax after a long week at work? I recommend doing this as early as possible in the weekend. After you are done and are feeling great, why not try number 6 (Theatre or Opera) for the evening?
6. Go to the Theatre or Opera
I wonder how many readers have been to the Opera or the Theatre? Probably the majority haven’t. If you pick well, the opera can be very interesting – it is not like the old days where fat ladies prance around in old fashioned clothes. The same is true of the theatre. I would recommend giving a modern opera a try. Some composers you might find interesting: Alban Berg, Dmitri Shostakovich, Bela Bartok, Alfred Schnittke, Benjamin Britten, and Philip Glass. The photo above is from Berg’s opera Lulu which includes a lesbian countess and Jack the Ripper.
7. Take a Coach Tour
If you are new to your town, there is no better way to get to know it than taking a bus tour. You will learn about many interesting parts of the city you probably don’t know about. If you are a long time citizen of your town, this is a great way to discover new things about the city that you didn’t know. If you live close to another city that you don’t often visit, why not take a bus there and do a tour of that city?
8. Book a Last Minute Hotel Room
This one is good for couples or groups. There are lots of resources on the internet to find last minute cheap hotel rooms. Why not book a night in a hotel you normally can’t afford and have an evening in with movies and alcohol. The best thing is that you don’t need to clean up the next day! Just remember to pack your anti-hangover cures.
9. Posh Picnic
Everyone loves a picnic from time to time, but why not have a good old fashioned posh picnic? Make (or buy) little sandwiches with salmon, cucumber, egg, or any other posh sandwich filling. Make (or buy) a posh cake. Take a nice rug to sit on and take your best cutlery and real glasses and plates. Don’t forget the champagne – I recommend Perrier Jouët Belle Époque.
10. Visit an Old Friend
We all have friends that we haven’t seen in a long time. Why not give them a call and get together this weekend? One of the nicest ways to spend an evening is at home (at your own or your friends’) with beer or wine and good conversation. If the weather is good in your part of the world, have a barbecue and make it a night to remember.
Public Service Announcement: Listverse strongly recommends that you get drunk this weekend. Let’s close with the immortal words of Madame Bollinger:
“I drink it when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes, I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and drink it if I am; Otherwise I never touch it – unless I’m thirsty.”
Have a great weekend!
Ya, the choices are overwhelming...especially appealing is breakfast at McDonald's...lol
JOC - Thats illegal and you should take up the matter with your management.
My job requires me to come in the office even on weekend..
JOC - How Come?
It's strange that they don't have one here if you think about it.
MN, feel like dancing already..well for me, no weekend at all..
I would rather
8. Book a Last Minute Hotel Room...
been quite a while since I did that ;-)
Theaters are gud option...
there is a planetarium or science academy sort of thing near vegetable/fish round about
The Design presentation for Doha Opera House has been completed. Waiting for the approval to go ahead.
Well the opera house is a good one, but depends if they have anything on.. :)
Crap , Nothing interesting in here, but still :(
Weekends are made in China.. they dont last long.
Oh well, looks like I will listen to QBS all weekend and try not to kill myself while surrounded by my tears of despair....
Go for breakfast at McDonald or dairy queen Then hangout there with friends or family untill rest of Doha starts opening.
There is sale at Pearl,Qatar BHS and center point visit early to get best of the deals b4 they r sold out.
Watch a movie
Sit and relax in any cafe watch utube or Facebook Or go swimming if ur a member
walk on the corniche when it's cool enough or better yet ride a bike
ya.... right !
Goldfish - It can be a To-Do list for you as well if you follow a few simple steps.
Night picnic? I love how emo that is XD
Here is what I’m gonna do for this weekend.
I'm a party, and party and party and party...!!!
And party and party and party...!!!!!
I'm a party, and party and party and party...!!!!!
And party and party and party...!!!!!!
Being here in Qatar,,,it looks like a not-to-do list..
Noodles - Go in the evening and picnic at night.
A picnic in this heat...Fun~ .___.
Very true!
PollyJ...sleeping is bad....you should go out on weekends...picnic should be good for fighting Vit D deficiency...:)
this is too much choice . i will just sleep in. :)
Picnic, champagne & Qatar cannot be said in the same sentence..:) BTW 'Posh Picnic', 'Posh Sandwich Filling' is new. Anyways, I would prefer to take some raddish, cauliflower and potato sandwiches with green chilli & fresh coriander chutney (sauce).
TFS! Yeah! Take No. 9 - spend your weekend with a posh picnic and spend the next weekend in JAIL for having champagne ;) That would be 2 interesting weekend! ;)) :-P
i love this.. None of this is available in Qatar .. apart from the old friend and she's on vacation :O(
Moza - No.
They have a planetarium here?