Wee Break

By Missteacher •
Well after all the recent shenanigans, I took a wee break from QL and what good it did for my sanity!
Came to check in and I don't really see the usual beloved QL members on many of the forums....are we also taking a break?? ;)
Happy Weekend!! :D
MissTeacher, Any pvirate tuition? :p
Yip...just as well eh?
There's always next year.
Yeah you are so right Bachus...poor class.
Oh. So they didn't see an improvement. I guess this year's class is a lost cause by now any way.
Yeah thats it exactly Bachus!!! Now my teaching is so much better that I have started going on Facebook rather than QL on my breaks :)
Does this mean you were teaching your classes instead of hanging out on QL? Did the kids and parents notice a new dedication to your job?
Scotland eh...don't be expecting much in the way of summer. We had that day a few weeks ago. Minds you, in Scotland, if it isn't raining, it is practically summer.
Awwww, Thank you MT .. Did i tell you about my secret crush for you?? :P
Missteacher, Well that was a shameful act done by culprits, Don't forget to bring a Scottish :)
Perhaps we can meet up in Blackpool for the hilluminations :O)
& yes dash schools nearly out for summer....Scotland here I come!!!! :)
No I take someone taking my phone number & continually use it for scams seriously.
MissTeacher, so you are one of them, who take these fights/comments seriously, Com'on teacher!!! Enjoy your stay here on QL,
anyhow, welcome back! and best of luck :)
That's ok sweetie. You must be nearly breaking up now for the summer? Heading back to UK?
Of course CL!! QL would not be the same without ye!
I left temporarily @ingeniero...was driving me a bit insane!
Missed your comments... Thought you left us!!
Good to see you are back!!
Hope now tinker will come outta her cage soon..
Am i one of your "beloved" QL member, MT? :D
Thanks dash201 for taking the time to comment on my post :) missed you lots too....
If I had lied, then that would have been rude. I was taught to be honest. I didn't mean it in a nasty way so please feel free to wind your neck in :o)
Ouch.... That's Rude dash...
Welcome back. I missed you lots :o) You are definitely my favourite pain in the a** on here.
Thank you :)
welcome back MT :)
school season is already almost finish.
lol..that must require lots of aspirin..
Yip! well done flor...great calculations ;)
and come back to work on Sunday! Right?
Of course Fathima...you are my most loved QL'er
weekend break..??or a hangover maybe..
Your words give me much happiness.And know,the feeling's truly mutual. Wish you and your family a wonderful weekend!
FathimaH it may not be appropriate for me to say that I love you but I wouldn't hesitate saying that I feel a profound respect for the way in which you participate in this forum.
Well I am here, though not sure where I stand in the "most beloved QL members" ranks!
Hope alls well then, and the crazies are all kept at bay. WB!!