Wearing Miniskirts could lead to Rape

By britexpat

Can dressing provocatively hinder your chances of finding a life partner or lead to rape ?

A top cleric is under fire for saying that women who wear miniskirts and get drunk should not be surprised if they get raped.

"If she (a woman) is wearing a miniskirt, it is provocative," he said. "If she is drunk at the same time then she is even more provocative, and if she herself is actively seeking contact with people and is then surprised when that contact ends in rape she is wrong."

The problem, he claimed, was that some women confused the street with a strip club and dressed like prostitutes.

"A woman who is barely dressed or made up like a clown will certainly not find a man as a partner in life with an ounce of sense or self-respect," he said.

A Human rights activists said: "It's all nonsense. Let people dress how they like. Next they'll be telling women not to wear lipstick."

The cleric said he was glad he had started a public debate, denied he was justifying rape, and said a nationwide dress code was needed.

Source : Telegraph

By Rizks• 20 Jan 2011 09:47

Wearing Miniskirts could be one of the reason for Heart Attacks...:(

By anonymous• 20 Jan 2011 09:45

It's unbelievable the number of people on here that are actually agreeing with this narrow-minded unaware cleric...

A woman that dresses skimpily may in all likelihood be looking for attention & for a guy to appreciate her or even make a pass at her,what she does NOT intend is for some pyscho to rape her...

Some of the comments here remind me of self-appointed "protectors of Indian culture" back home justifying guys harrasing/misbehaving with women based on the way they're dressed???...that's just ridiculous,who gives anyone the right to decide how a woman should dress to prevent some psycho from raping her???...

We live in a free world(for the most part!) & freedom is one of the fundametal rights of the human race,deciding what a woman should or should not wear to "prevent being raped" is denying women the freedom of choice & that is unacceptable...to me at least...

By anonymous• 20 Jan 2011 00:14

What i've learned from QL Experts, it says that the cleric needs to be sent to university.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 23:56
Rating: 3/5

Can't remember who said, ‘Nuns are Lesbians'

Yeah course they are! Enjoy that thought sicko.

No woman or a man deserves being raped.

How one person chooses to dress has no bearing at all how you are as a person.

Men think differently than women, look back at some posts on here from men; /

It does not matter at all how a girl/woman dresses; if a man is intent on rape he will do so.

Have you ever heard of a woman judging a man in shorts and tight T-shirt and jumping on him?

No woman/girl should be judged on what they wear.

Lots of girls who cover are seen as sexy. They walk in a certain way etc.

Rape does happen in all countries.

It is not down to what the raped person has on.

If a person wants to rape they will.

By Victoria5518• 19 Jan 2011 19:05

who got raped?

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 15:02

Poor in Trignometry,may be!

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 15:02

They both looked pretty much the same wearing that sort of abaya. So, it was not really a 'decision', more pure accidentally.

By britexpat• 19 Jan 2011 15:00

why did he decide to follow Sister Logica, rather than Sister Mathematica ?

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:59

The equipment just needs to be disembarked ....Right,

.... but oh so far away frm the topic!let me put in my Two-bit for the MOD's sake.

Avoid provocation if that is not what one actually wants,

Impossing of self either verbally or physically should be avoided by all...


By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:52

That's not logically. It might hurt something.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:49

HA,HA,HA,.....,One last doubt LP,What if dedecided unzipping was enough and never pulled down the pants?

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:45

No, there were actually two nuns, Sister Mathematica and Sister Logic. They noticed that a man followed them. So Sister Logic said: "Let's part, then he will run after one only. He can't run after two." After Sister Mathematica got home, she waited. The man had decided to follow Sister Logic. When she finally came, Sister Mathematica asked her how it went. "Logically," Sister Logic said. "When he ran after me, I ran faster, and logically he ran faster. When I stopped, he logically caught up with me." "Then I lifted my dress, and he slipped down his pants." "And then?" Sister Mathematica asked frightened. "Well, logically I could run faster with my dress up than he with his pants down." Logically.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:39

HA.....LP, the combo was 4 Nunsstrolling down the forest lane,and 16 You-know-who's!

By Xena• 19 Jan 2011 14:32
Rating: 5/5

show that rapists will go for women who are wearing dresses/skirts as opposed to pants, as its easier to manipulate the situation.

So technically, it hasn't got to do with being dressed provocatively, but more to do with how quickly the rapists can do his deed. Dress/Skirt up, easier to hold a victim down with one hand and try to remove knickers with the other, than using both hands to remove pants/jeans (especially tight ones) cause that involved using both hands so nothing left to control the victim.

BTW, to the person who asked for stat about rapes of women in Abhayas. Its been discussed numerous times on this forum, that due to most rapes going unreported in Abhaya wearing countries, a true figure isn't going to come to light, but I can tell you, its probably way more than you might think.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:20

Ice Maiden, serious?? On such a topic? I can't.

By Ice Maiden• 19 Jan 2011 14:18
Ice Maiden

Back to topic.....women in Minis

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:18
Rating: 5/5

A nun never walks alone. If there are four nuns, they will run seperate ways. And then each nun will face one rapist in spe. And then the above will apply.

By nomerci• 19 Jan 2011 14:18

The problem is not the dress or behaviour itself. The problem is the man (potential rapist) thinking that this appearance justifies his behaviour.

By Ice Maiden• 19 Jan 2011 14:17
Rating: 4/5
Ice Maiden

Oh LP, get serious :)

As per the cleric's reasoning wearing a mini could lead to a woman getting raped. Well, a nun is fully clothed, and there have been instances where nuns have got raped.

Bottomline: A woman's attire has no relation to her getting raped/not. It's what's in the man's / perpetrator's sick mind, his "intentions" that lead to a rape.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:15

.......LP,and a nun with three men holding her down and the fourth with the pant's down????

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:13

to be raped they r lesbos :(

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 14:12

Nuns don't get raped, IM. A nun with her dress up runs faster than a man with his pants down.

By Ice Maiden• 19 Jan 2011 14:08
Ice Maiden

Girls/women who were fully clothed have been raped. I don't know about women in abayas, but nuns have got raped. It goes against the above cleric's reasoning.

It does not matter what the women wears, the keyword is the "intent"......the intent of the perpetrator.

By arecel• 19 Jan 2011 12:24

a lot of rapes were perpetuated by people known to the victim. so as you can see, the kind of dress that the victim is wearing is immaterial. rapists are rapists. they are animals, period. i dont know why so-called enlightened men always blame the women for the men's irresponsible behavior!

By somwerNdmiddle• 19 Jan 2011 11:33

how can you avoid that situation when it's actually happening? what then?

By snessy• 19 Jan 2011 10:34

Asif: I hope you're not in close proximity of me when I've had one too many!

By LostInSpace• 19 Jan 2011 10:29

not from Newcastle mate but have been there a few times with work, what a place! :0)

By Khanan• 19 Jan 2011 10:19

a rapist and sick mind will fulfill his dirty intentions regardless of any dress code..

By Kawe• 19 Jan 2011 10:18
Rating: 2/5

Girl belongs to their family and once they get married to their husband. Why they need to show off if they really sexy and pretty? Only show girl (pay per view girl) show off their sexy body parts (or private parts). Why ordinary girl need to exposed then? To attract or to tease?

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 10:18

LostInspace you ain't from Newcastlse are you mate?

I had girl friend from there one, her middle name was goes down easy!

By LostInSpace• 19 Jan 2011 10:17

who get drunk and wear mini-skirts! and it also helps if they are fire breathing slags to go with it :0)

By asif_khan• 19 Jan 2011 10:14

guys its of no use to discuss this useless topic.

if a lady wears a miniskirt, gets drunk and passes on the streets then its her fate and carelessness.A sensible women/man should be carefull about his/her actions.There is a limit for each and every things in this world.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 10:07

Was this girl wearing a mini skirt or was she drunk or did she made any suggestive gestures to anyone??


By naazk4u• 19 Jan 2011 09:56

Why these people are discussing such a silly matter? Discuss on a creative topic. Don't waste your time

By somwerNdmiddle• 19 Jan 2011 09:55


tinkerbell said it will happen even if the lady is wearing abaya, she did not state statistics that says women in abaya were raped.

By somwerNdmiddle• 19 Jan 2011 09:54

the problem here really is the cleric.

By Johnson566• 19 Jan 2011 09:51

tinkerbell howmany girls who wear abaya had been raped...??? i am not saying everybody have to wear abaya but what i am saying provocative dress wearing can be one fact to lead RAPE .

By rdsouza• 19 Jan 2011 09:34
Rating: 2/5

I think instead of the woman the man should be covered and restrained. It is he who cannot control himself and behave. Most of the clerics are social misfits. So what do you expect from them ? If a woman wants to get laid there are thousands of ways she can do it. It does not require a miniskirt .

By happygolucky• 19 Jan 2011 09:19

But why would a women wear a provocative clothing and expect no one gets provoked... isn't provocative means 'to provoke'... so the next question would be provoke for what?

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 09:18

Someone should keep a check on this cleric fellow,he seems to think everyone thinks like him! :)...

By rehanbutt• 19 Jan 2011 09:13

every one should have the right to wear what ever they want and also what they want to do . If girls want to wear minis and get drunk Hurray !!!!!

but on the other hand No one can tell any one to go to an extra mile if the person is going out of bound . Slutty is slutty and being slutty doesnt need drink or mini skirt.

By Default Nick• 19 Jan 2011 09:08
Default Nick


By Default Nick• 19 Jan 2011 09:07
Default Nick

Behind the story the punch line of the top cleric is: "If a women is wearing miniskirt she deserves to be raped."

What about the rapist? Normal mind wouldnt rape a women even she was walking naked on the street. IMO sixual intercourse with a drunk woman is not ethic even its not a rape. (As some of us are saying she wants to get laid etc)

So discussion will be like wearing miniskirt is provacative, shourlders and arms must be covered. Legs should be totally covered. Showing hair will make a man desire you. Finally it will end everyone should wear burkha.

Of course wearing decent clothes for both men and women is preferred but it shouldn't make us to say. "She was wearing provacative so she deserved it"

By somwerNdmiddle• 19 Jan 2011 08:59

asif, you seem to be horny in this kind of weather, don't you think?

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:56

Are Mini Skirts allowed under an abaya? Would that be provoking?

By Oryx• 19 Jan 2011 08:50

Where have you seen that happening? Does that happen frequently where you come from?

And anyway if someone was passed out wouldn't the correct thing be to help them not rape them?

By somwerNdmiddle• 19 Jan 2011 08:47

so the cleric was drunk with vodka when he made those statements, okay.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:44

Then it could be linked to a vodka problem, WK.

By Chairboy• 19 Jan 2011 08:43

So a Russian Orthodox dickhead then....ok.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:42

Ok just checked the story on the internet, the guy is a Russian cleric.

I think in Russia women wearing minis should be awarded a bravery award for wearing mini skirt in that weather :-P

By somwerNdmiddle• 19 Jan 2011 08:39

who the hell cares about what that cleric preaches?! he does not have the right to tell what everybody has to wear.

By Chairboy• 19 Jan 2011 08:39

Frankly a stupid comment from a stupid man - dont know who he is, but I dont need to - his words speak volumes about his character ... hence...stupid man.

By asif_khan• 19 Jan 2011 08:33
Rating: 3/5

its more provocating when a women wears a miniskirt during rainy season and wet with an umbrella in her hands

By Darly• 19 Jan 2011 08:31

Everyone should be free to dress how they want.

'A woman who is barely dressed or made up like a clown will certainly not find a man as a partner in life with an ounce of sense or self-respect'


By Ibanez• 19 Jan 2011 08:23

It depends upon who is looking. If he is a maniac and looking only for lust then that is the time that his evil desire coming up that leads into rape even a lady is wearing abaya.

By asif_khan• 19 Jan 2011 08:22
Rating: 5/5

its more provocating when a women is :-

1. wearing miniskirt

2. drunk

3. passed out on the streets

4. last but not the least legs wide open and exposed.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:22
Rating: 4/5

Driving a car (especially Land Cruiser) could lead to death. Land Cruisers should not be allowed.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:20

Wow. Does this also mean that people smoking in malls are also being provocative and shouldn't be surprised if we throw a bucket of water over them? It's a blameless crime?

Think that dress however is something just a little more serious...

By Oryx• 19 Jan 2011 08:17
Rating: 3/5

Most violence against women anywhere in the world is committed by man/men known to the woman. Look at Pakistan and so-called 'honour killings'.

FYI Lots of us go to clubs in 'sexy outfits' and have never had an issue. We see it as our right to wear what we like. Just as much as people should be free to practice their religion. Rape is the responsibility of the rapist.

Just as much if someone is rich it doesn't give me the right to rob them.

By Arien• 19 Jan 2011 08:17

A personal opinion after getting turned on seein babes in skirts may be..watch the guy..a potential rapist.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:15

It "could" lead to rape. Yes. But it also "couldn't." The guy is basically saying nothing, only stirring up s*it.

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:08

No one rapes anyone on the Nude beaches in Europe so why would dressing up in a mini skirt lead to rape? hmmm

By Oryx• 19 Jan 2011 08:08

the person responsible for rape is the rapist.

By timebandit• 19 Jan 2011 08:07
Rating: 2/5

A Human rights activists said: "It's all nonsense. Let people dress how they like. Next they'll be telling women not to wear lipstick."

Put very well I thought

By anonymous• 19 Jan 2011 08:02
Rating: 3/5

If she is wearing a mini, getting drunk and if she herself is actively seeking contact then most probably she is looking to get laid and won't get raped :-P

By the way top cleric in which country brit?

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