We need peace in QL

Allrite so while I was gone alot of things took place in Ql, saw alot of shyt going on and stuff. Now its quite disturbing to see that a few people left QL and Darude was being attacked for not accepting people in the QLSG. But what most of u guys who start up issues here don't understand is that its not easy to run a forum a like QL, specially when it comes to the social group. You guys need to be patient and try to be in the limits of what you speak. Someone once told me that QL is not a life style, its a luxury that you have in Qatar and I agree with that. Now you people need to be patient and keep your cool, if you really deserve to be in the social group Darude will accept you. On the other hand there were threads about people insulting cultures and being racist... as far as cracking a joke is concerned its fine, but only within the limits. Now lets get Ql back to its friendly peaceful self and stop all this fuss and discrimination.
QLSG is a social group which as people of different race, culture, religion and age... there's no discrimination in it what so ever. All u need to do is have a little respect and you will be welcomed by not only Darude but everyone in the group.
Keep QL Clean...
i'm switzerland :)
Oh god, not this old chestnut again!!
I totally agree with you. It is indeed high time that people followed my example - that of piousness, charity, niceness, caring and sharing. This is something i practice every day between the hours of 3. a.m to 5 a.m After that i revert to normal and enter the wonderful world of QL!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! A double perchance!
Lucky yanks played better this time..Well done to them they played better the Europeans
I don't see why some people are desperate in getting into the QLSG. I am not part of it, and i don't mind. If invited, then that's a different story coz i'd definitely say YES, otherwise i'll enjoy myself by reading and getting acquainted to the rest of the QLers.
Patience is virtue. Virtue is Grace. Put them together, you have a happy face. PEACE!!!!
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!
Peace who ? Never seen him around QL. Must be popular.
Ive never seen it kick off before like it did at the weekend. Reminded me of the old phrase, "If you've got nothing good to say, say nothing."
I think QL is just fine... I think what we really need is people to stick to their posts.. i mean when u say something in a post dont go on and on about it in other posts and threads...finish what u have with one post and be done with rather than drag all the emotionas all over the place and create another series of threads over one post... then again its an open forum and people can do what they want... so go ahead people fight all u want... as long as there is no real blood spilt its fine:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
QL ain't no "punching bag". Sometimes what you writes reflect your mentality.
Righto girl...righto...for sure I shall be on top of the GAME! :P
Hows you doing girl, whats been happening, over the past few days...hows Ramadan treating you?
I don't know about the "where it belongs" bit, but the "yanks" sure gave us a thrashing this time..
Useless Faldo, shouldn't have been the captain..
Nope didnt forget that Attitude...and wont even forget it...TRUST ME! hows you doing sweeets...and needless to say, aaaaah it is superb having the "ATTITUDE"...dont you agree...
Too peaceful is quite boring I say...keep the pace going...the momentum, the heat and the Home Runs going up and above!!! Dont let it calm down...LOL!
And above all, Morning to every bugger in here!!! :P
and about time too.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
peace and more sense...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
Hey guys keep the cool in QL:)
you come and go like the wind ... havent seen you for ages. Hows work and the family ?
Bugger the peace.. We lost the Ryder Cup this morning and we want Justice.."Vengence is mine, sayeth the lord"
QL can be very friendly but when it gets peaceful it is boring.
Critical thinking is welcomed its when people lack imagination and start slagging others off with personal insults that it gets tedious.
Criticise the idea not the person!
Moti Billi (FATCAT).....
I guess there is already a tread abt it, if i am RIGHT ??
Tell us why you enjoy QL:
thexonic yeah you are right .......
arguments arises. You can not avoid it. What can be avoided is giving attention to someone or somebody who wants to start an argument. No people are alike, so expect someone out there will have the tendency to start "war" intentionally or unintentionally. If we could practice restraint in thinking first before answering, then maybe the logic of giving answer to someone will be fully realize and a healthy exchange of ideas can be achieve. But again, emotion comes out naturally hot either because of the weather or the current situation the individual is into, so let us raise the limit of our understanding and if it will not "kill" us, better ignore the person provoking an unhealthy argument.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Let make QL is Pease Full for every one here...I support 100%
JazakAllah Khair
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
My daily agony is the ability to read and sort out those tormented souls inside my confession Booth.
The best part of the Confession, Who is the tormented one?, Is it me?, or the other people?.
Peace starts with your soul and mind, not religion.
Even in heaven there is termites of all kind. Just call Korkin, the exterminator.
I rather live among the fire ants, they are natural enemies of the termites, they will control them.
In archaeological perspective about Divorce woman, lots of pharaohs have succumbed to their tombs due to their actions.
this is a phase that comes and goes. it was happening when the member list of QL was just 100 and less, now its in thousands.
sometimes it can get crazier and uglier than this and then all is peaceful again. just keep cool, it will be fine again.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
let it be peace than. ....
QL is a big happy family.. Lets keep it that way
I second this post. Me too am getting fed up with some of the answers and posts here on QL. My main objective here on QL is to answer questions and try to be helpful to the many new comers to Qatar. It has been sooo long since any really interesting forum was put up. I miss them. So until I get to see a more interesting forum I stay with the questions for help & Ignore the nasties.
I agree.
Let there be peace on QL,
And let it begin with me,
Let there be peace on QL,
The peace that was meant to be.
With Qatari as chief moderator,
Brothers and sisters r we,
Let us walk with each other,
In perfect harmony.
( I slightly modified a hymn )
Peace to everyone on QL.